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Thursday Protest

Gogs | 27.03.2003 20:02

Report on The Protest on Thursday (27.3.03)

This thursday tens of anti-war protesters gathered to walk up and down a street for a few hours, surrounded by aggressive police officers. The protest was accompanied by a stalker in a fleece who was walking along princes street pavement yelling and waving about how our soldiers are risking their lives for our brilliant country and our freedom.. He is yet to be shipped off to the mental asylum... I would first like to thank the overweight, yet co-operative anti-war-demo-friendly police officers that blocked anyone from going anywhere but in a straight line and kept saying 'GET ON THE PAVEMENT' and trying to push both me and the other protesters. Secondly I would like to thank the crazy stalker guy who was following everyone screaming 'GET A JOB' and handing out application forms for ... 'California Coffee' ... Both me and my friends are flattered by your concern. Now I will take some time to question the old ladies who pass shaking their heads and tsking or muttering to each other, some shouting witty (for someone who has about 9 brain cells left) comments at us like 'YOU WOULDNT BE SO BRAVE PROTESTING IN IRAQ!' but then again i have to question them... 'WHY WOULD WE GO TO IRAQ TO PROTEST YOU CRAZY OLD WOMAN?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! ARE YOU OFF YOUR TROLLY PERHAPS?! ARE YOU AWARE YOU ARE BABBLING?!' aaaaaaaand so on, but it is a lot easier to chant 'WHOS A TORRIIIIE? WHOS A TORRIIIIE?' at all 3 of these categories.
Thank you and goodnight!

P.S better luck at the demo on Saturday all! ;)

- Gogs (15 y.o protester)

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this was in Edinburgh

28.03.2003 09:34

this anti-war protest was happening in Edinburgh-for all who are wondering.
Great article- well done gogs!
