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Who is going to crush the Kurds?

Brent Herbert | 18.03.2003 02:54

After just listening to the Bush speech on Monday evening, and his appeal to Iraqi Republican Guard units to give up without a fight, I am led to ask the question, 'Who is going to crush the Kurds of Iraq' after Saddam is gone from the scene, and the answer would appear to be the Republican Guard, if they should be turned by the Americans.

The Bush speech was another one of those remarkable examples of the hypocrisy of this particular administration, as well as being an example of its deceitful Orwellian double speak, but after listening to it, I do think that it will sell very well to the media deluded Americans out in Suburbia, who we are told, have become convinced by constant lying on the part of their Fuhrer, that Iraq was responsible for 9-11, among other pieces of sheer bullshit that has come spewing out of the Whitehouse in recent months, as the administration proceeds with its plans to implement the Plan for the New American Century, as outlined in the Mein Kampf of the Extreme Right Wing of the United States in the document entitled 'Rebuilding America's Defenses'.

Now two particularly hypocritical statements in the speech, the two that stand out from the rest, was the Bush statement that 'intelligence continues to show that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction' as well as his insinuation that 'certain members of the security council' were in favor of practicing appeasement, the reference here being to Hitler and the second world war, with the suggestion being that some ruined wreck of a third world nation is somehow equivalent to the Hitler Regime in Germany. Now if it is the case that the United States and 'its allies' continue to acquire evidence that Iraq possesses 'weapons of mass destruction' then, given that weapons inspectors have been in Iraq for many months, why is that this wonderful intelligence has not been shared with weapons inspectors who could then expose the smoking guns? Or shall we instead be treated to a frame up, with this administration planting some cocaine on Saddam Hussein, this being just the kind of perjurious fraud we can expect from this particular clique, and something that will also no doubt sell really well out in media deluded suburbia, who were the real targets of this particular speech, as well as being the targets of all the deleterious propaganda being reported as though it were 'news' by the American media.

One of the reasons that Europeans, for example, as so opposed to this war, is that aside from whatever failings there might be in the European mass media, nevertheless Europeans know a lot more about what is really going on than the brain addled American public, who have been deliberately kept in the dark and thus, like mushrooms, can be fed a constant diet of bullshit on which they are expected to thrive.

Previous to the Bush speech the Pentagon put out the line that Republican Guards were preparing to bomb hospitals and civilian facilities in Baghdad so as to blame these atrocities on the invading American forces, and this bullshit line, like all the other bullshit lines being fed to the media by the Pentagon, was reported 'factually' as though it were somehow news, and not just some more of that 'preparing the public' cynical manouvering that the American Military Industrial Complex has been spewing out in advance of unleashing Shock and Awe on the civilians of Iraq.

Months ago, some good soul leaked the plans for the Shock and Awe strategy to the media, and on the side of those opposed to the war I heard occassionally statements of disbelief ('if shock and awe turns out to be true' for example). This niavety really left me stunned. I for my part believed the reports instantly, because you see, you are dealing with sociopaths here, who killed almost three million civilians in Vietnam (even giving out quotas for the numbers of Vietnamese a unit was to kill during a certain week). At the same time, for the last year, a devestating combination of right wing policies (as instituted by the IMF which is repsonsible for putting into practice the right wing agenda advocated by the business hawks of Washington) and certain natural and political factors have combined to create a devestating famine in Africa, where the United Nations has been warning since last year that up to 40 million of the poorest people on earth are at risk of starving to death. The country of Eritrea is apparently already past the point of no return and given that 70 per cent of the population is at risk, and ships cannot deliver food even if aid was forthcoming, due to the sky rocketing insurance costs caused by the Iraq war, well it would appear that Eritrea is about to disappear off the maps of the world in the next month or two. (Did you know that? Does it come as news to you? One can only wonder how such a massive story will be spin doctored in the future, because you cannot hide the disappearance of an entire nation from the world forever, you know.)

