Online occupation of Army careers office. Today...
no-war | 25.03.2003 10:35
An online occupation of the Army careers office is taking place today from 12:00 to 22:00.
To visit the Army careers office, see:
Then click on "TALK ABOUT IT" - you will then be in a "chat" dialogue with a live soldier online...
Some things you might like to talk about:
How many civilians have been killed in Iraq by British soldiers?
How much money is being wasted on this war?
How many people the soldier whom you're talking to has killed?
What are the aims of the war on Iraq?
Is the war on Iraq legal?
Could a soldier serving in Iraq be tried for war crimes?
etc, etc...
To visit the Army careers office, see:
Then click on "TALK ABOUT IT" - you will then be in a "chat" dialogue with a live soldier online...
Some things you might like to talk about:
How many civilians have been killed in Iraq by British soldiers?
How much money is being wasted on this war?
How many people the soldier whom you're talking to has killed?
What are the aims of the war on Iraq?
Is the war on Iraq legal?
Could a soldier serving in Iraq be tried for war crimes?
etc, etc...
Hide the following 25 comments
On there now..
25.03.2003 12:00
Grr Java
25.03.2003 12:03
No. 6 in queue
25.03.2003 12:08
c'mon people, flood 'em!
and again...
25.03.2003 12:31
Welcome Rann ...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Terry Martin has joined this session!
CSgt Terry Martin says, hi
You say, Hi
CSgt Terry Martin says, how can i help
You say, Well, I was wondering if you could tell me the number of civilians killed by British soldiers in the current conflict in Iraq?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i am not here to answer these question you would need to direct that question to the MOD
You say, I think that knowing that fact would be an essential bit of information, directly affecting people's decision to join the army or not
CSgt Terry Martin says, with the miss information
CSgt Terry Martin says, that is being sent out if it has happen
CSgt Terry Martin says, then we will be inform by the government
You say, if? I refer you to
CSgt Terry Martin says, that as with all site set up only has information given out by a people who
CSgt Terry Martin says, have there own reasons
CSgt Terry Martin says, no to help any one
You say, no, that site gets its information from reports in the news, their reason is showing that war kills innocent people, and to preserve their memory
CSgt Terry Martin says, ok
You say, I think that is not only helpful, but essential. I also think that anyone opposing such sites clearly has very little regard for human life
CSgt Terry Martin says, i do not oppose any site however
CSgt Terry Martin says, we do not have full facts
You say, that's why they have a maximum and minimum count
CSgt Terry Martin says, who sets those figures
You say, news reports, from dozens of different sources, constantly cross-corellated and checked
Connection to server lost!
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Gary Harriss has joined this session!
CSgt Gary Harriss says, Hello can I help you >/
You say, Hi, I'd ˆþ@|ÄHlike to know how many civilians the British Army has killed in Iraq?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you will have to ask the Iraq Government for this.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, and listen to the local news
You say, the Iraq Gov't? Doesn't the Army know how many people it has killed? Isn't this a bit irresponsible
, considering the army is meant to be taking care to ensure minimum civilian casualties?
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes file, http://very sorry we can not talk about the war....its all down to our press
office to give the information out .
You say, well, I think that these questions are very relevant to someone trying to decide whether or not to join the army
You say, are you aware of the site
CSgt Gary Harriss says, the local news is the most up to date information for you
You say, I disagree, the local news gets feeds from the army, which, as you clearly show, has no idea how many people it has killed
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no they are there with the Army right at the front
CSgt Gary Harriss says, we only get the information from the Iraq Government saying that this number has been killed
CSgt Gary Harriss says, also the red cross.
You say, yes they are, but they are not able to do body counts in the field. In fact, General Tommy Franks has been quoted to say 'We Don't Do a Body Count'. Does the British Army support this position?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry as i told you i can not talk about this
CSgt Gary Harriss says, our press office has to deal with this.
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes page,
You say, well, get someone from your press office then please, as this clearly affects decisions as to joining the army
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you have to call them.
You say, I will. Let's move on then: do you think that soldiers in Iraq who have killed civilians should be prosecuted for war crimes? What about their commanders?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, if they do not follow the rules of engagement yes they will get done.
