War on Iraq - Israel's plan to restructure the Middle East
israel is fucked-up | 27.03.2003 15:22
"48 hours to leave." So he says. So they told him to say. An
unprecedented order to the leader of a sovereign state -- and his family -- to leave his country on pain of death -- probably the death of hundreds of thousands.
unprecedented order to the leader of a sovereign state -- and his family -- to leave his country on pain of death -- probably the death of hundreds of thousands.
48 Hours
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
"48 hours to leave." So he says. So they told him to say. An
unprecedented order to the leader of a sovereign state -- and his
family -- to leave his country on pain of death -- probably the
death of hundreds of thousands.
Boy George is obeying orders. With Perle's and Wolfowitz's hands
on his shoulders and the Jewish media gun in his ribs, Bush is
about to unleash a firestorm of death on a people who have never
lifted a finger against the United States. He's going to kill
some of the best White Americans, too, the pilots and soldiers
who depend on his judgment and leadership to make war only on
those who pose a real threat to America. And the Moslem people
who stay in their own lands are no threat to America. The Middle
Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle Easterners
who pose as Americans and who own or control large segments of
our media, who have infested the highest echelons of the Bush
administration, and who are using us as cannon fodder in a war
they've planned for years to remake the entire map of the Middle
East into an Israel-friendly checkerboard of puppet regimes and
occupation governments. [See
http://www.presentdanger.org/papers/libiraq_body.html and
http://www.israeleconomy.org/strat1.htm ]
Prominent administration Jews Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle,
Douglas Feith, David Wurmser and Elliot Abrams are relentlessly
pursuing what they see as Israel's best interest, and cynically
manipulating the patriotic sentiments of the American goyim they
secretly despise to get us enthusiastic for a war which will kill
our sons and permanently -- perhaps fatally -- wound America.
Wolfowitz, Perle, and Wurmser even prepared a written plan for
"regime change" in Iraq as a first step in securing Middle
Eastern hegemony for Israel in 1996. The plan was called "A Clean
Break" and was prepared at the time not for the American
President, but for the Prime Minister of Israel. So the claim
that the call for war on Iraq is motivated by concern for
American security is a lie. The claim that this war was prompted
by concern for "fighting terrorism" after 9/11 is also a lie. The
Jews that pushed their way into the administration after the weak
Bush victory of 2000, a weak victory that made Bush totally
dependent on the media Jews for public favor, have been planning
their war for many years. Afghanistan was a target of convenience
and Iraq is just the second domino they want to fall. Using a
river of Moslem and American blood, they plan to conquer Syria,
Iran, and Saudi Arabia, too. It's all part of their plan.
"48 hours before the killing starts." Get out your plastic flags.
And your plastic body bags.
While whole counties -- whole American states -- are being turned
over to illegal Mexican invaders who take our jobs, cancel out
our votes, take our daughters, and remake our entire national
landscape in their image, Bush and his Middle Eastern-descended
handlers want us to "celebrate" that invasion.
But Iraq -- that's different. If little and surrounded and
mostly-disarmed Iraq has a single weapon that can reach Holy
Israel, then it's time to start waving the flag and shedding the
blood, brothers! And when we're done with Iraq, why there may be
one or two or three other Moslem states who harbor unkind
feelings toward Holy Israel, too. And you can bet they'll be
"dealt with" just as harshly.
The Middle Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle
Easterners who pose as Americans and who, through the media they
control, manipulate the politicians into letting the real
invasion of America continue, and who vilify anyone who tries to
stop the invasion.
The Middle Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle
Easterners who pose as Americans and who, through their media,
convince us that White genocide through racial mixing is a Good
Iraq doesn't control AOL/Time Warner. Iraq doesn't control
ABC/Disney. Iraq doesn't control Fox News. But a certain other
Middle Eastern minority does. That's the crucial issue. That's
why Americans and other innocents are going to die in this
unnecessary war. That's why America is becoming as widely hated
as Israel. That's why our former allies are shunning us like a
plague carrier. That's why Americans are being replaced by
foreigners in the land our ancestors built. Jewish control --
Jewish power -- is the crucial issue of our time.
