Iraq to be first true Arab democracy. Arafat fears this.
Ken | 18.03.2003 07:56
"This is bad news for all the appeasers on here. Your friend Saddam Hussein will be ousted. Saddam's son, the infamous rapist who rapes Iraqi woman at night is history. No more Iraqi money going to Palestinian homicide bomber familes who massacre Israeli civilians. Isn't that the real reason your against an Iraqi War? Now the Iraqi people will have a democratic country. The first true democracy in the Arab world. Now the Iraqis wont have to worry about criticizing there leader, without worrying about being killed or arrested. Most importantly, the oil money Iraq makes, will be split evenly among the Iraqi people.
This is a disaster for all the Arab dictators, especially the billionaire Arafat. When the Arab people see how Iraq is democratic, how you can criticize there leader and how the money is split evenly and not taken by these corrupt Arab leaders, then they will want to oust there corrupt Arab leaders. The Bush Revolution begins. You think Arafat whose worth 2.5 billion, you think he wants a democratic Iraq, where you can criticize there leader, without having to worry about being hung on a pole. Hell No!
Arafat wants to remain dictator for life, so he keeps his people poor, while he keeps all the millions the EU and U.S give him.
This is a perfect reason why a democratic Iraq will be the biggest threat to tyrants like Yasser Arafat. Read this headline
Palestinians Kill Two 'Collaborators' in West Bank.
This was the headline in Reuters Saturday. How does Reuters know they were collaborators. Was there a trial?
The nerve of the gangsters who call themselves the Palestinian Authority to "demand" that they be "given" land to create and independent Palestinian "state!" These people are murderers: They meet out justice like the Mafia. Any so-called Palestinian State will be nothing more than a pirate state, serving as a breeding ground for still more thugs than we already see infesting the place (al-Aqsa thugs, al-Fatah thugs, Hamas thugs, etc, etc, ad infinitum).
These two Palestinian "collaborators" were gunned down without any trial. For all we know, it was a grudge feud, or an organized crime hit, or someone who was believed to be meddling with someone else's wife/girl-friend. But we shall never know. We will never hear their side of it. They have been snuffed out -- and not by the big, bad Israelis -- but by their own "brothers." The Palestinians are wild beasts. Does anyone wonder why the late King Hussein of Jordan ran them out of his country in 1970 (which is when Israel "suddenly" became the land to which the Palestinians had a "right" to own)?
By the way: Don't mention that the Palestinian Christian community is systematically oppressed by Arafat and his merry band. But I forgot, Christians and Jews are always expendable in the world of Islamo fascists/Leftists.
This is a disaster for all the Arab dictators, especially the billionaire Arafat. When the Arab people see how Iraq is democratic, how you can criticize there leader and how the money is split evenly and not taken by these corrupt Arab leaders, then they will want to oust there corrupt Arab leaders. The Bush Revolution begins. You think Arafat whose worth 2.5 billion, you think he wants a democratic Iraq, where you can criticize there leader, without having to worry about being hung on a pole. Hell No!
Arafat wants to remain dictator for life, so he keeps his people poor, while he keeps all the millions the EU and U.S give him.
This is a perfect reason why a democratic Iraq will be the biggest threat to tyrants like Yasser Arafat. Read this headline
Palestinians Kill Two 'Collaborators' in West Bank.
This was the headline in Reuters Saturday. How does Reuters know they were collaborators. Was there a trial?
The nerve of the gangsters who call themselves the Palestinian Authority to "demand" that they be "given" land to create and independent Palestinian "state!" These people are murderers: They meet out justice like the Mafia. Any so-called Palestinian State will be nothing more than a pirate state, serving as a breeding ground for still more thugs than we already see infesting the place (al-Aqsa thugs, al-Fatah thugs, Hamas thugs, etc, etc, ad infinitum).
These two Palestinian "collaborators" were gunned down without any trial. For all we know, it was a grudge feud, or an organized crime hit, or someone who was believed to be meddling with someone else's wife/girl-friend. But we shall never know. We will never hear their side of it. They have been snuffed out -- and not by the big, bad Israelis -- but by their own "brothers." The Palestinians are wild beasts. Does anyone wonder why the late King Hussein of Jordan ran them out of his country in 1970 (which is when Israel "suddenly" became the land to which the Palestinians had a "right" to own)?
By the way: Don't mention that the Palestinian Christian community is systematically oppressed by Arafat and his merry band. But I forgot, Christians and Jews are always expendable in the world of Islamo fascists/Leftists.
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Got Me!
18.03.2003 09:44
did I miss anything?
18.03.2003 09:50
bladder adder
Did Rachel Corrie get a trial ?
18.03.2003 12:38
Now tell me if Rachel Corrie got a trial before an Israeli military bulldozer sentenced her to death and immediately carried out the death penalty ..........
Did the children killed by IDF bullets in 'incursions' in Gaza get a trial and will those who fired the bullets go on trial ?
As a man of justice I think we need your views on these questions !