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peaceboi | 24.03.2003 05:15

Al-Jazeera television broadcast pictures of the bodies of several American soldiers. Watch the footage here...


Al-Jazeera television broadcast pictures of the bodies of several American soldiers and their wrecked vehicles, as well as interviews with five captured survivors of the ambush - one of them a woman.

Watch the footage at dutch national news:

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fuck the bastards

24.03.2003 07:53

Fuck the bastards


Iraqi Pows paraded for TV by British MoD

24.03.2003 09:25

All the TV pictures of Iraqi prisoners have been filmed by Ministry of Defence and given to broadcasters. This also is against the Geneva convention so they can't complain about the Iraqis parading US prisoners.

undercurrents alt news

illegal occupation

24.03.2003 13:02

US troops are getting everything they deserve.

Yankees, go home. You're not wanted here.

smudger the bludger


24.03.2003 13:31

The US contravened the Geneva convention by giving the POW's in Afghanistan the status of illegal combatants. These POW's had their beards shaved off, masked and ill treated. Over the last few days the US have been displaying the Iraqi POW's on TV as trophies and contravening the Geneva Convention yet again. The display of US POW's by Iraq is to expose to the world the lies of the US at the time when they were denying these casulties and captures. This war is illegal and as such Iraq has a right to treat the POW's as illegal combatants, although they are not.

Shahid Achhala
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you poor deluded fools

24.03.2003 13:37

I think it is deplorable that any POWS were paraded, esp our boys and women from the USA.they are doing a great job in pacifying the Iraqi regime, so what if a few civilians get killed, they are just collateral damage, and should not get in the way of our brave boys. Saddam should be shot and so should all the so called peace protesters. long live Democracy long live Bush.

stars and stripes
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Peaceful movement??

24.03.2003 13:47

Its amazing how violent the peace/antiwar movement really is. Your previous comments of FUCK THE BASTARDS, and condeming these HUMAN BEINGS to death is very appropriate to your cause. Doesn't it seem more appropriate to call your movement an anti-american movement, rather then a peaceful cause. You say how much you cherish the individual rights of the Iraqi people and soldiers, but when it comes down to American soldiers, they deserve less? I find this extremely disturbing.

As you may say, they get what they deserve, who are you people to judge these 4 prisoners? What makes you so enlightened? By asking for death of JUST American soldiers, you are only bringing to light you own prejudces. SO much hate will not achieve a peaceful end. You may read from Ghandi, and from Mandella, but actuallity you practice Hitler and Stalin.



Being Human

24.03.2003 15:18

I was and remain against the war in Iraq because as an American, I am ashamed of the decisions of the Bush regime to perpetrate violence on innocent people who have already been through enough at the hands of their dictator.

Long before this war, however, I have worked to alleviate the anguish of any human being who is deliberately abused, humiltated or killed for political gain. I don't care where the victim comes from, who is doing the torturing or why.

The greatest gift of being human is that we can choose to protect and heal instead of search and destroy.

Wake up, "Fuck the bastards".


response to Shawn

24.03.2003 15:35

Let me get this straight Shawn: you are attacking those who are against the war and comparing them to Hitler and Stalin, but you defend the soldiers of an army that is invading another country without justification, killing its citizens and attempting to put in place a puppet government of its own choosing?

Get your priorities right.

a world citizen too

ALL Murder is MURDER

24.03.2003 17:45

if we want peace then we must remember to live peace. the truth is that we are all human. there is no us and them that way. it is this idea of us and them that creates wars and prevents us coming together truly as a race for peace. if we want peace must live that. I do not agree with the invasion and muurder the people of iraq . but all life is of equal value . if we dont belive this then we think that some people are more important than others and then we are part of supporting a heirarchy. peace is the by product of love and respect. All murder is murder. take back the power.dont look to your so called leaders to lead you toward peace. Create it now in your daily life and insist on its growth. dont settle for less and also see you on the streets on thursday for the global strike against this war for peace. take back the power.


