I, FRENCH HUMAN SHIELD in Baghdad, Luis Miguel Fuste...
the Associated Humans | 23.03.2003 23:00
Within 9 hours should the American attack begin on Iraq, 9 hours which would not only decide on my future but also on your, 9 hours before the whole humanity sinks into the biggest chaos which has never been known, 9 hours before the United States dominate the world...
« Within 9 hours should the American attack begin on Iraq... »
By Luis Miguel Fuste, French human shield in Baghdad.
March 19th, 2003
Hello to all humanity,
Within 9 hours should the American attack begin on Iraq, 9 hours which would not only decide on my future but also on your, 9 hours before the whole humanity sinks into the biggest chaos which has never been known, 9 hours before the United States dominate the world... I am not insisting on making an anti-imperialist anti-American, or pacifist political speech, because many people could badly interpret my statements and my acts. I am only relating what's going on there.
Some people dare to come and criticize me saying that protesting against the war means supporting "the peace" imposed by the dictatorial Iraqi government and that the people has just been waiting for the Americans to come and deliver them, and that by the way, I represent an obstacle to this famous peace. I want to tell those people that if Iraqis really want to get rid of Saddam Hussein's yoke, it is their problem, not the one of the Westerners. So, do not tell me that the United States have the right to come here to free the people. They are for sure going to release their soul from their body bombarding them massively. Is it that you call freedom ? Do you really think that the Iraqi people is going to feel free in a country where liberalism would rule ? Don't you realize that "by freeing" this country, the USA are going to enslave the whole world by controlling the biggest oil reserves, politically and economically settling down the richest region in the world, and that soon, you will be the new social prisoners, even if the major part of you is already : I just need to look at the demonstrations of March 15th : the whole world piss out of it by now, and more is not even able to go out once a month in streets to protest, while here, we show every day our discord with this war.
Do you really think that as a peace advocating person, I can support a regime which has massacred hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kurds, Iranians, and opponents ? Do you really think I support a man who lobotomizes his people throuh propaganda, personality cult and fear (talking of that, just quite as Bush). Nevertheless we have to recognize that before the first Gulf War Iraq had the best literacy rate in the world, that all the inhabitants are very evolved, worthy, intelligent, quiet, friendly and honest which is a part of an education we have lost in the West, that the country knows more cultural and social liberties than in all other Arabic countries in the region ; and the Americans, with their system and their mentality, want to come to make them better than that they are already ? ? ?
I have been living in the United States for one year and I've been there for almost one month and I can assure you that if I had to choose between one of these two countries, I would choose Iraq without hesitating, because I feel much more safe here and I like being with very simple and authentic people, which is not any more the case in the United States, on the contrary. And this is for that I'm staying here, for the population, not for its dictator.
And you dare saying to me that I haven't my eyes wide opened, that I am too closely involved here for a proper view ? What do you know about what is going on in this country ? Setting apart what we tell you in the media. Don't you feel even more manipulated than I can be here ? ? ! ! !
I came here as a man free in his choices because nobody imposed me anything, neither the system nor anybody was able to stop me in my action and nobody will persuade me to leave the country now and not to overcome my ideas : this is the real freedom. And even if that means dying, it will be as a free and happy man...
I hope those comments do not seem too extremist because it is far from being the case, I keep being the same person as previously but with more experience and wiser. And I do not think that wisdom consists in remaining our arms crossed in front of the TV or organizing demonstrations after the war. Anyway, I wouldn't be the one saying that to families in mourning or to war victims.
Here, everything has changed for two days. The ultimatum from Bush completely stopped the activity in Baghdad : traffic is less and less dense, people save their essence, there are hundreds meters of tail in stations services (50 litres for an euro, I understand now the sense of the word "black gold" !), the major part of the stores has closed, the others keeps on selling the end of their stock of water and food (sold like hot cakes, especially thanks to the journalists who buy hundreds of litres of water so they are afraid of staying here during months ! !).
