Basra carnage: Where is video?
Tim | 23.03.2003 16:37
CNN and BBC are censoring Al Jazeera pics of Basra carnage. German radio reports that Al Jazeera is broadcasting gruelling pictures of corpses after air raid on Basra: Charred limbs and skulls burned off their skins scattering the streets. Who can upload video from Al Jazeera to indy?
German radio has broadcast at around 04.30 hours pm continental time today: Al Jazeera has published scenes of horrendous carnage in Basra. The German report also states that BBC and CNN have so far not published the footage and that they are unlikely to do so. German radio correspondent says in life news bulletin: "I´ve just seen pictures on Al Jazeera tv which are so terrible that I can´t possibly tell you about the content." When the broadcaster insisted he should, the correspondent said: "There must have been an horrendous air attack on Basra. Al Jazeera is showing terrible scenes of carnage after an air bombardment. The Arab tv station is broadcasting footage of many charred corpses lined up in Basra. There are bizare scenes in the streets: burned limbs lying on the road, bizarely looking skulls blown off scattering the ground their skin literally burned off as if by an enormous heat. CNN and BBC have not shown these pictures so far." Indymedia should make every effort and try to publish the video. Who can read Arabic and upload the video from Al Jazeera? The world needs to know what is happening!