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TGWU threatens to get members arrested!

ATGWU Member | 18.03.2003 13:59

Sacked security workers from Belfast International Airport have begun a occupation of transport house the headquarters of the ATGWU in Belfast.

TGWU threatens to get members arrested!
TGWU threatens to get members arrested!

Sacked security workers from Belfast International Airport have begun a occupation of transport house the headquarters of the ATGWU in Belfast.

At 12.00 noon 18th March 3 sacked workers walked in to Transport House a began a sit-in.

The sacked workers claim they were missed represented by union officials and are demanding that the out going General Secretary Bill Morris comes to Belfast and personally takes control of their cast.

Spokesman Gordon Mc Neill said that they will stay in Transport House until Bill Morris meets them.

At 12.30 the union official who the workers are complaining about told them that “Jimmy Elsby said they must leave the building now or he will call the police and get them arrested and that he will bring charges against the member to the regional committee”.
Phone Gordon with messages of support on 07719574338

ATGWU Member