Journalists worry themselves sick because of the e-bomb, because all the electronic material is going to be reduced to nothing (they are storing everything in boxes in metal to counter it) and furthermore they were sent back of Palestine Hotel where they were all concentrated, to return to the Al Rachid and to the Al Mansour Hotels who are just near communication posts : they are also going to become real human shields in spite of them ! ! ! ! They get the wind up and it is well done, they are henceforth going to know what we can feel standing on risky sites. Because considering how the major part of them completely ignored us, especially the French ones, they could not understand what we felt ; now we are all equal, 1000 western human shields in Baghdad, isn't it beautiful ! ! ! !
Sorry to be so sarcastic or ironic, but I really hate three quarters of the journalists here ; they have decided from the beginning to let us die, and in particular the Frenchies, I insist. And I really hope to have my revenge on them soon.
All the prices have up surged here : hotels, food, water, taxis : it would cost us more than 1500 euros if we would like to go out of the country, thus now, whatever comes, we are blocked here for an indeterminate term.
But it's not important, I have chosen to stay in the refinery, I could choose to stay in the hotel telling me that I did what I was able to, and that we failed in the prevention of the war, but it is not the role of a human shield to leave when our work, our mission really begins, I pertinently know that my physical presence will be useless because I am not superman, I cannot stop the bombs with my own hands or by my own will. Even if by leaving the site at the last moment, persuading Bush that I am always there would be much more relevant, because I am quite sure to be safe at the hotel, and a good war witness is better than a good war martyr ? But such is my choice, and I hope you will respect it, whatever you thought.
Maybe it is my last e-mail before a good little time. Unfortunately it could even be the last one of my life, but I want you to know that I love all of you : friends, family, acquaintances, or utter strangers, it is for all of you that I'm fighting today and I hope that one day you will return it to me.
All the persons that I have met in my life shaped my perception of the world, built my identity, helped me to become what I am today and I thank you all for it because I feel really serene and happy while I am speaking to you.
I am not making my will, far be it from me, because I feel that I am going to take out of there, I do not know why, but I think less and less that I shall not finish under bombs or under yoke of one of both clans. But we do not know what our fate reserves us ; anyway I will accept it, whatever comes.
See you very soon,
Luis Miguel FUSTE
« Within 9 hours should the American attack begin on Iraq... »

By Luis Miguel Fuste, French human shield in Baghdad.
March 19th, 2003
Hello to all humanity,
Within 9 hours should the American attack begin on Iraq, 9 hours which would not only decide on my future but also on your, 9 hours before the whole humanity sinks into the biggest chaos which has never been known, 9 hours before the United States dominate the world... I am not insisting on making an anti-imperialist anti-American, or pacifist political speech, because many people could badly interpret my statements and my acts. I am only relating what's going on there.
Some people dare to come and criticize me saying that protesting against the war means supporting "the peace" imposed by the dictatorial Iraqi government and that the people has just been waiting for the Americans to come and deliver them, and that by the way, I represent an obstacle to this famous peace. I want to tell those people that if Iraqis really want to get rid of Saddam Hussein's yoke, it is their problem, not the one of the Westerners. So, do not tell me that the United States have the right to come here to free the people. They are for sure going to release their soul from their body bombarding them massively. Is it that you call freedom ? Do you really think that the Iraqi people is going to feel free in a country where liberalism would rule ? Don't you realize that "by freeing" this country, the USA are going to enslave the whole world by controlling the biggest oil reserves, politically and economically settling down the richest region in the world, and that soon, you will be the new social prisoners, even if the major part of you is already : I just need to look at the demonstrations of March 15th : the whole world piss out of it by now, and more is not even able to go out once a month in streets to protest, while here, we show every day our discord with this war.
Do you really think that as a peace advocating person, I can support a regime which has massacred hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kurds, Iranians, and opponents ? Do you really think I support a man who lobotomizes his people throuh propaganda, personality cult and fear (talking of that, just quite as Bush). Nevertheless we have to recognize that before the first Gulf War Iraq had the best literacy rate in the world, that all the inhabitants are very evolved, worthy, intelligent, quiet, friendly and honest which is a part of an education we have lost in the West, that the country knows more cultural and social liberties than in all other Arabic countries in the region ; and the Americans, with their system and their mentality, want to come to make them better than that they are already ? ? ?
