Natacha | 17.03.2003 16:06
In case of war... action the same day
Français English
You have just heard the sad news. It's official : Iraq has been attacked.
What do do ?
Rather than watch the war on TV (the American army has already disclosed that the first nine hours will not be broadcast), you would like to express your opposition to the war peacefully.
- Let your friends know by telephone, e-mail or SMS/texto. You inform your friends and acquaintances that war has broken out and they do the same.
- In the same way you invite them to join in a peaceful rally taking place in your town or city, and to relay the information. Lots of anti-war groups are proposing to meet from 5pm on.
- In the advent of war all countries have planned rallies on the first day of the conflict as well as a demonstration the following Saturday.
Pax Humana hereby invites all "humains" to take to the streets of city centres on the first day of the conflict with white flags and white ribbons that can also be wrapped round your car antenna or stuck on your front door.
- In the advent of war we invite all musicians on the first day of the Anglo-American air strikes to take to the streets for a spontaneous concert in order to set in motion a human chain of music for Peace (similar to the Paris annual musicfest).
Forward this to as many people as possible...
where : in France :
18h, Place de la Concorde, à Paris, à deux pas de l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis, au pied de l'Orangerie (coté pont de la Concorde)
(In Paris some people are calling for a rally the first day of war at 6pm at Place de la Concorde, a stone's throw from the American Embassy. It is unlikely though that we will be allowed to approach the embassy.)
Les organisateurs des manifs anti-guerre lyonnais donnent rendez-vous le soir même de l'attaque à 18h30 place Bellecour et le samedi suivant à 14h30 toujours au même endroit pour des manifestations pacifiques.
Le jour du déclenchement des attaques, à 18h30, place de la République
Rassemblement à 18h00 Place de la Mairie. (également le samedi suivant les premières frappes, à 15h00)
18 h, place de la cathédrale (le soir même si on l'apprend le matin. Le lendemain soir sinon.)
18h colonne Merten.
Le jour du début de la guerre (massive) : manif devant l'ambassade américaine (Bruxelles) à 17h (ou le lendemain si déja passé) Ensuite le dimanche suivant 14h Gare du Nord Pax Humana in english
Français English
You have just heard the sad news. It's official : Iraq has been attacked.
What do do ?
Rather than watch the war on TV (the American army has already disclosed that the first nine hours will not be broadcast), you would like to express your opposition to the war peacefully.
- Let your friends know by telephone, e-mail or SMS/texto. You inform your friends and acquaintances that war has broken out and they do the same.
- In the same way you invite them to join in a peaceful rally taking place in your town or city, and to relay the information. Lots of anti-war groups are proposing to meet from 5pm on.
- In the advent of war all countries have planned rallies on the first day of the conflict as well as a demonstration the following Saturday.
Pax Humana hereby invites all "humains" to take to the streets of city centres on the first day of the conflict with white flags and white ribbons that can also be wrapped round your car antenna or stuck on your front door.
- In the advent of war we invite all musicians on the first day of the Anglo-American air strikes to take to the streets for a spontaneous concert in order to set in motion a human chain of music for Peace (similar to the Paris annual musicfest).
Forward this to as many people as possible...

where : in France :
18h, Place de la Concorde, à Paris, à deux pas de l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis, au pied de l'Orangerie (coté pont de la Concorde)
(In Paris some people are calling for a rally the first day of war at 6pm at Place de la Concorde, a stone's throw from the American Embassy. It is unlikely though that we will be allowed to approach the embassy.)
Les organisateurs des manifs anti-guerre lyonnais donnent rendez-vous le soir même de l'attaque à 18h30 place Bellecour et le samedi suivant à 14h30 toujours au même endroit pour des manifestations pacifiques.
Le jour du déclenchement des attaques, à 18h30, place de la République
Rassemblement à 18h00 Place de la Mairie. (également le samedi suivant les premières frappes, à 15h00)
18 h, place de la cathédrale (le soir même si on l'apprend le matin. Le lendemain soir sinon.)
18h colonne Merten.
Le jour du début de la guerre (massive) : manif devant l'ambassade américaine (Bruxelles) à 17h (ou le lendemain si déja passé) Ensuite le dimanche suivant 14h Gare du Nord