Now after 9-11 I did not sleep, literally did not sleep at all for about 6 days, the weirdest experience of my life, leading to the experience of sleep deprived psychosis towards the end of it all (you can compare this sane reaction to the reaction of your American Fuhrer who sat and listened to some story about a goat, and then quipped 'it looks like I got me a trifecta' (whatever that was supposed to mean). This was after John Ashcroft swore off flying on airplanes, you know because of the intelligence coming in over the summer about those dangerous terrorists and their plans, and the Fuhrer was surrounded by batteries of anti-aircraft guns at Genoa, and sleeping on the U.S.S Enterprise, while the airports were shut down at Genoa. After I recovered from that shock, and that sleep deprived psychosis, I immediately began writing stories about the rise of the Nazis and the parallels of current American society with the rise of the Nazism, and writing up 'conspiracy theories' about 9-11, and for all of this I caught hell from credulous and gullible people, the same people who just did not seem to believe that 'shock and awe' was a credible rumour. Now this is off topic, but for God's sake will some people out there quit being so damned suburban and so damned trusting, when severe suspicion is what is called for here. Look, after watching tens of millions of civilians getting starved out, silently, secretly, in the secret war that the American Empire is waging against the poorest people on earth, when one hears about 'Shock and Awe' one should immediately give credence to the report, consider it quite credible, because these are after all, the kind of people we are talking about here. They are FASCISTS for God's sake, the kind who give tax cuts to the richest people on earth, while cutting welfare and food stamps, attacking medicaire, while starving out countries that are still being forced to make the interest payments on their paltry loans (which in total amount to less than one eight the amount of their tax cuts to the rich) and who then I must listen to while they are talking bullshit on television about their great concern for the food and medical needs of poor people in some far off country which they are preparing to give the hiroshima treatment (known as 'Shock and Awe'). It's real credible, this Orwellian bullshit, but like I said, it will probably sell real well out in ignorant and blind American suburbia.

The point of this piece is not to bawl out the anti-war movement for its credulous gullibility, but I could not resist taking a detour for a moment here, to spend a few moments bawling people out, since when you consider everything all together it should be obvious that we are dealing with some of the most violent and hostile dangerous people on earth, armed to the teeth with the weapons of mass destruction, with an agenda that represents the most inhumane threat to the planet at this particular point in history, and to fail to understand the true nature of the threat is an indication of a severe tactical error.

In regards to 'Shock and Awe', this is no longer just some 'crazy rumour' but has in fact been confirmed in recent days. It was confirmed in so many words by the Fuhrer during his speech, where he warned weapons inspectors and reporters to get out of Iraq. He did not, you might notice, warn Iraqi civilians to get out of Iraq. His great concern for their medicaire and food stamp needs he did mention, this being some promise that the extreme right would never make in America, for fear that someone might actually take them up on the offer. As for rebuilding Iraq, sure they will 'rebuild Iraq', to much fanfare I am sure, as they rebuild roads leading to oil wells, and bridges needed to truck oil. And no doubt, unlike the forty million starving to death in Africa, under the 'free market' policies forced on poor countries by the IMF and Washington, D.C., and unlike the struggling food banks in America or the health problems suffered by the poor under the doubly costly for profit medical system in the 'totally free market' United States, the fortunate people of Iraq will get not only their food needs but their medical needs met, provided that they survive the severe bombarbment known as 'Shock and Awe' (which would be a criminal war crime, under current standards of international law, not something that is going to hinder the extreme right wing in America, because we are all familiar with their contempt for international law, or for national law for that matter - a good example of the latter being their contemptible slowness and stone walling and foot dragging when it comes to dragging Fuhrers before a 9-11 inquiry to answer certain questions that justice demands be asked and adequately answered as well).

Just recently (in a story dated March 6th) the Pentagon confirmed that the leaked story of 'Shock and Awe' is in fact the actual strategy being planned for the war against Iraq, a strategy which can only result in massive civilian deaths...
Pentagon: attack will be short but awesome
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

06 March 2003

President Bush and his top military and civilian advisers fine-tuned plans yesterday for the impending and seemingly inevitable attack on Iraq, which the Pentagon says would be overwhelmingly massive, designed to stun the Iraqis into speedy submission ...

Confirming that the US and Britain envisaged a blitzkrieg-style onslaught against Saddam Hussein, General Myers told American reporters the goal was "a short conflict".

That could be achieved by "such a shock to the system that the Iraqi regime would have to assume early on that the end was inevitable". In words which seemed to foreshadow a massive air and ground assault on Baghdad itself, General Myers said a new war would be very different from Operation Desert Storm in 1991, which began with a 40-day bombing campaign.

This time, Pentagon officials say, 10 times the quantity of precision-guided bombs and missiles will be delivered.

Ground and air attacks will open virtually simultaneously, analysts said, in what has been described a "shock and awe" campaign...

Addressing reporters who planned to cover the fighting from Baghdad, General Myers said: "I would just be very, very careful about how you do your business." His words were the most explicit so far from a top US official on the shape of a war...