Youˆþ@|ÄH say, who will judge whether or not they follow the rules on engagement?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, the commanders
You say, but they could be guilty themselves? Shouldn't there be a non-military commission charge with investigating all combat deaths on either side?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, army law
CSgt Gary Harriss says, will deal with this
You say, will it? There were many thousands of civilan deaths in the first gulf war, yet soldiers have not been prosecuted for murder
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes file, http://very sorry we can not talk about the war....its all down to our press
office to give the information out .
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes page,
You say, I wasn't asking about the war, I was asking about the army dealing with innocent deaths caused by its actions. Have you killed anyone in action? If so, do you feel guilty about it? If not, have you talked to people who have? Do they feel guilty?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, yes i have return fire and no i do not feel any guilty
CSgt Gary Harriss says, its what you joined the army for to serve the queen.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, its not a free travel service you here to do a job and can be sent to any where in the world
You say, So you are saying that killing people under orders from others isn't murder?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, to help them who need it
You say, help? You think that children dying in bombardments helps?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, it happens in war
CSgt Gary Harriss says, every war has had this.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, not just this one.
You say, yes, every war has. That makes it worse, not better.
You say, do you not feel guilty for causing death? Just because it was ordered by commanders does not mean it is not murder
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no i do not its them or you
You say, Really? So 6 year old girls are the enemy are they? Many children have been killed
CSgt Gary Harriss says, which you had signed at the start of your army life to defend.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, how doˆþ@|ÄH you know this
You say, I read reports from non-combatants and journalists all the time. Trust me on this one, kids are being killed, and you belong to the organisation doing the killing
You say, there are currently British human shields in Iraq, who are quite likely to be killed in bombing raids. These are your countrymen, who feel strongly enough about peace to put their lives on the line. How do you feel about this?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, i can not give my views or it will be put into some papers so that's why you contact the press office
You say, I am not from the press, I am here for my personal interests. I would like the views of a soldier on this, that is why I am asking you
CSgt Gary Harriss says, and i can not give you mine.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, press office has to give ours
CSgt Gary Harriss has left this session!
The session has ended!
25.03.2003 12:39
OK, he kicked me out, heres the transcript (with His name removed):
Welcome Rowan ...
Initial Question/Comment: Can a soldier refuse to take part in a war considered illegal under international law?
CSgt has joined this session!
CSgt says, Hello can I help you >/
CSgt says, he can refuse to soldier but will be placed into jail as at the start of there contract they sign to say they agree with everything
CSgt says, if they do not follow the rules of engagement yes they will get done.
You say, OK, so even if there is a threat of being charged with war crimes?
CSgt says, yes
You say, what would the soldier in question be likely to be charged with if they refused to take part?
CSgt says, just like northern Ireland
You say, ? please clarify, I do not know what you are refering to..
You say, British troops who refused to take action in N. Ireland?
You say, What happened to them?
CSgt says, who shot people went to jail who did not follow the rules of engagement
You say, who shot who?
You say, who went to jail?
CSgt says, Pte legg paras
CSgt says, shot people who went pass a check point
CSgt says, did not stop
CSgt says, ask your teacher they will tell you
You say, OK, but the main point I am interested to know, is if I joined the armed forces and was told to go into combat in a war considered illegal by the UN, so that I may be charged with war crimes if I did take part, what would I be charged with if I refused?
You say, Shooting civilians is a different matter
CSgt says, maybe but your told to go by the head of the Army to do a job.
CSgt says, that's why your there to do things.
You say, without question? even if it is illegal?
CSgt says, i can not give my views or it will be put into some papers so that's why you contact the press officeˆþÒ|ÄH
CSgt has left this session!
The session has ended!
So he obviously had no idea who I was, and got scared.
"ask your teacher they will tell you"
"i can not give my views or it will be put into some papers"
keep it up guys..
They don't seem to like me much...
25.03.2003 12:42
Welcome Rann ...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
SSgt Bev Reeves has joined this session!
SSgt Bev Reeves says, hi
You say, Hi
You say, there are currently British human shields in Iraq, who are quite likely to be killed in bombing raids. These are your countrymen, who feel strongly enough about peace to put their lives on the line. How do you
feel about this? SSgt Bev Reeves says, i cannot comment on this
You say, I would like your pesonal opinion, as this will affect my decision as to whether or not to join the army
SSgt Bev Reeves says, i cannot COMMENT
You say, ok. Have you killed in combat? Do you feel guilty about it? If not, why not?