"48 hours and you're with us or against us." If "us" means the
War Party and Bush, then very few are "with us" these days. Even
in Zionist-dominated Britain, several Labour MPs are calling for
Tony Blair to resign over his war plans. And Robin Cook, no less
than the leader of the House of Commons has resigned in protest,
as has health minister Lord Hunt. In the U.S., within the last
month two senior diplomats have resigned because they cannot
support this war. John Brady Kiesling, a U.S. diplomat based in
Athens, resigned last month. And just a few days ago John H.
Brown, a member of the U.S. diplomatic corps since 1981 and who
served in London, Prague, Krakow, Kiev, Belgrade and Moscow, said
in a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell: "I cannot in good
conscience support President Bush's war plans against Iraq.
Throughout the globe the United States is becoming associated
with the unjustified use of force. The president's disregard for
views in other nations, borne out by his neglect of public
diplomacy, is giving birth to an anti-American century."
The gullible may be swayed by the $1,000,000 movie set now being
constructed in Qatar by Hollywood art directors, which will serve
as a TV propaganda platform for General Tommy Franks during the
war. The boobs will be impressed. But the informed, like John H.
Brown and the listeners to this program, will not be fooled. [
http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20030319/index.php ]
Coleen Rowley, an FBI whistle-blower, in a recent letter to
F.B.I. Director Mueller, warns that the Bureau is verging out of
control, trampling on rights and making arrests for what she
terms "PR" purposes:
"The vast majority of the one thousand plus persons "detained" in
the wake of 9-11 did not turn out to be terrorists. They were
mostly illegal aliens. We have every right, of course, to deport
those identified as illegal aliens during the course of any
investigation. But after 9-11, Headquarters encouraged more and
more detentions for what seem to be essentially PR purposes.
Field offices were required to report daily the number of
detentions in order to supply grist for statements on our
progress in fighting terrorism. The balance between individuals'
civil liberties and the need for effective investigation is hard
to maintain even during so-called normal times, let alone times
of increased terrorist threat or war. It is, admittedly, a
difficult balancing act. But from what I have observed,
particular vigilance may be required to head off undue pressure
(including subtle encouragement) to detain or "round up"
Ask Chester Doles and his family about "subtle encouragement."
Ask them if it's only foreigners who are victims.
A Republican Party chairman in Missouri, Jack Walters, has
resigned "[a]s the Bush administration moves toward certain war
in the Middle East -- a war which I believe nothing good will
come from, a war which is unjust, unnecessary, and a war which
will undoubtedly widen, perhaps even into world war, thereby
placing our nation in dire peril...." [ See
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1980.htm ]
In Britain, trade union leaders warn there will be national
strikes against this war. In Ireland, many are outraged over the
use of Irish airports for the cargos of death to Iraq, and a U.S.
plane was even disabled by an activist. [See
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/5257225.htm ]
The Catholic Church has come out strongly against this Jewish war
of conquest. Archbishop Renato Raffaele Martino, speaking on
Vatican Radio for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,
said that the war "is a crime against peace which cries for
vengeance before God. ...Do not reply with a stone to the child
who asks for bread. They are preparing to reply with thousands of
bombs to a people that has been asking for bread for the last 12
years," in reference to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who
have died due to sanctions. Martino is the former Vatican
representative at the U.N.
"48 hours before the blood starts running." But the blood is
already running. Blood and sand. An American woman, not much more
than a girl, really, Rachel Corrie, has just been murdered by the
Israelis. The Israelis, with the cooperation of the Jews in the
American media, claim it was all a mistake. 23-year-old Rachel
was standing in front of an Israeli military bulldozer that was
threatening to destroy Palestinian homes and threatening a whole
city's water supply. She was clearly visible in an
implement-orange blazer and she identified herself and announced
her intentions with a megaphone. The Jew dumped sand on Rachel,
ran her over with the bulldozer, and then backed up and ran over
her again. She died from the wounds. If that was a "mistake,"
George Bush is a statesman. The Jewish media have a little
trouble handling the Rachel Corrie story. From their point of
view, the murder of Rachel was a mistake -- a public relations
mistake. They don't mind so much about killing a shiksa, their
word for White women, but the bulldozer driver's timing was
really bad: just when we were supposed to be working up a real
good hate for Moslems and thinking warm thoughts about our noble
democratic ally Israel. So out came the Jewish spinmeisters --
and those who are employed by them, like Rush Limbaugh. Rachel
believed in self-determination for the Palestinians, so she was a
"liberal," and probably "deserved to die." Rachel burned a piece
of paper once, with the stars and stripes on it, because she was
ashamed of the horrible things that were being done in the name
of those stars and stripes. That's not "patriotic." You've got to
support whatever killing is done in the name of Bush. You've got
to support whatever killing is done by Jews with American tax
money. You can't ever oppose those things, or even think about
those things, or you're a traitor -- and what's worse, an
"anti-Semite." So an anti-Semite got squashed to death. Ha ha,
Rush, she deserved it. Let's move on. Sorry to bore you. Let's
roll. Megadittoes.
