So you think the nationalists "fascists" run the US ?
rubbish | 15.03.2003 17:08
There is absolutely no truth that the nationalists run the US, people who the left refer to as "fascists". The only fascists in the US govt are politically correct pro-Zionist fascists under the control of the Jewish lobby.
The Terrorists Strike Again
by Kevin Alfred Strom
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of March 15, 2003
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
Last week I spoke to you on the necessity for all of us who know
the truth about race and the truth about the Jewish drive for war
and genocide to remain active, and to avoid all illegal acts --
acts which can only play into the hands of those who have seized
control of the American establishment.
I received a few letters from listeners who said, in effect, "Mr.
Strom -- it does not matter if we stay legal or not. Even if we
break no law, charges can and will be trumped up against us by
the same kind of lying and legal trickery that put Ernst Zundel
in jail." Well, I acknowledged that when I said last week:
"Yes, I know that the so-called Patriot Act and Michael
Chertoff's 'Joint Terrorism Task Force' have acted with gross
illegality themselves, and that innocents who have committed no
crime at all except doubting Jewish fairy tales have been
arrested and falsely charged. I know that Andrew J. O'Conner of
Santa Fe, New Mexico was arrested by the Secret Service on
February 13th for the "crime" of saying that he thought Bush was
"out of control" in an Internet chat room. Some innocents are
going to be persecuted. But that is no excuse for handing the
bastards your head on a silver platter. Don't give them even the
slightest excuse. Stay absolutely and perfectly legal in every
way. And stay active. There's no excuse for any other course."
But note well that while I acknowledged the great danger of the
takeover of the American government by fanatical anti-White Jews,
and I acknowledged the great danger in giving up our traditional
rights through such illegal travesties as the misnamed "Patriot
Act" (which ought to be called the "Imprison Patriots Act"), and
I acknowledged that innocents would be persecuted, I urged
everyone to remain scrupulously legal because to do otherwise is
to make it much easier for the new secret police to harm you,
your family, and your fellow patriots. I reiterate that advice
Yes, we have now reached the stage where Michael Chertoff and the
U.S. Justice Department are acting with almost the same abandon
as the Soviet KGB or NKVD. Under the hypocritically false flag of
"American Security" and a "War on Terror," foreigners who put the
interests of their people and their terrorist racial state Israel
above the interests of Americans have gotten their greasy hands
on the levers of power in Washington. That's a horrible
situation, and just this week we've seen another example of the
Jewish establishment in action.
Last Friday, a SWAT team of some 70 federal agents, armed to the
teeth, including members of the so-called Joint Terrorism Task
Force, descended on the idyllic mountaintop home of Chester
Doles, Jr. and his family in the mountains near Dahlonega,
Georgia, and arrested him on completely bogus firearms charges.
His arraignment hearing is taking place as I speak.
Chester Doles, Jr. is a family man, a father of 11 children, a
professional carpenter, a university student of political
science, and a long-time supporter of the right of White
self-determination. I've spoken about his courageous -- and
completely legal -- protests against illegal immigration and
against the fraudulent "Martin Luther King" holiday on this
program before.
Ten years ago Mr. Doles went to jail in Maryland over an assault.
It was a misdemeanor offense -- not a felony. But because Mr.
Doles sentence was for over 24 months, the Chertoff gang in the
Justice Department is claiming that an obscure provision in the
law which prevents felons from owning firearms also prevents
anyone sentenced -- even for a misdemeanor -- to 24 months or
more from owning any gun.
It doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice
Department" that the guns didn't belong to Chester Doles. It
doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice
Department" that not only did Mr. Doles, his wife and their
eleven children live in the home, but that numbers of extended
family members were often present, all of whom were perfectly
within their rights to own and carry firearms there. It doesn't
matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice Department" that
every single one of the seven weapons they claimed they found
were the same kind of weapons -- handguns, shotguns, and rifles
-- that can be found in almost every household in the north
Georgia mountains and in the homes of most sportsmen across the
nation. It doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush
"Justice Department" that Mrs. Doles and the other family members
there have a right to defend themselves and their property just
as anyone else does.
It also apparently doesn't matter that, according to witnesses,
Mr. Doles was specifically informed by the state of Maryland when
his jail term was up that his right to own firearms had been
The FBI claimed publicly through their spokesman Joe Parris that
this wasn't a political arrest: "He's a felon in possession of a
firearm who happens to have an affiliation. The FBI is not going
to draw any conclusions from that."
