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Hand it to the kids!!

muzikin | 20.03.2003 09:57

Watch out, 'official media'. There's a new generation not being sucked in by your pro-government bullshit.

"Public mood is swinging the way of the government"

Like hell it is.

I've just come from a tube station in North London where maybe 50 school children, dressed in anti-war T shirts, were chanting 'No War!' and running riot on the platforms.

This and the many other protests being held up and down the country by the very people the government will soon be wooing for their votes must very worrying indeed for Bomber Blair and his 'War Cabinet'.



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Greenwich high rd too

20.03.2003 12:57

Just been listening to some facist talk radio station complaining about "dillinquent childeren and old women with big bums" blocking greenwich hgh rd. against the war, oh and Parliment square too

see you soon


20.03.2003 20:44

And Leamington - hundreds of militant schoolkids (& others) bunked school, blocked the town centre, tried to storm a mcdonalds and blockaded a Shell petrol station. There were 5 arrests. The State is sowing the seeds of its own destruction - if all these kids keep going like this we will see a revolution in about 7 years - no shit!

Leam StWC

Lively Demo in St Albans

22.03.2003 00:15

We in UHSSAW (Univ Herts Staff & Students Against War) participated in an excellent loud demo of over 400 in St Albans (Mar 20th evening). Very heartening was the presence of very militant school kids who made lively contributions during the speeches afterwards. Further Actions were planned for today (Fri).

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