SSgt Bev Reeves has left this session!
The session has ended!
keep at it
25.03.2003 12:49
Ignorant bastards...
25.03.2003 12:53
Welcome Rann ...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Terry Martin has joined this session!
CSgt Terry Martin says, hi
You say, hi again. I would like your view on the cost of the war. Do you think it would be better to spend this money on increasing understanding between the Islamic world and the Western world, thus preventing the need for war?
CSgt Terry Martin says, with the Un
You say, So do you think that instead of going to war, we should give funds to organisations, including the UN, that support peaceful methods of resolving conflict?
CSgt Terry Martin says, they carry on
CSgt Terry Martin has left this session!
The session has ended!
yet more
25.03.2003 13:23
Connecting to server. Please wait...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Terry Martin has joined this session!
CSgt Terry Martin says, hi
You say, hello mr. martin.
CSgt Terry Martin says, hi
You say, If I joined the military, but wasn't so hot on the idea of killing people at a specific moment in time (say, for instance, I wasn't sure that the fighting would be good for my nation), would I be able to abstain from the fighting?
You say, Is it a difficult thing to do, I mean?
CSgt Terry Martin has left this session!
The session has ended!
Another army careers transcript
25.03.2003 13:24
Transcript of army careers online>>>
Welcome optimusequus ...
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SSgt Bev Reeves has joined this session!
SSgt Bev Reeves says, hi
You say, hello can i ask a question
SSgt Bev Reeves says, yes
You say, how do i get into psychological divisions of the army
SSgt Bev Reeves says, we don't have jobs in that area
You say, Ok well how about the spread of disinformation?
SSgt Bev Reeves has left this session!
The session has ended
Alex T
how much fun
25.03.2003 13:25
Thanx whoever had the idea, they dont like it one bit
Very short conversation
25.03.2003 13:36
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Initial Question/Comment: I was wondering if you could tell me how many civilians have been killed in Iraq by British soldiers?
Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
SSgt Bev Reeves has joined this session!
SSgt Bev Reeves says, hi
You say, hi
SSgt Bev Reeves says, no i can't
You say, oh, why not ?
You say, If I'm going to join the army I would really like to know if I have to kill civilians
SSgt Bev Reeves has left this session!
The session has ended!
too easy
25.03.2003 13:40
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
SSgt Bev Reeves has joined this session!
SSgt Bev Reeves says, hi
You say, hi
You say, What is the legal situation for soldiers in this war?
SSgt Bev Reeves has left this session!
The session has ended!
A nice long one...
25.03.2003 14:10
Welcome Termite ...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Gary Harriss has joined this session!
CSgt Gary Harriss says, Hello can I help you >/
You say, Hi
You say, I would like to know whether I will be liable to be prosecuted for war crimes if I join the army and kill civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes file, http://very sorry we can not talk about the war....its all down to our press
office to give the information out .
You say, Well, in that case, I would like to ask you a personal question: have you killed in combat, and if so, do you feel guilty about it?
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes page,
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry i can not say
You say, why not? That is question which directly affects my decision as to whether or not to join the army
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you are sent to any where in the world and yes you can come into combat and might have to return fire
You say, how do you deal with the aftermath? Do you have trouble dealing with daily life knowing that you may have killed innocent civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you live with what you have done but you had signed up at the start for this and
knows this can happen
CSgt Gary Harriss says, this choice is your
CSgt Gary Harriss says, to sign up
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no one is making you
You say, well, do you personally feel guilty that the organisation you belong to has killed children?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry i can not say on this issue
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you have to talk to our press office
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes page,
You say, Do you not have feelings for these children? Do you not see that you are no more than a part of a
killing machine?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry i can not say on this issue
You say, You cannot comment on your own feelings?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, yes this is right
You say, wˆþ3|ÄHhy?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, has to go through our press office
You say, your feelings go through the press office?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, yes they talk for you and what views you have
You say, are you married?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, yes and i have children
You say, well, do you talk to them about your feelings regarding this war via the press office?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, yes
You say, so the army prevents your from directly communicating with your family?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no my wife is the press officer
You say, ah, fair enough. What would you say to your children if they ask you if you have killed kids their age?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, tell the truth
You say, which is?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, what you had done.