Here are some questions that I'd like to ask Mr. Parris: Is it
customary to have the "Joint Terrorism Task Force" and some 70
KGB-style agents storm a peaceful couple's home for a simple case
of possession of ordinary guns? Is it normal for the FBI to pay
an informant to befriend the Doles family and visit their home
regularly for two years in a case based on a tiny technicality in
the law like this? Is it normal to have a team of highly-paid
agents follow the family around literally for years, obtaining
records of every place they travel and everything they buy in a
case like this? Even the first words out of Parris's mouth --
"he's a felon in possession of a firearm" -- are lies, since
Chester Doles has never been convicted of a felony. Clearly, this
is a case of following a political dissident around until they
found some pretext for silencing him.
So one may legitimately ask the FBI: Why are all these resources
being devoted to a highly questionable and extremely minor case
like this? Why is the Bureau taking the chance of embarrassment
for claiming that a non-felon is a felon? Why take such risks
just because a north Georgia family has the kinds of guns that
most north Georgia families have? Again, clearly this is a case
of targeting a man because of his political beliefs, following
him, and sending paid spies to entrap and/or falsely testify
against him. It calls out to high heaven for free speech
advocates like the ACLU and others, if they really are sincere,
to hit hard at this blatant Stalinist attack on freedom of speech
and freedom of conscience. I suggest that every listener contact
the ACLU and other free speech groups and spokesmen and let them
know about this travesty of justice.
Jewish Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, the man
behind an ever-increasing number of KGB-style political arrests
like this one, and the person behind the so-called Joint
Terrorism Task Force which engages in open terrorism itself, has
a very strange definition of "possession" of a firearm. The
Chertoff definition of "possession" is not the ordinary
definition of that word. It's an Alice-in-Wonderland definition
in which you can "possess" a firearm without owning it -- in
fact, without even touching it or seeing it. Apparently you can
"possess" a firearm by just talking about it. You can, it seems,
"possess" a firearm by just being on the same property where it
is located. Does this mean that I "possess" an arsenal of
firearms when I walk into the local police station because large
numbers of firearms are there? Does this mean that I "possess"
one million dollars when I walk into the lobby of the Bank of
America or that I "possess" Faith Hill if I go to one of her
concerts? Absurd. If fifty people go to a home where a gun is
under the mattress in the bedroom, do all fifty of them "possess"
the gun?
This utterly bogus case against Chester Doles cries out to high
heaven for the involvement of the NRA and other Second Amendment
groups, because the precedents that the gun-grabbers could
establish here are ominous indeed. Every listener who is a member
or supporter of gun rights groups should contact his organization
and get them onto this case immediately.
The arrest of Chester Doles is a political arrest, pure and
simple. Through the malice of Jewish supremacists masquerading as
'liberals' and through the stupidity of 'conservatives' who gave
the government and our rights away to those same Jewish
supremacists in the name of "national security," we are now at
the same stage as the Soviet Union was in the early days of the
NKVD, the largely-Jewish secret police later known as the KGB. We
are enmeshed in a tangle of laws -- on firearms, finance, and
many other things -- a tangle of laws so thick that anyone who is
watched long enough can be caught or framed for violating one of
them. This is exactly the situation that tyrants love: laws so
complex and so many that no one understands or even knows them
all, laws so all-encompassing that anyone whom the tyrant deems
an "enemy" can be charged with something. It is a situation where
almost everyone is intimidated because everyone fears the
midnight knock on the door from the secret police. Just do what
"they" want and maybe you'll be safe. That's where inaction and
inactivity brought you. That's where hiding brought you. That's
where insufficient support for patriots brought you.
The arrest of Mr. Doles is educational in another way, too. When
Mr. Doles had scheduled one of his protests against illegal
immigration a few months ago, some activists posted the
information on his event to the and
Web sites, alternative news sites on the Internet. A few radical
leftists denounced the march as "racist" and made the usual
claims that the "racists" were just shills for the "racist
establishment" which they, the noble leftists, were fighting in
the name of freedom for all people. With the false arrest and
persecution of Mr. Doles, any claims that he was part of the
establishment are disproved beyond any doubt. Yes, my friends on
the left -- and I know that thousands of you listen to this
broadcast -- there is a "racist" establishment. But it is not a
"White racist" establishment. It is a Jewish supremacist
establishment, the same establishment which is pushing for the
war that both you and I oppose. It is a Jewish supremacist
establishment which denies the Palestinian people the right of
self-determination, which denies the Palestinian people the right
to a Palestinian state and a Palestinian government. What you
need to understand that the same Jewish supremacist establishment
which denies Palestinians the right to have a truly Palestinian
state also denies Frenchman the right to have a truly French
state, denies Germans the right to have a truly German state, and
denies Americans the right to have a truly American state. The
Jewish supremacists, of course, vociferously demand the right to
their own ethnic/racial state, the same right they deny to the
rest of us. Why should the Left and the Right kill each other
over relatively trivial matters like economics? -- Why should
nationalists of different races kill each other over debatable
boundary lines? -- We all are being denied our right of
self-determination, our very right to exist as a people, by the
single greatest oppressor in the world today: the Jewish
supremacist establishment.
