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March 22: Global Antiwar Demos (Report)

Left Party - Partido de Izquierda | 23.03.2003 07:21

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Mighty Antiwar Demonstrations and Rallies in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Other Cities

NEW YORK - (AFP,AP, CNN, Frontlines Correspondents) While US bombers and Tomahawk missiles continued to mercilessly pound Baghdad, Basra, Mosul and other cities and towns, US/British ground troops are encountering some resistance in their Blitzkrieg towards Baghdad, noticeably including some armed civilian Iraqis who are pinning down entire US/British tank columns.

And for those in the mainstream media who wished for days the antiwar movement in the US was dead, their news was greatly exaggerated. Today, more than 200,000 people are marching down the streets of New York. The demonstration is so big that while the first contingents arrived already to the rallying point, many are just starting to march thirty blocks away.

Read the entire article at:

The Global Antiwar Movement Again on the Streets

THE WORLD (AFP, AP, Online Resources and Frontlines correspondents) -Denouncing the Australian prime minister, demonstrators in Sidney chanted: "John Howard, you can't hide. We charge you with genocide."

"Bush, murderer," chanted protesters in Paris, while protesters in Helsinki, Finland roared, "George Bush, CIA, how many kids did you kill today?"

"Fight back, Americans are killers," protesters chanted outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta.

"Oh Arab army! Where are you?" the Cairo students chanted, calling on Arab nations to send troops to support Iraq.

"Shock and Awe, is Shock of Shame" chanted some demonstrators in New York. "No Empire, No War" screamed others at the San Francisco rally.

"Bush, Blair stop la guerre" shouted tens of thousands of French demonstrators.

"Blair Out!" and "Bring Our Boys Home!," proclaimed placards at the massive London's demonstration today.

"US Troops out of Germany" was one of the slogans at a massive march in Berlin.

"Bush is a butcher" said demonstrators in Mauritania

Read the complete report at:

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