I have been living in the United States for one year and I've been there for almost one month and I can assure you that if I had to choose between one of these two countries, I would choose Iraq without hesitating, because I feel much more safe here and I like being with very simple and authentic people, which is not any more the case in the United States, on the contrary. And this is for that I'm staying here, for the population, not for its dictator.
And you dare saying to me that I haven't my eyes wide opened, that I am too closely involved here for a proper view ? What do you know about what is going on in this country ? Setting apart what we tell you in the media. Don't you feel even more manipulated than I can be here ? ? ! ! !
I came here as a man free in his choices because nobody imposed me anything, neither the system nor anybody was able to stop me in my action and nobody will persuade me to leave the country now and not to overcome my ideas : this is the real freedom. And even if that means dying, it will be as a free and happy man...
I hope those comments do not seem too extremist because it is far from being the case, I keep being the same person as previously but with more experience and wiser. And I do not think that wisdom consists in remaining our arms crossed in front of the TV or organizing demonstrations after the war. Anyway, I wouldn't be the one saying that to families in mourning or to war victims.
Here, everything has changed for two days. The ultimatum from Bush completely stopped the activity in Baghdad : traffic is less and less dense, people save their essence, there are hundreds meters of tail in stations services (50 litres for an euro, I understand now the sense of the word "black gold" !), the major part of the stores has closed, the others keeps on selling the end of their stock of water and food (sold like hot cakes, especially thanks to the journalists who buy hundreds of litres of water so they are afraid of staying here during months ! !).
Journalists worry themselves sick because of the e-bomb, because all the electronic material is going to be reduced to nothing (they are storing everything in boxes in metal to counter it) and furthermore they were sent back of Palestine Hotel where they were all concentrated, to return to the Al Rachid and to the Al Mansour Hotels who are just near communication posts : they are also going to become real human shields in spite of them ! ! ! ! They get the wind up and it is well done, they are henceforth going to know what we can feel standing on risky sites. Because considering how the major part of them completely ignored us, especially the French ones, they could not understand what we felt ; now we are all equal, 1000 western human shields in Baghdad, isn't it beautiful ! ! ! !
Sorry to be so sarcastic or ironic, but I really hate three quarters of the journalists here ; they have decided from the beginning to let us die, and in particular the Frenchies, I insist. And I really hope to have my revenge on them soon.
All the prices have up surged here : hotels, food, water, taxis : it would cost us more than 1500 euros if we would like to go out of the country, thus now, whatever comes, we are blocked here for an indeterminate term.
But it's not important, I have chosen to stay in the refinery, I could choose to stay in the hotel telling me that I did what I was able to, and that we failed in the prevention of the war, but it is not the role of a human shield to leave when our work, our mission really begins, I pertinently know that my physical presence will be useless because I am not superman, I cannot stop the bombs with my own hands or by my own will. Even if by leaving the site at the last moment, persuading Bush that I am always there would be much more relevant, because I am quite sure to be safe at the hotel, and a good war witness is better than a good war martyr ? But such is my choice, and I hope you will respect it, whatever you thought.
Maybe it is my last e-mail before a good little time. Unfortunately it could even be the last one of my life, but I want you to know that I love all of you : friends, family, acquaintances, or utter strangers, it is for all of you that I'm fighting today and I hope that one day you will return it to me.
All the persons that I have met in my life shaped my perception of the world, built my identity, helped me to become what I am today and I thank you all for it because I feel really serene and happy while I am speaking to you.
I am not making my will, far be it from me, because I feel that I am going to take out of there, I do not know why, but I think less and less that I shall not finish under bombs or under yoke of one of both clans. But we do not know what our fate reserves us ; anyway I will accept it, whatever comes.
See you very soon,
Luis Miguel FUSTE
the Associated Humans