York Peace Camp
John J | 21.03.2003 02:51
Support York Peace Camp!
At Fulford Ings, Millennium Bridge, York
Approach along the river or via Hospital Fields Rd / Butcher Terrace. Please visit and spend a few minutes at the camp. We need more people to join - spread the word. Urgently required:
Legal advice * chemical toilets * banner and sculpture making materials * old sheets, paints, bamboo poles, chicken wire, metal frames, rope etc. * tents * blankets, sleeping bags * long wooden or metal poles, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting * dry fire wood * leaflet production, photocopying, printing, photography, web site * donations of food
Press Release: York Peace Camp Moves and Grows
After last Sunday's peace vigil at Clifford's Tower three
people decided on the spur of the moment to maintain a
blazing stairway of candles throughout the night. Inspired
by the support they got from others at the vigil as well
as the response from passers by, they pledged to maintain
a peaceful, outdoor, 24 hour presence until this war ends.
Following discussions with council officials on Tuesday the
camp left the tower for Fulford Ings, within sight of the
Millennium Bridge. A spokeswomen for the campers said
"We'll do everything possible to co-operate with the
authorities. Council officials were worried about an
adverse impact on the tourist industry. We disagree.
Many tourists expressed their support, signing our banners
and giving donations for York Against the War. But officials
were adamant that we must go. We don't want to upset
anyone so we moved the camp out of the City Walls."
The camp has set up an environmental waste management
system. Rubbish from the camp is transported daily to
St. Nicholas Fields for recycling and composting.
Artists are among the protestors, they aim to involve
the community in art projects expressing opposition to war.
Following Tuesday's move the camp has expanded with several
new campaigners joining the protest every day. A local resident
and supporter of the camp, John Jacoby said "If it were not for
the camp I would be very depressed about Iraq. This permanent
protest is a focus for anti-war feeling in the area.
There is a constant stream of well-wishers bringing food and
messages of support. There is lively debate on how best to
protest against this war and how to stop the US and UK from
attacking the next country".
There is a strong sense amongst the campers that they are in this
for the long-haul. Stop the War protest is set to become
a daily part of York life over the weeks and months to follow.
Photo-opportunity: Visit Fulford Ings, York
Interview opportunity: Visit Fulford Ings, York
20 March 2003
At Fulford Ings, Millennium Bridge, York
Approach along the river or via Hospital Fields Rd / Butcher Terrace. Please visit and spend a few minutes at the camp. We need more people to join - spread the word. Urgently required:
Legal advice * chemical toilets * banner and sculpture making materials * old sheets, paints, bamboo poles, chicken wire, metal frames, rope etc. * tents * blankets, sleeping bags * long wooden or metal poles, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting * dry fire wood * leaflet production, photocopying, printing, photography, web site * donations of food
Press Release: York Peace Camp Moves and Grows
After last Sunday's peace vigil at Clifford's Tower three
people decided on the spur of the moment to maintain a
blazing stairway of candles throughout the night. Inspired
by the support they got from others at the vigil as well
as the response from passers by, they pledged to maintain
a peaceful, outdoor, 24 hour presence until this war ends.
Following discussions with council officials on Tuesday the
camp left the tower for Fulford Ings, within sight of the
Millennium Bridge. A spokeswomen for the campers said
"We'll do everything possible to co-operate with the
authorities. Council officials were worried about an
adverse impact on the tourist industry. We disagree.
Many tourists expressed their support, signing our banners
and giving donations for York Against the War. But officials
were adamant that we must go. We don't want to upset
anyone so we moved the camp out of the City Walls."
The camp has set up an environmental waste management
system. Rubbish from the camp is transported daily to
St. Nicholas Fields for recycling and composting.
Artists are among the protestors, they aim to involve
the community in art projects expressing opposition to war.
Following Tuesday's move the camp has expanded with several
new campaigners joining the protest every day. A local resident
and supporter of the camp, John Jacoby said "If it were not for
the camp I would be very depressed about Iraq. This permanent
protest is a focus for anti-war feeling in the area.
There is a constant stream of well-wishers bringing food and
messages of support. There is lively debate on how best to
protest against this war and how to stop the US and UK from
attacking the next country".
There is a strong sense amongst the campers that they are in this
for the long-haul. Stop the War protest is set to become
a daily part of York life over the weeks and months to follow.
Photo-opportunity: Visit Fulford Ings, York
Interview opportunity: Visit Fulford Ings, York
20 March 2003

John J
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