Can you imagine the behavior of the Limbaughs and the Brokaws if
the Iraqis had murdered Rachel? George Bush himself would be
ordered to hold a mass candlelight vigil and weep on cue. And it
would be televised again and again and again on every major
The blood and the sand have flowed and mingled on the soil of
Palestine where Rachel Corrie died. Let us hope the sand works
its way into the gears of this Jewish war, and that the
bloodstains become clearly visible on the hands of Bush and Blair
and their bosses Wolfowitz, Sharon, and Perle. They are
bloodstains that will never wash off.
"48 hours before Oceania has always been at war with
Eastasia...." Orwell had it right. Given firm control of the
media, the healthy instincts of the people can be turned on their
head by an evil elite. And that is exactly what has happened in
The instinct to patriotism, to loyalty to your native land, is a
healthy instinct. The best Americans feel it strongly. They
revere the flag that flew over Fort McHenry when White separatist
Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner. They love this
land and its people. But their love for this land is being
twisted and used by the cynical Jews who run our media. It's
being used to get them to regard their potential friends or
harmless strangers as enemies -- and to kill them. Their love for
America is being manipulated to get these good people to hate
those who would warn them that their media and government have
been taken over. Their love for the flag is being manipulated to
get them to regard their mortal enemy -- the Jewish power
structure -- as their best friend, and even more than a friend:
as something so holy that it can never be questioned and which
must be protected at all costs, even the cost of our lives.
Wake up, patriotic Americans. You're being used. It is your hard
work that creates the technology and funds the Pentagon that are
supposed to be used to protect you and your family. Without the
support of the White inventors and managers, without the support
of the productive White worker in every field, this evil war
could not continue. That wealth, that power is ours. Let's take
it back.
"48 hours to go." Boy George is obeying orders. As is John
Ashcroft. With Michael Chertoff's hands on his shoulders and his
orders whispered in his ears, Ashcroft's "Justice Department" is
illegally arresting and imprisoning those who oppose this war,
those who oppose the immigrant invasion, and those who oppose the
open Jewish takeover of America which is happening under cover of
a pretended "conservative" administration. Visit
http://freechesterdoles.com for one example.
As horrible as today's Zionist-inspired war is -- as wrong and as
unnecessary as it is -- it is a step towards the day when our
tyrants and liars will be exposed for what they are.
"48 hours. Traitors and aliens have 48 hours to leave America."
Some day, we'll hear that call rise up from Americans in a voice
so strong that not only will it not be ignored, it will be
And from the lands of our fathers across the Atlantic we'll hear:
"Traitors and aliens have 48 hours to leave Europe. These lands
are ours again."
And even the great majority of non-Whites will support us in
this. They, like us, are receiving a graduate degree in Zionist
studies as we careen toward war, as we stumble into the bloodbath
of anyone who gets in Ariel Sharon's way. And what they have
learned is that the main threat to the independence and freedom
of all peoples on this planet is the tyranny of those who claim
that they are specially chosen by God to rule over us. The Chosen
are having their day, but their paradigm is being rejected by
thinking people the world over. Tomorrow the thinking people will
lead the masses against their real oppressors. And a new day will
dawn on planet Earth.
Before I leave you today, I'd like to correct a mistake I made
last week when I was discussing alternative media sites. I
accidentally scrambled the urls for the altermedia and indymedia
Web sites. Indymedia's url is
http://www.indymedia.org and
Altermedia's address is
English-speaking readers will want to click on the U.S. or
Canadian links on the left side of the altermedia.info site.
