Lets Roll
Lloyd Hart | 22.03.2003 14:42
So, they did it, which means my analysis is correct. The Bush Reich are going for the strategic oil supply in order to militarily monopolize what the IMF and the World Bank are failing at, control of the collapsing global food and fresh water supply for the use of white people first.
Lets Roll
By Lloyd Hart
So, they did it, which means my analysis is correct. The Bush Reich are going for the strategic oil supply in order to militarily monopolize what the IMF and the World Bank are failing at, control of the collapsing global food and fresh water supply for the use of white people first. For as long as they have the oil they need to run their war machine no one can effectively challenge their "Global Military Primacy" or so their logic goes. America is out of water and so is the rest of the world (CIA-WHO). The IMF and the World Bank were demanding that their debtor nations privatize their water supply systems in recent years in order to allow the civilian wing of the Global Military Primacy, the multi-national corporations, to take control of sovereign nations water supply as terms for more loans from World Bank. But this corporate loan shark scam ran into a snag, the People of those nations flipped when they saw 200 to 400 percent increases in their water bills and rioted in the streets (The Best Democracy Money Can Buy- Greg Palast). Not to mention living in the on going process of poverty imposed by the white ruling elite's on this planet. Needless to say a lot of People are pissed about facing the starvation of their children and themslves.
And now that the People of the so-called developing world are beginning to get a bit uppity, electing real leaders who are attempting to role back post modernist neo liberal colonialism imposed to keep labor and resources cheap (the only thing keeping the American economy afloat), the conservative elite's have lost their temper and are not going to allow all those people with brown skin to control their own affairs let alone their own water. No, the conservative elite's (and a whole bunch of liberals) are not going to allow Centuries of slaughtering people with brown skin, laying waste to their forests and fouling everyone's air and water to be brought to a halt for the sake of equity and democracy. That would be far to politically correct. No, the conservative elite's are going to attempt to bring us into a whole new age of slaughter for our very own survival. They die or we all die, its us or them real politic.
Its funny, because on February 15th. in New York City I could have sworn I heard Pete Seeger say in a break while singing Over the Rainbow "We're all going to make it over that rainbow or none of us are going to make it". The conservative elite's obviously have a different out look than the rest of us. One of the nine year old paranoid schizophrenic type perhaps. The lead poisoned inner child maybe. And of course they rely on a completely uneducated white male who needs to kill something in order to get rid of the nightmare realization of their total irrelevance.
But the real politic is that we have damaged this planet so bad that we have to fix it and the conservative elite's proposal is to kill more people with brown skin so that they won't drink what water is left. Absolute genius I am amazed I didn't think of it myself. I was thinking that maybe we could have a global marshal plan to replant all the water sheds and reestablish wetlands. I thought we could suspend all currency trading and put everyone to work sharing the remaining food supply while we all plant trees. God, how could I have been so delusional. Obviously killing and enslaving 4.5 billion people with brown skin is the only way to maintain that three shower a day program in order to keep the germs from ruling the universe.
But lets be practical, the only way the White guys in the White House are going to succeed is if the traditional collective fear of death that the white folk have used for so long against the brown people keeps working. Well it seems to have stopped working in Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Kenya etc.. Actually, it never has worked, its just that white folk, guns and booze poured from lead crystal decanters are a deadly combination. Its really just critical mass. The brown folk were just unconsciously waiting for George Bush to come along to push them over the edge into snaps ville. This is a problem for white people who live so high thanks to brown people living so low. If the folks with brown skin have actually snapped and aren't going to take it any more and are willing to bet their lives on it, all of us white folk in America are going to go broke. Broke? BROKE! Well hell, Iraq it is then. Lets roll.
America must be economically isolated so that the American People will truly become democratic people.
Please support the Adbuster's and all other boycott America campaigns.
By Lloyd Hart
So, they did it, which means my analysis is correct. The Bush Reich are going for the strategic oil supply in order to militarily monopolize what the IMF and the World Bank are failing at, control of the collapsing global food and fresh water supply for the use of white people first. For as long as they have the oil they need to run their war machine no one can effectively challenge their "Global Military Primacy" or so their logic goes. America is out of water and so is the rest of the world (CIA-WHO). The IMF and the World Bank were demanding that their debtor nations privatize their water supply systems in recent years in order to allow the civilian wing of the Global Military Primacy, the multi-national corporations, to take control of sovereign nations water supply as terms for more loans from World Bank. But this corporate loan shark scam ran into a snag, the People of those nations flipped when they saw 200 to 400 percent increases in their water bills and rioted in the streets (The Best Democracy Money Can Buy- Greg Palast). Not to mention living in the on going process of poverty imposed by the white ruling elite's on this planet. Needless to say a lot of People are pissed about facing the starvation of their children and themslves.
And now that the People of the so-called developing world are beginning to get a bit uppity, electing real leaders who are attempting to role back post modernist neo liberal colonialism imposed to keep labor and resources cheap (the only thing keeping the American economy afloat), the conservative elite's have lost their temper and are not going to allow all those people with brown skin to control their own affairs let alone their own water. No, the conservative elite's (and a whole bunch of liberals) are not going to allow Centuries of slaughtering people with brown skin, laying waste to their forests and fouling everyone's air and water to be brought to a halt for the sake of equity and democracy. That would be far to politically correct. No, the conservative elite's are going to attempt to bring us into a whole new age of slaughter for our very own survival. They die or we all die, its us or them real politic.
Its funny, because on February 15th. in New York City I could have sworn I heard Pete Seeger say in a break while singing Over the Rainbow "We're all going to make it over that rainbow or none of us are going to make it". The conservative elite's obviously have a different out look than the rest of us. One of the nine year old paranoid schizophrenic type perhaps. The lead poisoned inner child maybe. And of course they rely on a completely uneducated white male who needs to kill something in order to get rid of the nightmare realization of their total irrelevance.
But the real politic is that we have damaged this planet so bad that we have to fix it and the conservative elite's proposal is to kill more people with brown skin so that they won't drink what water is left. Absolute genius I am amazed I didn't think of it myself. I was thinking that maybe we could have a global marshal plan to replant all the water sheds and reestablish wetlands. I thought we could suspend all currency trading and put everyone to work sharing the remaining food supply while we all plant trees. God, how could I have been so delusional. Obviously killing and enslaving 4.5 billion people with brown skin is the only way to maintain that three shower a day program in order to keep the germs from ruling the universe.
But lets be practical, the only way the White guys in the White House are going to succeed is if the traditional collective fear of death that the white folk have used for so long against the brown people keeps working. Well it seems to have stopped working in Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Kenya etc.. Actually, it never has worked, its just that white folk, guns and booze poured from lead crystal decanters are a deadly combination. Its really just critical mass. The brown folk were just unconsciously waiting for George Bush to come along to push them over the edge into snaps ville. This is a problem for white people who live so high thanks to brown people living so low. If the folks with brown skin have actually snapped and aren't going to take it any more and are willing to bet their lives on it, all of us white folk in America are going to go broke. Broke? BROKE! Well hell, Iraq it is then. Lets roll.
America must be economically isolated so that the American People will truly become democratic people.
Please support the Adbuster's and all other boycott America campaigns.
Lloyd Hart