You say, what have you done? Have you been involved in the death of children?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, not children no
You say, how do you know?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, because i have seen what i have done.
You say, in which case, you will be able to answer this: how many people have you killed? How many have you injured? How many of them were civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry can not comment on this
You say, have you killed any civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no
You say, do you know other soldiers who have been involved in the death of civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry can not comment on this
CSgt Gary Harriss pushes page,
You say, well, someone in the army has killed some civilians. The current body count of civilians in Iraq is between 199 and 278, according to Does the fact that your organisation has killed civilians make you feel guilty?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, but are you 100% sure it was the Army which had done this.
CSgt Gary Harriss says, and this number is 100% correct
CSgt Gary Harriss says, and have you counted the bodys.
You say, well, no, the number is only the best that reporters in the field have estimated. However, I think it is beyoˆþ3|ÄHnd doubt that the Army has killed some civilians, do you feel guilty about belonging to an organisation which kills innocent civilians?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, so its now estimated no a 100% correct
CSgt Gary Harriss says, no i do not
You say, why not?
You say, I am worried that if I join the army and thus belong to a killing machine, I will feel guilty and this will psychologically affect me rather badly. How does the army deal with this?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, after all battles you have a health worker to see and if you have any problems they will work it out with you
You say, ok, let's move on: do you think that the money being spent on this war would be better spent on increasing understanding between the Islamic and Western worlds through education?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, have to talk to the press officer
You say, come on, your wife is the press officer, you must have an opinion gained through talking to her
You say, I do not want the army's opinion, I want yours
You say, You see, if I went and killed someone, for whatever reason, I would very strongly question my own actions. Do you not do this?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry can not comment on this
You say, so joining the army prevents you from expressing opinions?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, you have your own but can not give them.
You say, so it does prevent you from expressing opinions. Another question: if I joined the army and decided that a command given to me by a superior officer was illegal and refused it, what would happen to me?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, can be charged with dis obeying a direct order
You say, even if obeying the order contravenes international law?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, i said Can be
You say, please explain. Under what circumstances can I refuse an order?
CSgt Gary Harriss has left this session!
The session has ended!
25.03.2003 14:15
03/25/2003 02:12:56PM Enter Session CUS (Dannyboy)
03/25/2003 02:12:58PM Session Accepted CSR (SSgt Bev Reeves)
03/25/2003 02:12:58PM Enter Session CSR (SSgt Bev Reeves)
03/25/2003 02:12:58PM Message Sent CUS "What is the pay
for a starting soldier?"
03/25/2003 02:13:00PM Message Sent CSR "hi"
03/25/2003 02:13:26PM Message Sent CSR "at 17 its 206 per
03/25/2003 02:14:27PM Message Sent CUS "That doesn't seem
like much considering the psychological damage they are likely to sustain, not
to mention death / injury"
03/25/2003 02:15:14PM Message Sent CSR "people do not join
for the money#"
03/25/2003 02:15:38PM Message Sent CUS "why do they join?"
03/25/2003 02:16:43PM Message Sent CSR "to serve the
country, career, sport"
03/25/2003 02:18:55PM Message Sent CUS "kill innocent
people? have deformed babies due to depleted unranium exposure?"
03/25/2003 02:19:15PM Leave Session CSR (SSgt Bev Reeves)
03/25/2003 02:19:15PM Leave Session CUS
03/25/2003 02:19:15PM Session Ended
Gary Harriss seems to be getting annoyed...
25.03.2003 14:25
Connecting to server. Please wait...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Gary Harriss has joined this session!
CSgt Gary Harriss says, how old are you now.
You say, 22
CSgt Gary Harriss says, HI AGAIN.
You say, hi
You say, why did you leave the session?