Speaking of alternative news sources, don't forget to visit our
beta test version of
http://nationalvanguard.com, and please
subscribe to our full-color high-quality magazine, National
National Vanguard has a long history of achievement and is, we
believe, the finest magazine speaking for people of European
descent today. Unlike some publications, we do not evade or hedge
on the issues of race or Jewish power. We do not apologize for
telling the truth and we do not compromise when it comes to our
people's future self-determination. National Vanguard magazine is
read by thinking people on every inhabited continent.
Let me tell you some of things we're planning for the next few
* A continuation of the brilliant and witty Postscripts essays
from the unpublished papers of Revilo P. Oliver (for whose estate
I am the archivist), one of the most learned and eminent
partisans of our race who ever lived;
* A White nationalist's odyssey to the Islamic Republic of Iran,
and what he learned there, "Inside the Axis of Evil" by Eric
* A ground-breaking report which exposes how American education
policy deliberately shortchanges White students by Anne Lawford,
a no-nonsense investigator who specializes in education issues;
* An in-depth study of violent crime in the United States and its
close correlation to the African percentage of a region's
population by indefatigable researcher Jerry Abbott;
* A report by biological scientist Michael Rienzi on the new and
revolutionary genetic test which will allow us to determine, at a
reasonable cost and with remarkable accuracy, the racial
background of anyone submitting a DNA sample;
* A moving essay on the life and work of racialist, writer, and
eugenics advocate David Starr Jordan, the first President of
Stanford University, written for us by Professor Robert S.
Griffin, author of Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds;
* And, of course, book and film reviews, the wit and wisdom of
our regular columnists Ben Parker and Bob Whitaker, along with
Victor Wolzek's continuing series of exposés of the lies of the
Jewish media bosses, "Eye on the Media"; the best letters column
in any magazine - and much more as well.
You can get a sample copy for $5 postpaid in the US and Canada or
$8 elsewhere in the world. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box
330, Hillsboro WV 24946. Or you may subscribe and receive six
issues for $18 in the U.S., $26 in Canada, and $36 elsewhere.
National Alliance members receive double the number of issues for
the same price. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box 330,
Hillsboro WV 24946 or subscribe online at
http://www.natvan.com .
We hope you'll subscribe to National Vanguard magazine today, or
become a distributor by buying copies in bulk. Spread the word:
we're back and better than ever before.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
"48 hours to leave." So he says. So they told him to say. An
unprecedented order to the leader of a sovereign state -- and his
family -- to leave his country on pain of death -- probably the
death of hundreds of thousands.
Boy George is obeying orders. With Perle's and Wolfowitz's hands
on his shoulders and the Jewish media gun in his ribs, Bush is
about to unleash a firestorm of death on a people who have never
lifted a finger against the United States. He's going to kill
some of the best White Americans, too, the pilots and soldiers
who depend on his judgment and leadership to make war only on
those who pose a real threat to America. And the Moslem people
who stay in their own lands are no threat to America. The Middle
Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle Easterners
who pose as Americans and who own or control large segments of
our media, who have infested the highest echelons of the Bush
administration, and who are using us as cannon fodder in a war
they've planned for years to remake the entire map of the Middle
East into an Israel-friendly checkerboard of puppet regimes and
occupation governments. [See

Prominent administration Jews Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle,
Douglas Feith, David Wurmser and Elliot Abrams are relentlessly
pursuing what they see as Israel's best interest, and cynically
manipulating the patriotic sentiments of the American goyim they
secretly despise to get us enthusiastic for a war which will kill
our sons and permanently -- perhaps fatally -- wound America.
Wolfowitz, Perle, and Wurmser even prepared a written plan for
"regime change" in Iraq as a first step in securing Middle
Eastern hegemony for Israel in 1996. The plan was called "A Clean
Break" and was prepared at the time not for the American
President, but for the Prime Minister of Israel. So the claim
that the call for war on Iraq is motivated by concern for
American security is a lie. The claim that this war was prompted
by concern for "fighting terrorism" after 9/11 is also a lie. The
Jews that pushed their way into the administration after the weak
Bush victory of 2000, a weak victory that made Bush totally
dependent on the media Jews for public favor, have been planning
their war for many years. Afghanistan was a target of convenience
and Iraq is just the second domino they want to fall. Using a
river of Moslem and American blood, they plan to conquer Syria,
Iran, and Saudi Arabia, too. It's all part of their plan.
