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TV station was legitimate target, says Blair

pt | 26.03.2003 11:53

.....and Clare Short agrees.

This morning Iraqi TV was bombed. Is that a legitimate target?

No need to ask, we have been here before, in April 1999. Change a few words and they can print the story again...

Serb TV station was legitimate target, says Blair,2763,206975,00.html

Tony Blair, in Washington for Nato's 50th anniversary summit, insisted that bombing television stations was 'entirely justified' since they were part of the 'apparatus of dictatorship and power of Milosevic'. He added: 'The responsibility for every single part of this action lies with the man who has engaged in this policy of ethnic cleansing and must be stopped.'

At a heated press briefing at the Ministry of Defence, Clare Short, the international development secretary, said: 'This is a war, this is a serious conflict, untold horrors are being done. The propaganda machine is prolonging the war and it's a legitimate target.'



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home front?

26.03.2003 12:03

Surely this makes TV facilities here and in the US legitimate tagets as 'dual use' parts of the regime pumping out propaganda, sustaining the war effort etc?



26.03.2003 13:57

The situation in Iraq is pretty whacky, imagine if the night the "allies" bombed Dresden all the brit shit corporate journalists were staying in town.
So while the imposter phoney blair and his cowboy friends bomb the living shit out of Iraq, the BBC is partial to sending out continuous propaganda live and direct from the scene of the crime. These media whores are the same arseholes have covered up world events from Palestine to genova, if they told the truth tory blair and dubya would be out in days. perhaps the Iraqies will do us all a favour and gas the scum, every last one of them ...

Was it phoney Blair no he's an imposter !!!

media luvvy

Don't understand

26.03.2003 14:24

I don't understand what you are saying media luwy. What has British journalists being in Dresden got to do with it? Surely showing continuous coverage of, say, bombing of civilians in Baghdad is what the Coalition would not want. Also, from your headline, are you accusing the BBC of spying on Iraq?

Paul Edwards


26.03.2003 14:52

I think that there will be alot of anti-war sentiment brewed from this frontline coverage, its also interesting the ammount of anti-war propaganda that is circulating on Emails, Im sure that this accounts for the big rise in antiwar sentiment, people are gettin a more rounded picture of world events, the mass media machine is finding it hard to control this. It can only be a good thing.

huggy bear


26.03.2003 14:54

I think that there will be alot of anti-war sentiment brewed from this frontline coverage, its also interesting the ammount of anti-war propaganda that is circulating on Emails, Im sure that this accounts for the big rise in antiwar sentiment, people are gettin a more rounded picture of world events, the mass media machine is finding it hard to control this. It can only be a good thing.

huggy bear

re dresden

26.03.2003 19:33

well the point wos that if the bbc had been in dresden they would have been lynched. lets try it another way ..
lets say that the evil sadman is attacking the UK
London is getting a nightly tonking with scuds and such niceties. when the all clear sounds and everyone comes up from the tube /shelter they find a possee of iraqie news teams filming their militaries handy work ..
what the fuck do you think is going to happen to those journalists.. they'd be fuckin' BROWN BREAD MATE pretty damn
rapido style .. so why shouldn't that happen to our chappies in Iraq ? ? or would that be against the genena convention or some other international treaty that the U:S
don't recognise. Sure the BBC are spying, there are two types of journalist the normal stupid ones who know F all in general and the brighter types who are all working for the intelligence agencies, slightly cynical, I think you'll agree
