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Stopping a war on Iraq

Thomas J | 18.03.2003 16:40

If/when the war on Iraq starts, people need to take more direct action than was taken during the Afghanistan campagin, since the protests then did not prevent the bloodshed in that country, which is still going on now.

Lessons need to be learnt from anti-war campagins when Afganistan was being heavily bombed (I think it might still be the case though press attention has died down). Despite two major rallies in Hyde Park, the Stop the War Coalition never manged to stop this, and now Afghanistan faces an uncertain future once more. I now think that we need to take more direct action, along the lines of what Tony Been said last March. I am talking about thowing a generous quantity of sand into the cogs of the capitialist machine that makes this war possible, rather than just shouting at it, and causing normal life in this country to grind to a halt. Such action inculde: Blocking petrol depots, Blocking the supply to power stations, holding RTS style rallies (Critical Mass and the like) on major roads and motorways. Pesuade trade unions to take industrial action (even a general strike), should this war start.

Thomas J


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Yes, and...

18.03.2003 17:48

I quite agree that direct action is needed. I just think that there is no harm in staging marches and demos as well. Its a good way of bolstering morale with a show of numbers and does no harm to the cause.

Mad Monk

More than marches!!!

19.03.2003 05:20

yeah. Totally agreed. but that goes without saying. I think the scale and type of actions needs to change. I propose we all get down and stop the cities. I mean follow through with what we said, no pussyfooting around a war crime is being commited and we (or our taxpaying parents) are funding it. This has to be stopped, we need to stop the country, send a clear message to bush and Blair. Keep breaking into those airfields man!!! It takes more than marches

Love Jay

Jason Juliet