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Schoolkids lead Brighton demo against war

Schnews | 20.03.2003 20:44

Hundreds took to the streets of Brighton today to protest against the invasion of Iraq.

Starting at noon, hundreds of people blocked roads and marched through Brighton led by local schoolkids against the war.

The headquarters of American Express was one of the many targets for their anger, with police drawing batons on school children. A US flag being taken down from its flagpole and ripped up.

The demonstration was joined by people leaving work and went on to close Brighton station. The town hall was beseiged and entered as police used pepper spray and baton against demonstrators shouting "our town hall" and "peace not war".

Another demonstration is planned for 5.30pm tomorrow (Friday)in Churchill Square. Coaches are leaving Brighton at 9am from St Peter Church on Saturday to join the demonstration at Fairford.

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