They were criminals and should die as such

24.03.2003 22:53

American dead soldiers deserved to die and that also goes for any British, they are committing a crime for Bush's oil interests, they had a choice, they didn't have to go, they could have objected on moral grounds, but they went and so they deserved to die, I rejoice in those deaths.

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footage captured US soldiers

24.03.2003 23:37

I am disgusted by some of the comments on this site. It is clear that most of you so called peace protesters are just losers who try to justify their own failures in life by criticising those who give things a go.

If you want to sit around all day smoking dope and bludging on welfare, then that is your choice. But to suggest that US soldiers deserve to be tortured and murdered shows your ignorance and bigotry.

Although I do not like the US, at least their troops show humanity and decency to captured Iraqis. They DO NOT AND HAVE NOT broken the Geneva convention, despite what you might claim. Although I do not like to see any footage of surrendering troops, because it is upsetting to their families, the unidentified media footage of surrendering troops is a long way short of displaying captives for entertainment.

I hope one day you pathetic cowards wake up to the fact that its only because of people like the american soldiers you hate, that you rich brats are able to enjoy your freedoms. If you hate the western world so much, piss off and live in a third world country for 10 years and see how you like that!

Andrew Costello


25.03.2003 12:08

You rejoice in death, then maybe this war should be between you and me. I pity the fool who accepts this whole farse, this fad. I cant belive the number of people supporting this war, nor can i belive the number of people who are against it, for the wrong reasons. The fact of the matter is, we are at war. We're pawns in the greater game of kings, and there is nothing we can do. We just sit back and watch people get slaughtered, die of Aids and watch beautiful craftsmanship get blow to peices in a heartbeat. Wars not elagant. The thing is you see, We cant have peace untill everyone belives in it. If you truly belive that Saddam Hussain belives in peace then speak up and i will shoot you down. If you truly belive that war is the answer, speak up, and ill shoot you down, but dont think that people arnt trying! Peace is a mental placebo. People look the word peace to soften the blow of reality. This world is fucked...left right and center.

Another fact. Not all of us are born inteligent. People are stupid beyond belief! But trust me, through natural selection, the intelegent, kind hearted and trustworth people will prevail.

Just have faith in yourself and in the knowlage that we all hope for a better world, but just understand, only few of us have the power to change what is.

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25.03.2003 12:10

You rejoice in death, then maybe this war should be between you and me. I pity the fool who accepts this whole farse, this fad. I cant belive the number of people supporting this war, nor can i belive the number of people who are against it, for the wrong reasons. The fact of the matter is, we are at war. We're pawns in the greater game of kings, and there is nothing we can do. We just sit back and watch people get slaughtered, die of Aids and watch beautiful craftsmanship get blow to peices in a heartbeat. Wars not elagant. The thing is you see, We cant have peace untill everyone belives in it. If you truly belive that Saddam Hussain belives in peace then speak up and i will shoot you down. If you truly belive that war is the answer, speak up, and ill shoot you down, but dont think that people arnt trying! Peace is a mental placebo. People look the word peace to soften the blow of reality. This world is fucked...left right and center.

Another fact. Not all of us are born inteligent. People are stupid beyond belief! But trust me, through natural selection, the intelegent, kind hearted and trustworth people will prevail.

Just have faith in yourself and in the knowlage that we all hope for a better world, but just understand, only few of us have the power to change what is.

Pete Evans
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25.03.2003 12:27

Who the fcuk rattled your cage?

You know there is still is no justification for this war, we are attacking a country which has never threatend us, US and UK troops are killing for Bush and the oil companies - this is a crime they are taking part in, as I said they could have said NO, I will not do it, but they didn't. They don't care about who gets killed, or they would have questioned the morality of what this war is for and what they are being asked to do and refused to take part in it.

