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Ha! Ha! Ha! (By Latuff)

Latuff | 21.03.2003 23:37

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of stupid U.S. soldiers who are proudly giving their lives to keep capitalism alive.

Ha! Ha! Ha! (By Latuff)
Ha! Ha! Ha! (By Latuff)

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Here's laughing at you

22.03.2003 04:28

You sad fuck. Get a life and a wash. And a job. Etc.



22.03.2003 04:42

Why are not playing with your children or something. The cartoon is very sad but represent today reality.
Bush and Blair should be hanged!


To fgh

22.03.2003 14:14

You sad, sad bastard. You're the one who should be hanged, you dumb shit. My heart goes out tio your parents, who must be so ashamed at the shit they have produced.

yo momma