"48 hours before the killing starts." Get out your plastic flags.
And your plastic body bags.
While whole counties -- whole American states -- are being turned
over to illegal Mexican invaders who take our jobs, cancel out
our votes, take our daughters, and remake our entire national
landscape in their image, Bush and his Middle Eastern-descended
handlers want us to "celebrate" that invasion.
But Iraq -- that's different. If little and surrounded and
mostly-disarmed Iraq has a single weapon that can reach Holy
Israel, then it's time to start waving the flag and shedding the
blood, brothers! And when we're done with Iraq, why there may be
one or two or three other Moslem states who harbor unkind
feelings toward Holy Israel, too. And you can bet they'll be
"dealt with" just as harshly.
The Middle Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle
Easterners who pose as Americans and who, through the media they
control, manipulate the politicians into letting the real
invasion of America continue, and who vilify anyone who tries to
stop the invasion.
The Middle Easterners who are a threat to America are the Middle
Easterners who pose as Americans and who, through their media,
convince us that White genocide through racial mixing is a Good
Iraq doesn't control AOL/Time Warner. Iraq doesn't control
ABC/Disney. Iraq doesn't control Fox News. But a certain other
Middle Eastern minority does. That's the crucial issue. That's
why Americans and other innocents are going to die in this
unnecessary war. That's why America is becoming as widely hated
as Israel. That's why our former allies are shunning us like a
plague carrier. That's why Americans are being replaced by
foreigners in the land our ancestors built. Jewish control --
Jewish power -- is the crucial issue of our time.
"48 hours and you're with us or against us." If "us" means the
War Party and Bush, then very few are "with us" these days. Even
in Zionist-dominated Britain, several Labour MPs are calling for
Tony Blair to resign over his war plans. And Robin Cook, no less
than the leader of the House of Commons has resigned in protest,
as has health minister Lord Hunt. In the U.S., within the last
month two senior diplomats have resigned because they cannot
support this war. John Brady Kiesling, a U.S. diplomat based in
Athens, resigned last month. And just a few days ago John H.
Brown, a member of the U.S. diplomatic corps since 1981 and who
served in London, Prague, Krakow, Kiev, Belgrade and Moscow, said
in a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell: "I cannot in good
conscience support President Bush's war plans against Iraq.
Throughout the globe the United States is becoming associated
with the unjustified use of force. The president's disregard for
views in other nations, borne out by his neglect of public
diplomacy, is giving birth to an anti-American century."
The gullible may be swayed by the $1,000,000 movie set now being
constructed in Qatar by Hollywood art directors, which will serve
as a TV propaganda platform for General Tommy Franks during the
war. The boobs will be impressed. But the informed, like John H.
Brown and the listeners to this program, will not be fooled. [

Coleen Rowley, an FBI whistle-blower, in a recent letter to
F.B.I. Director Mueller, warns that the Bureau is verging out of
control, trampling on rights and making arrests for what she
terms "PR" purposes:
"The vast majority of the one thousand plus persons "detained" in
the wake of 9-11 did not turn out to be terrorists. They were
mostly illegal aliens. We have every right, of course, to deport
those identified as illegal aliens during the course of any
investigation. But after 9-11, Headquarters encouraged more and
more detentions for what seem to be essentially PR purposes.
Field offices were required to report daily the number of
detentions in order to supply grist for statements on our
progress in fighting terrorism. The balance between individuals'
civil liberties and the need for effective investigation is hard
to maintain even during so-called normal times, let alone times
of increased terrorist threat or war. It is, admittedly, a
difficult balancing act. But from what I have observed,
particular vigilance may be required to head off undue pressure
(including subtle encouragement) to detain or "round up"
Ask Chester Doles and his family about "subtle encouragement."
Ask them if it's only foreigners who are victims.
