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Your with us or against us

unknown | 17.03.2003 14:31

The public descision and State response

There was a demonstration in Chichester, a small Cathedral city. It attracted 300 protestors, many cops and interestingly the FIT (Forward Intelligence Team). What's unusual about that is the march was made up of 'peaceful' protesters (families and elderly), some of whom have never been on a march before, most of whom have never fallen on the wrong side of the law. Yet the state despatched units (FIT) from Scotland Yard to this and other protests to gather intelligence, film and record the most vocal of the general public. This to me signifies a worring escalation of intelligence gathering where the British public as a whole has now become a significant enough threat to the state to warrant measures reserved for protesting extreme leftist groups, Animal rights groups etc. I would say that the Government, in towing the U.S. line 'Your either with us or against us' now perceives the general public as being more than less on the side of the enemy.

This shift is perhaps more worrying when accounting recent events such as the use of Terrorist legislation against civil protests outside Fairford and the intense surveillance many protesters are already undergoing including house visits and daily harrassment. The historic deployment of tanks on our streets, although a superb flop in propaganda terms designed to stir the nationalist class, it succeeded as a reminder to the general public as to the measures the Government could take is it feels under threat - even from its owen people. I do not suggest a tank war on our streets but a clear signal that this Government is prepared to take any measure necessary against us the opposition to secure its role behind America in the geo-political game of the new 21st century. vive the new world!