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You make me sick

26.03.2003 02:07

It makes me sick to think people could approve of such torture. I'm proud to be an American, I SUPPORT BUSH, and as much as I prefer not to be at war it was a necessary task. Look at our history people. Everytime any country gets in trouble it is the USA that helps you out whether we are fighting by your side or providing you with aide. How dare you guys go off on how Americans should go home and we are getting what we deserve. Do you realize how many Americans travel to each of your countries to see the beauty and to be diversified. Do you understand that Americans hard earned dollars is what helps your economy? Do you realize if the American troops were not fighting that we could loose millions of innocent people to the mass destruction that awaits us from that psycho and his two psycho sons. You better take a long, hard look at yourself for if you cherish your life then you should be thanking America instead of insulting us. How did you feel the day that terrorist attacked the twin towers on 9/11? Those too were innocent people. Now take that one step further and ask youself what if your loved one was a victim of terrorism? Huh? Then to think that Iraq contributes to that evil and makes such horriable weapons that he can use on any one of us. Doesn't that make you angry? Well take that anger out on him not us. Our men and women are doing a damn good job to save all of your butts. So get over it!!!!


Kill capitalism

26.03.2003 08:49

N/A: What about the millions of kids American capitalism kills through IMF programmes, third world debt, global war, support for dictators, environmental destruction, etc. What are we supposed to do? Support American soldiers? Frankly, I couldn't care less if the armies of the oppressors are slaughtered. They chose to fight, but millions of children have not chosen to starve because of US imposed poverty.

I tell you a Biblical tale, since Christianity is something you yankees believe in. The Prophet Daniel interpreted a dream by a Babylonian (Iraqi) king, Nebuchadnezzar, in which he saw a great statue with a head of fine gold, a chest and arms of silver, a belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet partly of iron and partly of clay. A stone hit the feet of the statue and "then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth." The empire was, of course, Babylon which, like all empires, fell.

This time the American empire will fall and the stone is the people. The people will rise up against yankee imperialism and crush your country and you'll have nothing left to worship. No flag. No eagle. No stupid cowboy president. Your Whitehouse will be destroyed. Your Pentagon will be obliterated. Your Manhattan will crumble. Your corporations will be bankrupt.

And when your empire has fallen, the poor of the world will be dancing on your graves.


thinking of you...

27.03.2003 04:19

An act of aggression will only lead to another act of aggression.

It is only when we break the cycle that there will be peace.

No human deserves to be tortured. No human needs to face the horror of war. Regardless of race or nationality.
If America is destroyed in the way that some wish then there will only be another to take its place.
If you cannot see this then perhaps you will be the next America.

We've worshipped power and control our entire existence.

I chose to worship prosperity, peace, co-operation, understanding, love and knowledge.


I don't believe what I'm reading!

27.03.2003 15:14

How old are you people?
How many of you feel as though the information you've collected has been the "truth"? Do you honestly feel that what you've been told by your government is "truth"? Or your favorite public speaker/political figure/religious leader? You are all victims of politics and the "entertaining" version of real life. That goes for those of you who are against the war as well. It is the politicians who have this world in a strangle hold, and yet it is the politicians that keep a sense of order to your lovely little lives. They are the ones that are starving our children, killing our innocents with guns, homelessness, and ignorance. This is what the "citizens of the world" should be angry about. The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea, and the rest of the world. NONE ARE INNOCENT except for it's citizens, and even that is not entirely true. What have we done to ensure that our politicians are giving us, (and that we are ready for), honest governments. That makes all of us just as guilty.
At the same time, it is the politicians that make possible funding for welfare programs, public health, education, science and space exploration.
I resent the comment that all Americans are bible thumping christians. The United States is a nation of extremely diverse people of extremely diverse opinions which is only made possible by it's democracy, or the belief in it. But let's face it, the citizens of our country, and every country are being lied to by fat-cat, upperclass, deceptive politicians. It is the nature of control... Put that in your blunt and smoke it.


