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US and UK defying UN

RCL | 16.03.2003 20:41

Bush and Blair are about to defy the expressed will of the UN security council.

France, Russia, Germany and China have consistently backed the UN route of weapons inspections backed by the threat of military force.
For the US and the UK to DEMAND that they now give up any right to decide if Iraq has complied or not is outrageous.
Bush Sr said he did not invade Iraq in the early nineties because he has no UN authorization to do so.
In passing the 1441 resolution, it was made clear that the resolution was NOT a trigger for war.
Blair has NO authorization from the UN security council to take any military action against Iraq on behalf of the UN.
The majority of the UN security council has made it clear that they wish inspections to continue. If there is no second vote, that will be an admission that the UN will not back military action at this time.
Bush and Blair are about to defy the expressed will of the UN security council.