A Republican Party chairman in Missouri, Jack Walters, has
resigned "[a]s the Bush administration moves toward certain war
in the Middle East -- a war which I believe nothing good will
come from, a war which is unjust, unnecessary, and a war which
will undoubtedly widen, perhaps even into world war, thereby
placing our nation in dire peril...." [ See

In Britain, trade union leaders warn there will be national
strikes against this war. In Ireland, many are outraged over the
use of Irish airports for the cargos of death to Iraq, and a U.S.
plane was even disabled by an activist. [See

The Catholic Church has come out strongly against this Jewish war
of conquest. Archbishop Renato Raffaele Martino, speaking on
Vatican Radio for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,
said that the war "is a crime against peace which cries for
vengeance before God. ...Do not reply with a stone to the child
who asks for bread. They are preparing to reply with thousands of
bombs to a people that has been asking for bread for the last 12
years," in reference to the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who
have died due to sanctions. Martino is the former Vatican
representative at the U.N.

"48 hours before the blood starts running." But the blood is
already running. Blood and sand. An American woman, not much more
than a girl, really, Rachel Corrie, has just been murdered by the
Israelis. The Israelis, with the cooperation of the Jews in the
American media, claim it was all a mistake. 23-year-old Rachel
was standing in front of an Israeli military bulldozer that was
threatening to destroy Palestinian homes and threatening a whole
city's water supply. She was clearly visible in an
implement-orange blazer and she identified herself and announced
her intentions with a megaphone. The Jew dumped sand on Rachel,
ran her over with the bulldozer, and then backed up and ran over
her again. She died from the wounds. If that was a "mistake,"
George Bush is a statesman. The Jewish media have a little
trouble handling the Rachel Corrie story. From their point of
view, the murder of Rachel was a mistake -- a public relations
mistake. They don't mind so much about killing a shiksa, their
word for White women, but the bulldozer driver's timing was
really bad: just when we were supposed to be working up a real
good hate for Moslems and thinking warm thoughts about our noble
democratic ally Israel. So out came the Jewish spinmeisters --
and those who are employed by them, like Rush Limbaugh. Rachel
believed in self-determination for the Palestinians, so she was a
"liberal," and probably "deserved to die." Rachel burned a piece
of paper once, with the stars and stripes on it, because she was
ashamed of the horrible things that were being done in the name
of those stars and stripes. That's not "patriotic." You've got to
support whatever killing is done in the name of Bush. You've got
to support whatever killing is done by Jews with American tax
money. You can't ever oppose those things, or even think about
those things, or you're a traitor -- and what's worse, an
"anti-Semite." So an anti-Semite got squashed to death. Ha ha,
Rush, she deserved it. Let's move on. Sorry to bore you. Let's
roll. Megadittoes.
Can you imagine the behavior of the Limbaughs and the Brokaws if
the Iraqis had murdered Rachel? George Bush himself would be
ordered to hold a mass candlelight vigil and weep on cue. And it
would be televised again and again and again on every major
The blood and the sand have flowed and mingled on the soil of
Palestine where Rachel Corrie died. Let us hope the sand works
its way into the gears of this Jewish war, and that the
bloodstains become clearly visible on the hands of Bush and Blair
and their bosses Wolfowitz, Sharon, and Perle. They are
bloodstains that will never wash off.
"48 hours before Oceania has always been at war with
Eastasia...." Orwell had it right. Given firm control of the
media, the healthy instincts of the people can be turned on their
head by an evil elite. And that is exactly what has happened in
The instinct to patriotism, to loyalty to your native land, is a
healthy instinct. The best Americans feel it strongly. They
revere the flag that flew over Fort McHenry when White separatist
Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner. They love this
land and its people. But their love for this land is being
twisted and used by the cynical Jews who run our media. It's
being used to get them to regard their potential friends or
harmless strangers as enemies -- and to kill them. Their love for
America is being manipulated to get these good people to hate
those who would warn them that their media and government have
been taken over. Their love for the flag is being manipulated to
get them to regard their mortal enemy -- the Jewish power
structure -- as their best friend, and even more than a friend:
as something so holy that it can never be questioned and which
must be protected at all costs, even the cost of our lives.
Wake up, patriotic Americans. You're being used. It is your hard
work that creates the technology and funds the Pentagon that are
supposed to be used to protect you and your family. Without the
support of the White inventors and managers, without the support
of the productive White worker in every field, this evil war
could not continue. That wealth, that power is ours. Let's take
it back.