You say, I repeat my last question: Under what circumstances can I refuse an order? CSgt Gary Harriss says, the system kicked you off sorry
CSgt Gary Harriss says, that's what its says
CSgt Gary Harriss says, of 3--5 years first
You say, huh? What are you talking about?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry i am talking to 4 at once here and it went to you
You say, ok, no problem. Under what circumstances can I refuse an order? CSgt Gary Harriss says, none you have to obey all orders
CSgt Gary Harriss says, and yes i know about the law
You say, ok, so who is responsible if I kill innocents?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, i can not say about things about the war
You say, that is not about the war, it is a general question: who is responsible if you, as a soldier, kills innocent people in whatever situation?
CSgt Gary Harriss says, that soldier is IF they do not apply to the rules which every soldier has been told first
You say, ok, let's say that a soldier is given orders that he/she knows will end up with civilians being killed. He/she states this to his/her commander. The commander then tells him/her to go ahead. Many civilians die. Who is responsible?
You say, and do you, personally, think whoever is responsible should be prosecuted?
You say, (given that they have, in effect, committed premeditated murder)
CSgt Gary Harriss says, sorry i can not say about this.
You say, why not? it directly follows on from my previous question and does not concern this war
CSgt Gary Harriss has left this session!
The session has ended!
more of the same
25.03.2003 14:28
You say, would you obey any conceivable order or is there a level of personal discretion involved (for you)
CSgt Gary Hariss says, can not say on this matter
CSgt Gary Hariss has left this session!
The session has ended!
Last One
25.03.2003 15:38
Welcome Rann ...
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Welcome to the Army OnLine Careers Office
CSgt Terry Martin has joined this session!
You say, hi
CSgt Terry Martin says, hi how can i help you
You say, let's say that a soldier is given orders that he/she knows will end up with civilians being killed. He/she states this to his/her commander. The commander then tells him/her to go ahead. Many civilians die. Who is responsible? You say, and do you, personally, think whoever is responsible should be prosecuted? (given that they have, in effect, committed premeditated murder) CSgt Terry Martin says, i can not comment on your question
CSgt Terry Martin says, it is something that has not happen
CSgt Terry Martin says, so how can you comment on
CSgt Terry Martin says, a situation
You say, Excuse me? are you telling me that no innocent lives have ever been lost as a result of army actions?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i can not comment on your question
You say, but the situation has clearly occured, and it has occured within the organisation you are part of. Does this not make you feel guilty? Do pictures of dead babies not affect you?
CSgt Terry Martin says, has it i have no knowledge
You say, shall I refer you to pictures of these babies?
CSgt Terry Martin says, were did those pictures come from
You say, journalists in the field
CSgt Terry Martin says, oh those journalists
You say, yes, the ones who are not in the army, and are hence able to report independently on events
CSgt Terry Martin says, oh right the ones that are taken to places in a covered van
CSgt Terry Martin says, and told we are here look at this
You say, I would like your personal reaction to your organisation having killed innocent civilians? If you cannot answer, are you not concerned about your freedom of speech being comporomised by joining the army?
CSgt Terry Martin says, and then drove away
You say, I think one can tell which bodies have shrapnel wounds
ˆþ3|ÄHCSgt Terry Martin says, mine is not nor is yours because you live in this great country
You say, is it not? then why can you not answer my questions?
CSgt Terry Martin says, because i choose not to and i can do with out fear
You say, yes, you can. However, I personally think that I would be badly affected if I knew people who killed innocent civilians under orders without thinking about them. Are you not badly affected by death?
CSgt Terry Martin says, oh you saddam men do you
You say, no, I despise Saddam Hussein. However, that does not mean I can justify innocent deaths
CSgt Terry Martin says, good so do i
You say, I also despise G.W.Bush and Tony Blair. People under their direct orders have killed children and invaded a country which is not their's
CSgt Terry Martin says, ok
CSgt Terry Martin says, freedom of speech
You say, do you not feel guilty that your organisation has killed innocents?
CSgt Terry Martin says, are they ?
CSgt Terry Martin says, were
You say,
You say, also, look at
CSgt Terry Martin says, i think we have been over this
CSgt Terry Martin says, it is site set up by people
CSgt Terry Martin says, hows motives
CSgt Terry Martin says, i am not sure is independent
You say, no, iraqbodycount contains only verified information from the press
You say, that's why they have a min/max count
CSgt Terry Martin says, or yes the ones i talked about take to places shown and then take away
You say, ok, I disagree, but let us move on: do you think the international court of justice should have the power to prosecute soldiers who have killed civilians?
