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death threats & sacking of activists

jonny mason | 26.03.2003 15:27

death threats by mod police & sackings by bosses to uk activists

On 22 foil the base demo, a custody seargeant threatened that peace activists would be shot if they got close to the aerials, then cover it up.
However unlikey this is,its a dangerous precedent & needs discussing. Iam have spoken to lawyers & media contacts & was charged with intent to cause criminal damage to mod, although it was nsa property.
Also in Nottingham john shemeld who works at logica esis an international data corporation are making him redundant due to stw activities. we can protest & boycott bosses if this continues
peace & love jonny mason,nottingham

jonny mason
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escalation and WMD

26.03.2003 16:21

This war will not only destroy Iraq, but we who live in the Israel will also be choking on the fumes and dust of this war for many years after. This war will pollute and contaminate the whole of the middle east eventually, this is the legacy we will be leaving our children, a radioactive land. This is the least the war will do, at its worst this war will spread across the middle east, as Arabs turn their guns on their jewish neighbours. So we can envisage all manner of escalation and destabilisation of the region. We will not be safe, for seeming to side with nazi Bush Jnr, an ill wind blows from this man, just as his grandfather Prescott Bush heralded the holocaust through his bank, Union banking corp financing Adolf Hitler and his brownshirts, so Bush Jnr heralds in the New world order and the Fourth Reich. These aryans may have arabs in their sight now, but their eventual goal is the total annihilation and destruction of the Jewish race and non aryan peoples of this world. So we see Reality Tv to top all other reality TV shows, Iraq 2, with Saddam having a walk on part as the moustachiod super villain, Bush Jnr and blair as the glorious aryan heroes, in an elaborate show. We will see these 3 characters acting out their roles as they strike, counter strike, with military strategies and endless manuovering , untill someone pushes a button, they all get to use and test their WMD's on us. Millions of poor Iraqi peasants are slaughtered, at no cost to Saddam, Bush or blair.
