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sick puppy

yanks go home | 24.03.2003 11:20

There's some real sick assholes in the USA

yanks go home
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24.03.2003 11:41

There are some 'real sick assholes' everywhere. But your comment does not really count as news. There are many Americans opposed to the war. With all the horror of this copnflict perhaps you could do something more constructive.
The particularly 'sick assholes' are the corporates who stand to gain from this whether from the Arms Industry, The Petroleum industry, the poltiticians on the boards of these industries, the share dealers and the speculators who invest in these markets, the corporate lawyers who work with all these, the police who protect this minority and harass, beat and jail proetesters,and who are all 'in bed together' along with the mainstream media whores who continue the spin 'boys with toys tank' features etc.