CSgt Terry Martin says, did they arrest saddam
You say, no, they have not been able to. However, if they do, I would like him to be tried and jailed if found guilty. Do you think that soldiers who kill innocent civilians should be prosecuted?
CSgt Terry Martin says, my own view is my own which i would rather keep tˆþ3|ÄHo my self
You say, I thought you were here to help me decided whether to join the army? That question will seriously
affect that decision, so I would like an answer
CSgt Terry Martin says, you would need to ask a army recruiter face to face
You say, why?
CSgt Terry Martin says, in a office
You say, I would have no problem with doing that, but I thought these sessions were meant to be just as helpful as army recruiters in offices?
CSgt Terry Martin says, because he could see how you are
You say, how I am? In what sense?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i do not know
CSgt Terry Martin says, you are a printed type
CSgt Terry Martin says, i do not know
CSgt Terry Martin says, what you aim for me to make statement
CSgt Terry Martin says, your *
You say, I want your opinion on the organisation you belong to. You have been chosen to represent that organisation in this session. Such opinions will, and should, help people decide whether to join the army. Therefore it is your job to be helpful and answer
You say, So again, what do you think about the death of innocent civilians caused by your fellow soldiers?
CSgt Terry Martin says, yes it also my job to ensure that the information i give out does not damage the army by being printed in some paper
You say, how can your opinion damage the army?
CSgt Terry Martin says, because we have seen it all how it can be used
You say, yes, it can be used to give people real information about what the army really does. Do you not think that this information is essential to anyone considering joining the army?
CSgt Terry Martin says, face to face yes not this way
You say, what is the difference? You are providing information either way.
You say, the same information
CSgt Terry Martin says, no it is not
CSgt Terry Martin says, and you know it is not
CSgt Terry Martin says, will send you the main page
You say, Do I? I have not seen an army sgt face to face, only in this forum. Hence I do not know. Anyway
, let's move on: the British army has been known to slaughˆþ3|ÄHter many innocents. For example, Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland. Are you not ashamed of this?
CSgt Terry Martin says, is there not a court case on to decided that
You say, do you believe german soldiers putting jews to death were just following orders or should they have drawn a line and refused to do it.... if so where is your line? CSgt Terry Martin says, my line is my conscience
You say, so you would refuse an order if it was against your conscience?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i have never been given a order like that
You say, well, tomorrow you may be given such an order, would you refuse it? What would the consequences be?
CSgt Terry Martin says, but i know it would never happen
You say, how do you know that?
CSgt Terry Martin says, because i have served for 22 years and been t o 2 wars
You say, past experience is not an indication. Given that the army is in engaged in constantly changing situations, such orders may come at any time. What would you do if someone under your command refused
your order, saying it is morally reprehensible?
CSgt Terry Martin says, as i said it will not happen i can not comment on a situation that is in your mind
You say, Well, as part as combat-readiness, do you not receive training as to what to do if a soldier refuses a command on moral grounds?
CSgt Terry Martin says, why should we do that if it is not going to happen
You say, are you saying no soldier has ever refused an order on moral grounds?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i am saying i have served for 22 years N/Ireland Falklands Kosnov
CSgt Terry Martin says, and is has not happen to me or to any one else
You say, In which case, do you not think something is wrong with somebody's conscience? Since in all those places, innocent civilians were killed
CSgt Terry Martin says, like when saddams told his man to do it
You say, yes, I agree. I think he should be prosecuted too
You say, but the British army is not innocent
CSgt Terry Martin says, why is that ?
You say, because there have been civilian ˆþ3|ÄHdeaths caused by the British army. It has, in fact, acknowledged this.
CSgt Terry Martin says, when did this happen
You say, Kosovo, Gulf War I, Second World War, Northern Ireland, and many others
You say, All I am saying is that you should think about the orders you get, because you are human, not a wheel in a machine
CSgt Terry Martin says, what orders are these
You say, orders which may cause civilians death
CSgt Terry Martin says, i have not received any orders like that nor has any one else
You say, really? So the pilots in B-52's bombing Iraq have not caused any civilian deaths?
