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BBC News

freedomofspeech | 21.03.2003 12:15

BBC News

I have never, in all my 40 years on this come across such biased coverage as on the BBC News. They are cocooned in a goldfish bowl of pro-War and pro-Bush opinions and sod the opinion of the World's poplulation.



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and what did u expect...

21.03.2003 12:22

from state TV when the state is at war?


Attack the Media!!

21.03.2003 12:32

I heard that there was an 'occupation' at the BBC recently.

We should take it further... target the media big time.

Those Sky bastards and the patronising Beeb crew really need some verbal when they turn up at protests!! They are NOT on our side.

Ann Gree

It's true, but...

21.03.2003 12:32

... but could you possibly be more specific and write a more indepth article that's interesting to read?


stop the propagandists

21.03.2003 13:01

What about stopping to pay the license fee in protest??

If enough people participate it would be very serious for the BBC. And it's the only tax which everyone can stop paying.


stop the propaganda machine

21.03.2003 13:04

What about stopping to pay the license fee in protest??

If enough people participate it would be very serious for the BBC. And it's the only tax which everyone can stop paying.


What the BBC stands for

21.03.2003 13:50

Apart from being a propaganda mouthpiece, it is the BRITISH BULLSHIT CORPORATION.

And to think we pay for its upkeep.

Murdoch, Poodle's other boss

What BBC stands for

21.03.2003 20:24

no BBC means

"Blair & Bush Channel"

- less information and more warvertising!