Now it goes without saying that if reporters will not be safe in Iraq, neither will Iraqi civilians. As another General stated recently, "There will not be a safe place in Baghdad."

According to the military theorist who is responsible for developing the theoretical framework for 'shock and awe' the idea is to pound a country with an impact similar to that delivered to Hiroshima in Japan, with the idea being that the population will be so shell shocked and so in awe of the agressor, that further military resistance will be abandoned, and the country will simply surrender, just as Japan did during world war 2. Now time to try this strategy out on Iraq to see if it works as well in real life as it does on paper. If it is successful then look for this blitzkreig Hiroshima strategy to become the official war policy of the Extreme Right Wing in America during any future conflicts. Not only is it highly profitiable for the military industrial complex (notice the huge run up in the stock market on Monday) but it will also allow them to report few American casualties to the American public. The one fly in the ointment here is that the Pentagon wants to have their cake and eat it, too, you know, unleashing Hiroshima on a helpless country, and at the same delivering that bullshit the American public is being fed about 'a kinder, gentler military' that does not target civilians. fortunately, the Pentagon and the administration are just filled with arrogant hubris due to the slavish subjection of the American media to both Washington and the Pentagon, and they are thus feeding out bullshit propaganda about 'Saddam using the civilians of Iraq as human shields' and today's bullshit about Republican Guards targetting civilians so as to place the blame for casualities on the American military, etc.

Let's be reasonable can't unleash Hiroshima on a nation without killing tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of little kids. The population of Iraq is fifty percent little kids, who are unlikely to experience their first kiss, a beautiful sunset, or any thing else ever again, something that does not bother the rich and the powerful, who must make these 'difficult decisions', just as they had to make difficult decisions that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq when they imposed brutal sanctions that resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead kids (while speech makers like Tony Blair hypocritically blamed the results on Saddam). Now if only they could figure out some way to blame the destruction of Eritrea on Saddam, and I am sure they will find some way to blame the massive wave of death in Africa on some damn thing or another (there really is no difference between the ideology that resulted in those starvation deaths in Iraq that occurred as a result of the sanctions, or those starvation deaths building silently, secretly in Africa, as a result of IMF imposed policies of strict 'free market principles' as applied to the marketing of food, which is the buying and selling of human life, not radios or other gadgets, after all).

Now during the late 90s, Turkey was brutally murdering and oppressing the Kurds in Southern Turkey, and as Noam Chomsky is fond of pointing out in those lectures of his, during this time Turkey became the largest recipient of American military aid on the planet. When the Kurdish oppression was over, suddenly American military aid declined and shifted to Columbia instead, which, as Chomsky likes to point out, was hardly a coincidence. We also know that when the Kurds were being assaulted in Iraq, the United States administration blocked sanctions in Congress and also in the United Nations. When Iraq delivered it's weapons report the first thing that Washington did was seize the document so that it could be edited to a fraction of its former size, citing 'National security' concerns, as well as 'concerns about the issue of proliferation'. Some good soul in Germany released an unedited version of the entire report and it turned out to be the case that all the American's were censoring was the long list of American government and corporate interests that supplied Iraq with both the ingredients and manufacturing capability for its weapons of mass destruction.

Now with this in mind, we know for certain the Americans support the crushing of the Kurds, and from recent statements about 'maintaining the territorial integrity of Iraq', we know that the Americans support future oppression of the Kurds in Iraq as well. Reports have circulated that Turkey would like to move into northern Iraq, and thus help out with crushing those Kurds, and with the Americans already having financed Turkey in previous episodes of violent actions against the Kurds, and with the Turkish military thus being well trained and enthusiastic about the task, one could almost see how the Americans might appreciate such a helping hand. Someone is going to have to crush the Kurds in the North and the Shi'ites in the south, and with the Americans planning to unleash Hiroshima on Iraq, one can only assume that with the Republican Guard decimated, the Americans will find themselves crushing Kurds and Shi'ites themselves, or perhaps they might decide to invite Turkey into Iraq as part of some 'coalition to maintain the peace' (or some other Orwellian sounding bullshit).