CSgt Terry Martin says, not as far as i am aware
CSgt Terry Martin says, i have seen pictures which the Iraq have said so but i do not belive any thing they
You say, well, I am sorry, but you are wrong. Cluster bombing, which was used in the first gulf war, cannot avoid civilian death
CSgt Terry Martin says, if that is your view
You say, how can cluster bombs not kill innocents?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i did not know any had
You say, so who killed the appoximatelly 150,000 people killed in the last gulf war?
CSgt Terry Martin says, saddam ?
You say, no. The British Gov't has said that they caused a significant number of civilian deaths, in fact, they have said that such deaths cannot be avoided. Your assertion that no such deaths occured is ridiculous
CSgt Terry Martin says, did not sad dam invaded kuiwait
You say, yes, but did innocent Iraqis have to die?
CSgt Terry Martin says, the million he has got rid of
You say, yes, I am not justifying him at all. I am merely questioning the Western response
CSgt Terry Martin says, so what would you have done when he invaded kuiwait
You say, Look, if someone came over and killed your child, claiming that they did it becasue the British Gov't
invaded Iraq and that he was only 'following orders', what would you do?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i have no idea
You say, would you be angry? With who? With that person or the organisation he represents?
You say, Also,ˆþ3|ÄH tell me, are the answers you are giving your own or those fed to you by army propaganda? Are you trained to not think for yourself beyond your next action in the field?
CSgt Terry Martin says, i do think for myself
CSgt Terry Martin says, but i am not going to give any person
CSgt Terry Martin says, a answer that
You say, do you not think that discussing your opinions is productive?
CSgt Terry Martin says, they can use against the troops in Iraq
You say, how?
CSgt Terry Martin says, we have said this all before
You say, yes, we have. I have had a very interesting time here, though I'm afraid you confirmed many of my opinions about the military, very few of which are very positive. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.
CSgt Terry Martin says, ok bye
CSgt Terry Martin has left this session!
The session has ended!
25.03.2003 17:10
Yeah! Bet he was scared of some spotty spammer.
[count the seconds before deletion]
25.03.2003 17:14
Yeah! Bet he was scared of some spotty spammer.
[count the seconds before deletion]
This is fantastic!
25.03.2003 17:15
25.03.2003 17:52
Re: stealth
25.03.2003 17:58
other posted transcripts don;t look abusive
25.03.2003 21:01
Interestingly, I didn't really initiate the anti-war thing - they alluded to the 'occupation' instead.
WO2 says, How can I help
You say, that's really strange
You say, i was expecting more of a chat room than a direct link
WO2 says, sorry
WO2 says, you have one to one
WO2 says, but I have 4 others on screen
You say, well, not your fault obviously
WO2 says, :-)
You say, hold on, i could open 4 browser windows and...
WO2 says, lol
WO2 says, no
You say, be each of those people if the server allocated it that way
WO2 says, how can I help you
You say, isn't it kind of a waste of soldiers to be running a kind of call-centre?
WO2 says, not really
WO2 says, this is part of recruiting
WO2 says, we have chatted with nearly 50,000 people this year
WO2 says, all about the army
WO2 says, more than the careers offices do
You say, apologies, i just was curious about the link on the site
WO2 says, that is ok
You say, what does WO2 designation mean?
WO2 says, that is my rank
WO2 says, warrant
WO2 says, officer
WO2 says, class 2
You say, so on the web site it says officer or soldier or TA - so you are a soldier but an officer?
WO2 says, no a senior soldier
WO2 says, not an officer
You say, we've been talking (at work) about how everyone would be safer in iraq if, instead of UK backing up US
You say, it was UK forces and the others that are chipping in like Poland
WO2 says, cannot comment on that
You say, and the US are mostly a liability to everyone
WO2 says, but know what you mean
You say, friend just sent me a weblink to a russian site, in english, which claimes to have sources in Russ intel
You say, which is analysing the current conflict
WO2 says, not had time to look
WO2 says, we are getting lot of anti war chat sessions
You say, of course you would expect the russians to slag off the old adversary's efforts!
WO2 says, being abusive
26.03.2003 12:20