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Manchester pupils and students run amock!

Mcr IMC | 19.03.2003 14:19 | Anti-militarism

The student demo arranged for Albert Square, Manchester today turned into an impromtu reclaim the streets.

The demo started at midday and since then around a thousand pupils and students have been running, marching and occupying the streets of Manchester city centre.
Kids broke through police lines several times and have quite frankly been running rings around them. Several arrests have been made and I saw one sixteen year old held to the floor by his neck with several cops around him.
It really is going mad with separate groups all over the city centre, they really are up for it!



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Whose streets?

19.03.2003 16:53

I was there and i saw it all, hundreds upon hundreds of school kids and students marching around the city wherever the hell they liked - it was absolutely fantastic!!! The demo covered alot of ground, moving up and down and round and round the city blocking roads at will before the final assembly at Albert Square, picking up people as it went. Stationary cars rang their horns for peace and chants echoed through the city streets, with people lining the roads to clap and show their support.
On a more sombre note, riot police bludgeoned a number of young ladies and some young men on a road near Albert Square, rendering one unable to stand and very, very shaken, as well as trampling people and kicking them from police horses.


Knowledge is King

19.03.2003 18:25

Dear Students/Professors/Thinkers/Activists & ALL

Knowledge is king, free your minds!

As only a few have actually touched on the issues underlying this wholely unjust & ILLEGAL war, (according to the UN charter, and backed by many international Law academics and Lawyers).

Pre-Emptive strike means just that - an unprovoked attack on a sovereign state - why might I add has been disarmed according to UN inspectors - of which 95% disarmament was achieved from 1992 to 1997 (see Reports from UN at this time). This being ILLEGAL and WRONG under the rules and Laws of the United Nations.

Lets not forget, UNITED NATIONS means a majority in the UN Security Council democratically voting for or against War. The US/UK governments have hijacked the UN process, which was producing major results of WMD disarmament, with the knowledge of progress. Hence, the agendas of the warmongers are highly questionable and not pure to say the least.

Oil is an issue whether the media machine likes it or not, whether corporations want to cover this up or not, the knowledge is out in the open and people at last are beginning to question government motives.

But it isn't the only issue. Look at the past 150 years or so and a distinct pattern of survival of "western interest" in the middle east (and elsewhere) is paramount. Including the Geopolitics and structure of countries - not for the people - but for the elite in power. The cold war ended and the US is unchecked in its vested interest, especially in the middleast.

The Arab populations have been suppressed and imprisoned brutally by their "Governements/Leaders" for the past 60 odd years. Why? How? ask these questions, read and research. ALL have been placed undemocratically, by firstly the British and French empires, recently the US empire. The despots and dictators you see today are remnants of US Foreign policies of the past and DO NOT represent the people in the middle east but they represent the Elite who run the oilfields, who run the big businesses, corporations and institutions. That is why the majority of the populace in the MidEast is quite frankly radicalising to fundamental values (in desparation). The US/UK policies have been designed to keep the status quo and to PROTECT VESTED INTERESTS in the region (ie, The State of Israel - which has defied UN resolutions since 1967 - of which the US vetoed about 30!! Resolution 242 being the most significant)

A lot of issues here... all we can hope is that people wake up from the slumber of ignorance and hypocrisy and start asking questions, demand answers, don't take things at face value (by the way the media is run by corporations so think deep before you judge anything - media always follows government guidlines or rhetoric - this is the propaganda tool)

Finally, as Bob Marley once wrote "You can fool some of the poeple some times, but YOU CAN'T FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME..."

Think b4 u speak

One Love, PEACE


No Blood For Oil

19.03.2003 20:54

well i'm home and my legs kinda ache. the march was great. i am one of the many school students who attended todays anti-war march in manchester. the police simply couldn't stop us today. as the police arrested one black man the crowd commenced chanting "RACIST RACIST" and even with their horses they couldn't stop us. i'm probably gonna get suspended from school now but i'm glad i went. i'll also be there tomorrow so i advise you to come......and hey i even got an interview thing on this website.

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manchester demo

19.03.2003 22:32

the demo was amazing with around 3000 school kids and college students blockading town from 12 til 4pm. stopping cars, buses, police vans, barricading streets, walking running and moving through town, totally taking every thing over. the cops hated it and started arresting people, singling out people with megaphones, i saw the police drag a young lad out of the crowd, batter him over the head with a club and mace him. a woman who was trying to protect him was kicked in the face punched and clubbed. right in the middle of town, in front of telly cameras outside the town hall. they then read the riot act to get a load of school kids to move on! a great day and a sign of things to come.


manchester schools/colleges walk out

20.03.2003 13:06

i was on that march and got thrown around and kicked by riot police which was nice. i wrote a brief account of what happened on my band's website.
the police's handling of the situation was sickening. the girls that got trampled were dragged away from each other VERY quickly (presumably to stop them from making some sort of protest)
i always thought that hatred for the police was over exaggurated or unfounded but the events of yesterday made me realise that this is not the case.
anyway, overall an good event. we really did piss the police off by completely dumbfounding them.

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we showed them

20.03.2003 20:58

i was there, what a day! we really showed how much we cared about it and how strongly we felt and well..power to the people! i wanna thank everyone there!!

p.s is there any pics of the day anywhere?

E-ratic Commander
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anti war!

20.03.2003 22:53

hi. i am a kid and i bunked off school for the first time coz our stupid headteacher wudnt let us go. It was really gud, but i cud have been suspended!

I hate bush!!!!!



22.03.2003 03:41

It is clearly time to remove such a devastating threat from the world. Saddam has to go for world peace. Bin Laden will follow shortly. Stay focused.



25.03.2003 15:57

i went to that walk out on wednesday in town and it was sooo GOOD!! just seeing thousands of different people all sharing the same opinion..that this war is unjust and BUSH and BLair have got to go!!! the horrible thing was the way the police overreacted to the situation..they kicked little kids and handled them far too aggressiveley!!i think that needs to be looked into... i mean it was a PEACEFUL demo not violent..the police should be out else where catching PROPER criminals!!! ill be at more demo later on
