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BBC still not convinced that protests are "widespread"

MWAW | 22.03.2003 00:15

BBC deputy news chief Mark Damazer was asked on BBC London Radio today (Friday) at 3.30pm why there was no coverage of anti-war protests on the News at 10 on Thursday evening, the day war broke out.

His reply? "As I understand it the demos were not widespread and we did not want to give the impression that they were" (or words to that effect)

Where is Mr Damazer getting his information?

If you took part in protests yesterday, or if you know someone who did --


Telephone BBC Complaints: 08700 100 222, or email:

Get the message across: we are big, we are vocal, we are articulate.

We deserve to be treated as informed and thinking citizens, not objects for BBC "experts" to analyse.



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Milton Keynes demo was biggest ever so far

22.03.2003 00:51

On Thursday night there was a demonstration in central Milton Keynes. The demonstration here (about 60-80 people) was quite small considering the size of the town, but it was bigger than any so far in previous weeks.

Brian B
mail e-mail:

Sleepy Norwich?

22.03.2003 02:19

In sleepy Norwich: 3 marches in one day - each about 2 to 4 hundred people.

1st: Schoolchildren - breakneck marching demo! Too fast for old timers! Very Loud! Resisted being directed by police out of town.

2nd: Students - having marched for an hour from campus

3rd: Old Timers like me, candlelit.

Later, the mayor addressed the crowds, saying he was 100% behind us in being against the war.

Also, some roadblocking, a peace camp at UEA campus, absurd and oppressive but fairly fluffy police presence - a riot van in Norwich!?, a guy wearing an Ulster Unionist flag around his waist and holding up the American Flag back to front! Widespread No War graffiti. (Previous week - occupation of Labour club, non-violent civil disobedience at Lakenheath, etc.)

Other stuff coming soon. Including:

* Critical mass/street protest next Saturday (29th March) meet 12 Noon at Gentleman's Walk, near the market. Try not to obstruct shoppers! Bring drums, banners, grans etc. We've had regular street protests like this, up to 1000! Please tell people - make your own posters and flypost if you want.

* Protest in Norwich, sometime on Saturday 22nd March - arround midday, possibly 11AM or 12 Noon or 1 PM. Sorry!

Solidarity and love for the Iraqi people, with all the people fighting on one side or another; tricked into dying for sick men.

Disgust with 'our' rulers, warmongers, and oilmen.



22.03.2003 07:31

5000 protested thursday

2000 or so on friday

Thursday was covered on the local news, although they only focused on the damage done to the town hall by <12 people . . .

Media blackout of friday's demo.

These have been by far the biggest demos in brighton for a long time, yet the media line of 'the majority of the population back our boys' persists.

Phone the bbc and demand they get their facts right!

Not widespread my arse.



22.03.2003 10:43

1000 took part in an evening protest that brought the centre of town to a standstill for three hours. It then took a baton attack by police to break up the protest.

There was coverage on local BBC telly and radio. The presence of local BBC crews on protests across the country surely makes it impossible for anyone in the BBC to claim that protests weren't widespread - they reported most of them on some media or another.

Inital reports on the BBC website reported the 1000 strong evening demo as "20 - 30 people blocked the road", but later amended the report as complaints came in.

Don't remember anything like this happening in Cardiff before. There were also protests in Carmarthen, Swansea and many other towns across Wales.

So what is the BBC's definition of 'widespread'?

la la

BBC Cymru got it right

22.03.2003 12:36

The Welsh-language pages were more accurate - when I got home around 9, they were stating that two people had been arrested and one injured, and generally giving a better idea of what happened than the English-language report's "20 or 30 people".


Why complain???

22.03.2003 19:18

The BBC only jumps to attention when the zionazis and their supporters complain about being "victimised" by the BBC. There then the BBC grovels and apologises and start using prescribed terms like "targeted killing" instead of "cold blooded assasination" etc etc.

Other than that the BBC is useless when it comes to serving licence-payers interest.

BBC has its journalists vetted - that presumably is to serve public interest in such a way that the public interest doesn't get served.

The BBC is a dying dinosaur - its days are numbered and day by day on its deathbed it struggles to become more reactionary to please those who are threatening to bring its day of death nearer.

Rupert Murdoch-Maxwell