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Dan | 19.03.2003 00:06

Its time to fight...

I declare war on war. War on the military industrial complex. War on the fascist politicians who promise the earth and deliver destruction. War on the complicity media who's myopic reporting cheerleads for murder. War on a capitalist system that holds profit to be a higher good than human happiness. War on the global Mafia of governments.

Preemptive declarations of war seem to be all the rage these days. Well here is my own declaration. I sit here tonight, listening to the military jets thunder overhead, praying for the poor souls that will soon feel the terror inspired by that earth-shaking power. My taxes have paid for these instruments of oppression and death. My so-called democratic government has sent them speeding to kill poverty-stricken people thousands of miles away. What am I to do?

I am declaring war on the pinnacle of the great pyramid of power. I refuse to be led meekly into hell. I refuse to sit by and watch this awful spectacle any longer. I will not rest until the warmongers are exposed and brought to task for their crimes. I do not intend to scale the pyramid and take the highest seat for myself. I have seen the power corrupt too many over the centuries. This time I intend to bring the whole damned thing tumbling down.

The US military will be made to woe the day they invented the internet. Never before has the power to disseminate information so quickly and easily been put into the hands of so many people. Never before have the edifices of knowledge been so easily scalable. This is a tool that can remake the world. We have seen the beginning. The bombing would have started months ago if it were not for the global resistance. Resistance made possible by the anarchist networks of information showering the truth liberally across the planet. Every lie is immediately countered and exposed. Every historical precedent is resurrected for all to see. We now know. We have been here before. We will not allow it to happen again.

There is now another superpower on the planet. It is not centrally organized. It is not well funded. It is impossible to predict. It is impossible to control. It is the vast majority of the people on this planet. People who want to see the world saved for their children. I am proud to be a member of this multitude. A tiny but significant part of the only legitimate superpower in the long history of humanity. There are stirrings in the base of the pyramid. This is where the true power lies.

So join me people, in declaring war on injustice, greed and death.

Another world is fast approaching.




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  1. WAR ON WAR uneccessary and dangerous — Albert Kada