To Stand Against the War We Must Stand Against our Government
Ed | 18.03.2003 19:56
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! calls on the Stop the War Coalition and all anti-war activists to make opposition to the British Labour government central to the movement against war on Iraq.
To Stand Against the War We Must Stand Against our Government
To Stand Against the War We Must Stand Against our
No to Labour imperialism!
Fight Racism! Fight
Imperialism! calls on
the Stop the War Coalition and all anti-war activists to make opposition to the
British Labour government central to the movement against war on Iraq. To build
the broadest, deepest and most effective movement against war, militarism,
racism and poverty we must break with the Labour Party and stand firm
against the British government.
John Pilger wrote recently, ‘To call Blair a mere “poodle” is to allow
him distance from the killing of innocent Iraqi men, women and children for
which he will share responsibility.’ Opposition to the war on Iraq is growing
in Britain. But however many turned out for the national demonstration on 15
February, the opposition in this country will be unable to stop Britain’s part
in the war unless it challenges the system which Labour represents, the
capitalist system.
Labour’s barbarity is not new. Every single previous government has been
willing to use military means to defend British imperialism.
Between 1945 and 1951 Labour:
suppressed the Malayan national liberation struggle
British troops to aid the restoration of French colonial rule in Vietnam
and Dutch rule in Indonesia.
military intervention in Greece against ELAS and blockaded Iran following
the nationalisation of the British owned Anglo-Persian Oil Company
exploited the British Empire in Africa to aid post-war reconstruction in
Between 1964 and 1970
supported the US onslaught on Vietnam
apartheid South Africa, blocking calls for sanctions in the UN
Sent troops
into Ireland in 1969
responsible for the routine torture of suspected freedom fighters in Aden
Between 1974 and 1979
Continued to
defend apartheid South Africa in the UN
Supported the
Shah of Iran as he faced a mass popular uprising
Began the
infamous sales of Hawk aircraft to Indonesia at the height of the
genocidal war in East Timor
Implemented a
ruthless regime of torture against republican prisoners in the north of
In opposition, Labour supported the 1982 war in the Falklands/Malvinas
and in 1991 the Gulf War. Two days before ‘Desert Storm’ 55 Labour MPs voted
against military action. Along with Tony Benn they preferred to allow further
time for UN sanctions. Ten years later we know the price the Iraqi people have
had pay for those sanctions – nearly 1 million child deaths – 180 daily. In
2001 only 11 MPs objected to the military campaign in Afghanistan. The use of
depleted uranium tipped weapons and daisy cutter bombs has left behind an
environmental horror, a massive increase in opium growing for economic survival
and the restoration of the Northern Alliance warlords. The Labour Party has given
unconditional support to Zionism since its establishment.
The distinction between old and new
Labour is false. It is time to say NO to British and US imperialist
interventions on any grounds, whether peacekeeping, human rights, regime
change, international security interests or any other excuse for the military
re-division of the globe. That means saying NO to the British government. We
need more, much more than to call on Blair to resign. Jeremy Corbyn, George
Galloway and the so-called ‘left-Labour’ MPs must resign. Anyone still a member
of the Labour Party who values social justice must rip up their membership
card. Simple. No more excuses! Then we stand a chance of building a genuine,
democratic and grassroots movement in Britain, which rejects the whole rotten
system of imperialism and places the demands of the working class, the poor and
oppressed, at the fore.
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