Or then again, as Bush suggested in his speech, the Republican Guards will be given instructions on how to go about surrendering to American forces, advice he suggested they accept. This would keep those Republican Guards around for future use in 'providing peace and stability to Iraq' (more Orwellian bullshit) and since Republican Guards are well trained in crushing and tormenting Kurds and Shi'ites, this would remove the burden from the American military and leave the Republican Guard to fulfill their former duties, with only a change of tyrants taking place in Iraq. I say 'only a change of tyrants' since an artificially created nation like Iraq (created by the British who drew lines on a map which chopped the Kurds into about four pieces) is not going to be a 'democracy' when all is said and done. The people in these nations harbor historical grievances of suffering injustices at the hands of map drawing colonialists, and the Kurds among them are still agitating to this very day to get out of 'Turkey' and 'Iraq' and 'Iran' and thus they will need to be kept crushed by weapons of medium destruction. I say 'weapons of medium destruction' because after all their hypocritical chatter in recent times about 'Saddam's use of poison gas' it is unlikely that the Americans would want to extend the same protection to the new dictator of Iraq as that which they extended to Saddam during his gassing days, and so the Kurds can expect to be shot, stabbed, tormented and bombed, while the Americans out in Suburbia are fed bullshit about the 'war against terrorists in Iraq' and 'certain Kurds who harbor Al Queda' (the ground work already having been laid by Colin Powell at the United Nations when he referred to Al Queda cells in the Kurdish north of Iraq - these people do think ahead or so it would seem).

So the question of who is going to assume responsibility for crushing the Kurds of Iraq reamins an open question. Will some Republican Guard units be turned by the Americans so then can be sent north to fight 'Al Queda' in Iraq? Will the Americans have to 'fight Al Queda' in Iraqi Kurdistan themselves? Will they invite Turkey into Iraq as part of the 'peace keeping force' in Northern Iraq? Only time will tell...

By the way, Bush took a slam at the United Nations in his speech, and I have been brooding about the matter in recent days myself. The best analogy that I can think of is the Munich Conference. In this example the League of Nations, under pressure from an aggressor bent on conquest, forces the Czechs to 'disarm' in advance of a Nazi invasion force. This truly has to be one of the sorriest episodes in modern history, and it truly is an example of just how pathetically weak Iraq really is, that the Iraqis have been systematically destroying missiles (because they went two or three miles beyond the range allowed) and going along with that phony deal of 'disarming themselves' while being pressured by religious groups, the league of Nations, certain 'peace activists', and countries in the region. Really a remarkable example of the failure of the international community, and as for Bush's phony assertions that such a sorry country 'has not disarmed', as I mentioned previously, since he has such great intelligence why has he not shared it with weapons inspectors. As for the coming decietfulness planned by the hawks in Washington (planting coke on Saddam, blaming civilian casualities on Saddam) all I can say is that given the constant and never ending lying and fraud coming from the lips of our various Fuhrers in recent days, be not surprised if anyone with half a brain does not believe a damn thing they see or hear in the coming days...

Some related pages...
The fore-ordained leveling of Baghdad and the myth of precision bombing

A new Pentagon strategy was leaked to the media referred to as 'Shock and Awe'. Apparently if you do the Hiroshima thing to civilian populations they will just give up without a fight like Japan did. Now time to try it out on Iraq, to see if it works as well in real life as it does on paper...
The Great IMF famine of 2003
Iran wakes up and smells the coffee

After trying appeasement for over a year, the government of Iran begins to show signs that are expecting to be next in line after the other 'axis of evil' country, Iraq, gets polished off....
Atheism in the Church, and the Pro-War Movement

The Pro-War position, which is advocated by ‘bible believing Christians' who are part of the religious right, is actually an expression of an ancient form of atheism, in that those who hold to this position do not really believe in the existence of God, and therefore turn instead to a bankrupt philosophy that holds that ‘God can only work through people' (the military industrial complex in this example).
More British fakery and skullduggery on the issue of war with Iraq
BREAKING NEWS!!!! bin Laden reveals Iraq/al Queda links! A fine example of American fakery which was dutifully reported by the press, as though it was news. My local paper featured the entire front page filled with the gloating face of Osalami Bin Laden, even though it was obvious that this fat fellow was not bin laden...
National Review Magazine drops a steaming turd

A classic example of the compelling propaganda of the right wing, is found in this excellent piece from National Review Magazine. A real tear jerker as an Iraqi civilian begs to be saved from Saddam, and the right wing, good hearted things that they are, agree to slash welfare and food stamps to raise the 80 billion required to save them. Real classic stuff. Could even split the left if anyone is stupid enough to forget that Saddam was another one of their clients, but perhaps this is a sign that the right wing has reformed their ways.

The campaign to Impeach George W. Bush

Brent Herbert
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Display the following 3 comments

  1. CBS — bh
  2. it was worth it — bh
  3. shock and awe — american the great evil