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Colchester Students Direct Action Against War!

Colchester Students | 21.03.2003 08:44

Almost Colchester Students walk out and blockade the high street against war.

Yesterday saw a mass walk out of students across olchester in protest against the war on Iraq.

30 Students from the Sixth Form walked out at 9am, after leafleting for a mass walk out at 1:20pm. Demonstrating at the war memorial throughout thre morning, the students displayed a highly visible display against the war.

Meanwhile, students from the Colchester Institute rallied on campus, building for a mass walk out of staff and students at 12:30pm. Meeting up outside the Sixth Form at 1pm, the two groups converged outside, growing in size as more and more students joined the group. At 1:30 the coimbined group of students, now numbering over 250 marched down the middle of the hiugh street. Joined by students who had walked out from schools throughout the town, numbers swelled to close to 400 at points. After a mass blockade and rally outside the town hall, the students marched down the high street again towards the war memorial.

However, on tjhe way, students led 3 spontanious sit downs, over tjhe course of the street, blocking the high street for a total of an hour. This involved almost the entire march, almost 400 students. However, increasingly heavyhanded police tactics forced the group to move on, after personal threats of arrest against individuals involved. Marching around town for a further 45 minutes, the group managed to get past police lines and back onto the high street, returning again to the Town Hall, and blockading the entrance again with a sit down protest, until 3:15pm. Again, almost all present (at this time still over 300) took part.

Sixth Form Student Alan Johnson said "On the whole, I think it was very successful, especially considering the spontaneity of the protest. Many more turned up than we expected.".

Jess Barrell, Another Sixth Form student, threatened with arrest as a ringleader added "'People had their doubts, but we proved them wrong, it shows how many peole oppose to this war, and lets hope our message was recieved.".

This action follows the recent arrest of 24 Colchester activists after a non-violent sit-down bloackade of the barracks on March 8th.

Colchester Students
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Student walkout at Essex University

21.03.2003 11:40

Here's a report from the Uni:

Students at Essex University walked out of classes on Thursday 20 March in protest against a war on Iraq.

There were no lectures taking place in the main Lecture Theatre Block (LTB) by 11am, as most students had walked out.

At 12.30pm students and staff assembled on square 3 of the university for a rally with about 150 people. Several students remained there in the afternoon for banner making, and others joined a teach-in led by several academic staff. A group of about 100 then marched to Colchester Town Hall, where they met school and college students from the town and blocked the High Street. Earlier in the day, more than 300 of them had taken part in a sit-down protest in Colchester.

The "Walk out/Teach-in" event was organised by the Essex University Peace Campaign. It had the backing of the Students’ Union, whose policy is to condemn "unnecessary, unjust and hypocritical military action against Iraq." A recent Students’ Union motion declared that "the millions spent on war could be better spent on higher education and other public services." It called for students to unite under the slogan "money for education not war."


Students gather in Colchester High Street

21.03.2003 17:13

Students gather in Colchester High Street
Students gather in Colchester High Street

Over 200 students gathered in the town centre at roughly noon to voice their opinion againts the war. A bigger response than first anticipated was recieved, and the great support everyone got from fellow supporters was incredible! Another is being held at 6 P.M outside Colchester Town Hall on Monday 24th March

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Students gather in Colchestet Town Centre

21.03.2003 17:34

Students gather in Colchestet Town Centre
Students gather in Colchestet Town Centre

On march 20th, over 250+ students of all ages walked out of their schools, colleges and universities to join protest at roughly mid-day outside the Town Hall and War Memorial. A bigger turnout than first anticipated was acheived, the atmosphere and support from fellow protesters was incredible! Another will be held at 6 p.m Monday 24th March outside the town hall.

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