"48 hours to go." Boy George is obeying orders. As is John
Ashcroft. With Michael Chertoff's hands on his shoulders and his
orders whispered in his ears, Ashcroft's "Justice Department" is
illegally arresting and imprisoning those who oppose this war,
those who oppose the immigrant invasion, and those who oppose the
open Jewish takeover of America which is happening under cover of
a pretended "conservative" administration. Visit

As horrible as today's Zionist-inspired war is -- as wrong and as
unnecessary as it is -- it is a step towards the day when our
tyrants and liars will be exposed for what they are.
"48 hours. Traitors and aliens have 48 hours to leave America."
Some day, we'll hear that call rise up from Americans in a voice
so strong that not only will it not be ignored, it will be
And from the lands of our fathers across the Atlantic we'll hear:
"Traitors and aliens have 48 hours to leave Europe. These lands
are ours again."
And even the great majority of non-Whites will support us in
this. They, like us, are receiving a graduate degree in Zionist
studies as we careen toward war, as we stumble into the bloodbath
of anyone who gets in Ariel Sharon's way. And what they have
learned is that the main threat to the independence and freedom
of all peoples on this planet is the tyranny of those who claim
that they are specially chosen by God to rule over us. The Chosen
are having their day, but their paradigm is being rejected by
thinking people the world over. Tomorrow the thinking people will
lead the masses against their real oppressors. And a new day will
dawn on planet Earth.
Before I leave you today, I'd like to correct a mistake I made
last week when I was discussing alternative media sites. I
accidentally scrambled the urls for the altermedia and indymedia
Web sites. Indymedia's url is

Altermedia's address is

English-speaking readers will want to click on the U.S. or
Canadian links on the left side of the altermedia.info site.
Speaking of alternative news sources, don't forget to visit our
beta test version of

subscribe to our full-color high-quality magazine, National
National Vanguard has a long history of achievement and is, we
believe, the finest magazine speaking for people of European
descent today. Unlike some publications, we do not evade or hedge
on the issues of race or Jewish power. We do not apologize for
telling the truth and we do not compromise when it comes to our
people's future self-determination. National Vanguard magazine is
read by thinking people on every inhabited continent.
Let me tell you some of things we're planning for the next few
* A continuation of the brilliant and witty Postscripts essays
from the unpublished papers of Revilo P. Oliver (for whose estate
I am the archivist), one of the most learned and eminent
partisans of our race who ever lived;
* A White nationalist's odyssey to the Islamic Republic of Iran,
and what he learned there, "Inside the Axis of Evil" by Eric
* A ground-breaking report which exposes how American education
policy deliberately shortchanges White students by Anne Lawford,
a no-nonsense investigator who specializes in education issues;
* An in-depth study of violent crime in the United States and its
close correlation to the African percentage of a region's
population by indefatigable researcher Jerry Abbott;
* A report by biological scientist Michael Rienzi on the new and
revolutionary genetic test which will allow us to determine, at a
reasonable cost and with remarkable accuracy, the racial
background of anyone submitting a DNA sample;
* A moving essay on the life and work of racialist, writer, and
eugenics advocate David Starr Jordan, the first President of
Stanford University, written for us by Professor Robert S.
Griffin, author of Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds;
* And, of course, book and film reviews, the wit and wisdom of
our regular columnists Ben Parker and Bob Whitaker, along with
Victor Wolzek's continuing series of exposés of the lies of the
Jewish media bosses, "Eye on the Media"; the best letters column
in any magazine - and much more as well.
You can get a sample copy for $5 postpaid in the US and Canada or
$8 elsewhere in the world. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box
330, Hillsboro WV 24946. Or you may subscribe and receive six
issues for $18 in the U.S., $26 in Canada, and $36 elsewhere.
National Alliance members receive double the number of issues for
the same price. Write to National Vanguard Books, Box 330,
Hillsboro WV 24946 or subscribe online at

We hope you'll subscribe to National Vanguard magazine today, or
become a distributor by buying copies in bulk. Spread the word:
we're back and better than ever before.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
israel is fucked-up
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