Community roadblocks against the war
Cleo shoukri | 21.03.2003 13:09
Community road blocks against the war, are the latest protest weapon. Coming soon to a traffic jam near you. Working class protestant and catholic community workers are considering community road blocks against the war. As seen in the Markets area belfast last month, when residents sucessfully blocked entrance to their area.
Negoiation will be taking place soon, to consider the use of community road blocks against the war, where main arterial roads out from Belfast city centre will be blocked by community representatives and protests. This will involve consultation with paramilitaries and local community workers, but luckily most paramilitaries are sympathetic to Anti war protests. Among areas already considering this are the republican controlled New Lodge, Short strand, Markets, Newington, and loyalists on the Westland estate and shankill are also voicing support for this idea. Community road blocks against the war will be a boost for the anti war protestors and also will be a PR coup for many beleaguered paramilitaries. Sick of government clampdowns and PSNI brutality. Nows the time to demonstrate for democracy, tell Tony we're sick of his authortarian totalitarian goons, we run our areas not the PSNI or their stooges.
Cleo shoukri
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21.03.2003 14:06
The PSNI are the legitimate, democratic and fair police force, not the rent-a-mob's used by the IRA to do punishment beatings -- is that the sort of police you want?
We run these streets, so get back under your rock, before I bury you.
Comminuty road blocks? A great Idea.
21.03.2003 14:18
Turn the guns on pigs
21.03.2003 15:52