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This is wat the main streem media had to say

King Tut | 22.03.2003 19:07

The tide of public protest against the war in Iraq appeared to have turned as police estimate fewer than 100,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London.

The tide of public protest against the war in Iraq appeared to have turned as police estimate fewer than 100,000 demonstrators took to the streets of London.

This is considerably lower than the estimated one million who staged a similar protest last month.

The march through the capital, culminating in a rally in Hyde Park, was among a series of demonstrations around Britain and across the world.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), which organised the London event, estimated the banner-waving crowds at 150,000 but police said they believed the number was below 100,000.

But they praised the behaviour of the demonstrators as "good-natured and peaceful" and said there had been no arrests.

On February 15, crowds estimated at between 750,000 and two million people took part in a march and rally.

Some protesters blamed the low turn-out on apathy among the public since the war on Iraq began this week.

Veteran protester John Williams, who demonstrated outside the American Embassy in London in 1968 and was marching today, said: "People in Britain are indifferent to what's going on in Iraq.

"It's really a case that nobody cares because it's other people. If they were British people dying, they would be much more worried about that."

Reflecting on the low turnout compared with last month, a CND spokesman said: "It was almost inevitable that it would not be as big as that because that was one of the biggest marches in the history of this country. I believe that people are frustrated that they demonstrated the last time and the Government did not change their mind."

King Tut


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Wat are the number of anti war protests

22.03.2003 19:18

Any ideai about the real numbers



22.03.2003 20:06

rallies,demo's,sit ins, have been held up and down the country - its impossible to tell the numbers-basically tho - i was 1 of the 1.5 to 2million in london feb 15-i wasnt there today - i was out in my own city for the 3rd day running taking part in various actions - we've had 3 days of demos sit downs etc. the demo today attracted 1000 to 2000 ppl the nvd actions approx 500. how do we put a figure on it?? combine the lot up and down the uk - got to be over the 1.5 million. this is huge, every city in every country is protesting. thursday night after a day of road blocks and cat and mouse games with the bill, we poured onto what was to be the last intersection of the day and yet again stopped the traffic - we had been doing this on and off all day since 8 am it was now gone 8pm - yet still the ppl in cars and on the busses we're giving us the thumbs up and shouting support from the windows, not everyone i admit but a large amount did and there certainly was no abuse, this i think also goes to show a lot of ppl whilst not demostrating are agaisnt this so called war.
lets keep it up - lets build our links up - let bring dissent back to the streets - not just over this murderous attack on iraq - but about the capatilist ideal -
respect and peace


Really that's what they said

22.03.2003 21:25

CND really said that? Who's side are they on?
5 days to organise a 500,000 strong march that's
fucking good. Why aren't so many people there?
Cos a lot of people didn't even know about the
march. This was really a march of the south how
many buses did you see?


Really that's what they said

22.03.2003 21:28

CND really said that? Who's side are they on?
5 days to organise a 500,000 strong march that's
fucking good. Why aren't so many people there?
Cos a lot of people didn't even know about the
march. This was really a march of the south how
many buses did you see?



23.03.2003 00:41

It was a magnificent rally in london today. My district of Manchester took just one coach instead of the 8 we took on 15/2. Why? - cos we had two days to organize not two months, that's all. The anti-war feeling has strengthened - well done London.

ukc (manchester)