Hypocrisy/ A few Observations

27.03.2003 21:53

How can Bush speak of liberating the people of Iraq from years of oppression when in the same breath he asks congress for 75 Billion Dollars of which a sizable percentage will go to Isreal as "military aid" to oppress the people of Palestine.
Showing pictures of POWS is digraceful be it Coalition or Iraqi troops.What about the POWS at camp X-ray? What about their rights?
Why do people talk about the 11th September attacks as though Saddam Hussein had something to do with it?
The Iraqi people suffered and their country was set back decades because of the UN imposed sanctions?
I'm no supporter of Saddams regime and have witnessed its brutality but why the sudden rush to get rid of this dictator now?
There are many dictators worldwide which are openly and covertly tolerated and supported by the US and Western Countries, are these next?
What we see daily are lies and hypocrisy but this is the nature of capitalism.Comments have been made to th effect of "If we don't act now Saddam will unleash his W.M.D. on an innocent Western Democracy".
It is only when the US and Western Countries start acting responsibly and conduct a true ethical foreign policy abroad will we reap the rewards of a peaceful future.

P.S. If Bush wants to preach from the moral high ground why does he keep VETOing the International Criminal Court?

Peace to everyone.The peace movement can do well without the 'Fuck America contingant'

Please respond and apologies for bad grammer/spelling.


Sorry this is so long but I feel it needs to

02.04.2003 12:25

The pictures of U.S. human beings paraded on TV as prizes made me feel sick. As do the comments along the lines of ‘fuck them’ (with respect to the Americans) and ‘so what if a few civilians die’ (with respect to the Iraqis). Both views are extremist.

I in no way agree with self-serving dictators who are willing to sacrifice lives for their own gains. I will also never agree with self-serving western politicians who are willing to sacrifice lives for their own gains.

The reason why I despise war is that things such as prisoners of war being taken and mistreated are all part of the insanity. Human beings get tossed around like pieces of junk, this is what happens in war. People who have campaigned for war are campaigning for their own people, soldiers, human beings to be killed, captured, executed, tortured and paraded on TV. They are campaigning for friendly fire accidents, helicopter crashes, missiles being fired at civilians in Kuwait, riots and civil disturbances. If you campaign for war you have to accept you are campaigning for the whole bundle that comes with it, not just your heroes who are ‘saving the Iraqi’ people and raising a flag once the enemy has been annihilated.

Leaders use ‘saving the Iraqi’ as their punch line, when before it was WMD and before that terrorism, we all know that the amount of force that is being used shows us that the Bush administration is afraid of something that is so horrendous that they cannot in any way afford to lose. I personally believe that the main concern is not terrorism and WMD but that the OPEC will start to trade in Euros instead of dollars, a precedent that was set by Iraq in November 2000, and a change in policy that has the potential to destroy the US economy and also cause untold suffering to US people. History shows us that violence does not solve the situation, if it did why are people still dying in conflicts around the world. The only peaceful way is for western and middle eastern countries to build complete trust between each other instead of threatening each other with either military, economical or political consequences. Since we can’t morally force another country to act in a certain way, initially trust can only start with ourselves taking a deep and honest look at the way our countries are governed and relate to the rest of the world. We need to demonstrate, not in some token way, a real commitment to working in an equal and respectful way with other countries. I believe this will be the trigger, when it happens, that will forever change the mistrust that exists. A peaceful world is not one where people do not disagree, it is one where disagreements are solved peacefully.

Leaders seem to have forgotten why they are leaders in the first place. The only reason for them being elected (in democratic countries at least) as ‘leaders’ is for them to serve the people and the peoples interest. As common people it is our duty to keep our politicians on a moral and ethical footing. In this sense the war in Iraq is not only due to our political leaders, who seem to have forgotten the reasons for which democracy exist, but due to the apathy of us all in letting our own greed and egos get in the way. We don’t have to elect puffed up politicians who have no moral standards and no respect for the dignity of human lives just because they promise us a bit of relief on our taxes (please excuse my over simplification but for me this is the essence of the problem). This leads me to believe that we all need to lead by example in our every day lives and truly live by the ethics we all claim to have.
