Solar flares may block progress of Iraq invasion
dh | 20.03.2003 23:01
People power's going great in the face of the Beast's machinations. In support of local considerations, I should add that after the arm tubed blockage of the Leeds Road in Bradford at the morning rush, schoolkids left their schools and gathered in Centenary Square, Students at Bradford University abandoned classes for a demonstration at
lunchtime, before marching into Bradford for a general demonstration in the late afternoon. Righteous anger was apparent, and was given full voice from the platform by a fiery polemic by Lesley from Bradford Stop The War. A young lady from the Bradford and Keighley Youth Parliament gave a beautiful if faultering speech. She carried it off great.
A die-in occurred.
Anyway enough straight reporting and a return to the usual dh quirkiness
The desperateness of the New World Order freaks to commit this mass atrocity, tempered by an 'opposing' set of NWO types (vous savez?)has led to it occurring,this occult working known as shock and awe, as the website rightly points out, at the surge of the Spring Equinox. Why they want to do this - to sap the available energy from the grid and utilise it to quench their bloodlust and replete their own energies.
Yes, I mean you Tony - you and your satanist buddies and bosses.
Keep on keeep on . This amassing of energy against these bastards has a massive impact on the feedback in the grid.
Meanwhile, the desperateness to prevent themselves being revealed, as is happening, is simultaneously being hindered by solar storms encircling the earth - a force they may not have reckoned on. The Cosmos is surely with us
Don't quit for a moment.
At this darkest time for the Iraqi population and for the world's people, we begin to see a shimmer of hope, of emancipation from this controlling force. Keep up and keep with it.
A die-in occurred.
Anyway enough straight reporting and a return to the usual dh quirkiness
The desperateness of the New World Order freaks to commit this mass atrocity, tempered by an 'opposing' set of NWO types (vous savez?)has led to it occurring,this occult working known as shock and awe, as the website rightly points out, at the surge of the Spring Equinox. Why they want to do this - to sap the available energy from the grid and utilise it to quench their bloodlust and replete their own energies.
Yes, I mean you Tony - you and your satanist buddies and bosses.
Keep on keeep on . This amassing of energy against these bastards has a massive impact on the feedback in the grid.
Meanwhile, the desperateness to prevent themselves being revealed, as is happening, is simultaneously being hindered by solar storms encircling the earth - a force they may not have reckoned on. The Cosmos is surely with us
Don't quit for a moment.
At this darkest time for the Iraqi population and for the world's people, we begin to see a shimmer of hope, of emancipation from this controlling force. Keep up and keep with it.
