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bengali school kids demonstrating in tower hamlets, thursday 11.30am

doctorbeck | 20.03.2003 12:35

bengali school kids demonstrating against the war in whitechapel highstreet right now, police look on unable to curtail it, great atmosphere

brilliant round here on whitechapel high street

11.30am thursday
hundreds of bangali schoolkids have skipped out of class and are running along the highstreet with anti-war placards followed by bemused looking plod on horses and in a van, went along with them to a school near their own where the kids were being forcibly stopped from joining them by plod and teachers, everyone in high spirits, chanting, laughing, having a great old time in the warm spring sunshine, plod keeping on top of it but having no impact on the boisterous energy or the fact that they are just heading towrds bethnal green road to, i assume, pick up some more kids,

fire engine came along and some of the firefighters giving the kids the thumbs up just the icing on the cake.



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Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel Road, London

21.03.2003 13:50

Unison members of The Women's Library also joined this protest as staff left their building in Old Castle Street at lunchtime and marched along under the Unison banner down Whitechapel High Street. We joined the masses of schoolchildren in the Park,and a few policemen. More and more children flooded into the park and shouted "1234 we don't want no war!"
and "Bush, Blair we know you, your daddy was a killer too!"
Adults stood around the edges and the kids looked like they
were asking the police for their autographs as they circled round them. Car horns hooted out their support for our peaceful, fun loving protest.

Sally Bowen