One of the few writers who have dared to name those who oppressed
the Russian people under Communism is Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Solzhenitsyn writes in his book Gulag Archipelago about the 1930s
version of the Bush Justice Department's Michael Chertoff --
Genrikh Yagoda, Jewish head of the NKVD or Communist secret
police. He says that during 1934 and 1935, Yagoda's men went out
every night in St. Petersburg, arresting anyone that Yagoda and
his thugs declared to be a "class enemy." I suppose they'd use
the words 'racist" or "terrorist" now instead of "class enemy" to
justify their terrorism. It's estimated that a quarter of the
population of that city was taken by Yagoda's "authorities," and
most were never heard from again. Solzhenitsyn laments the fact
that the ordinary, non-Jewish Russians, who were still the
majority, didn't stand together and stop these raids.
Solzhenitsyn says that, armed only with knives and pickaxes and
hammers -- or even just spikes for the tires of the vans -- the
Russians could have stopped the Jewish-led murderers and
torturers. And he's right. But the Russians didn't do that, so it
took many millions of dead and almost sixty more years for the
rotten system to collapse of its own weight and internal
I'm not asking you to do what Solzhenitsyn wanted the Russians to
do. Too many Americans are somnolent TV-watchers for that
strategy to be a success now anyway. But I am asking each of you
to be brave enough to give your all for the liberation of our
people. Most of you can join the National Alliance, and give it
your unqualified and open support, give it your names and
reputations, and give a tithe to its efforts. Some of you will
want to join under a nom de guerre, which is perfectly
permissible, because your position in society is too valuable to
our race to sacrifice, and we fully understand that. Some of you
have legal problems hanging over your heads, and you should not
join us because the Jewish establishment is running very scared
these days, and will use any pretext to remove the perceived
"threat" of Jew-savvy patriots. Clean up your problems, and be
strictly and absolutely legal. If you cannot join us or must
leave us for everyone's good, you can still support us. Anyone
can buy books from us and even opponents of our ideas subscribe
to our magazine, National Vanguard, so there's no reason you
can't do those things as well. Sending of cash or money orders
anonymously is perfectly legal and easy to do. We need an
in-depth community of intelligent and committed people, and
that's just the kind of community we're building.
Support those of us who are on the real front lines, and make
your voice heard in your circles. Use the Internet. Go to local
community events and meetings. Speak out. We're going to keep
expanding National Vanguard magazine and,
we're going to keep holding conferences and European Cultural
Festivals like Euro-Fest 2003, we're going to keep putting out
new books and videos and radio programs, and we're going to
distribute another half million pieces of National Alliance
literature as we did in 2002. I'll do what I can, and each of you
do the same. Let's be there for each other. Let's help each
other. And let's win with flags flying.
Speaking of being there for each other, Chester Doles, Jr. needs
our help right now. His legal defense is going to be expensive.
He's facing a possible ten years or more in prison. He is an
innocent victim of government terror. The next victim may be the
peace activist next door. The next victim may be the man who
defends his family from a killer with a firearm. The next victim
may be you. Support Chester Doles by sending as much as you can
spare to:
Doles Defense Fund, P.O. Box 1532, Dahlonega, GA 30533
Make all money orders out to David Trainor, Mr. Doles' attorney.
You may also send cash.
Please help Mr. Doles in his hour of need. His wife needs him.
His eleven children, the youngest only four months old, need him.
And his community needs him. Write and help today.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of March 15, 2003
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
Last week I spoke to you on the necessity for all of us who know
the truth about race and the truth about the Jewish drive for war
and genocide to remain active, and to avoid all illegal acts --
acts which can only play into the hands of those who have seized
control of the American establishment.
I received a few letters from listeners who said, in effect, "Mr.
Strom -- it does not matter if we stay legal or not. Even if we
break no law, charges can and will be trumped up against us by
the same kind of lying and legal trickery that put Ernst Zundel
in jail." Well, I acknowledged that when I said last week:
"Yes, I know that the so-called Patriot Act and Michael
Chertoff's 'Joint Terrorism Task Force' have acted with gross
illegality themselves, and that innocents who have committed no
crime at all except doubting Jewish fairy tales have been
arrested and falsely charged. I know that Andrew J. O'Conner of
Santa Fe, New Mexico was arrested by the Secret Service on
February 13th for the "crime" of saying that he thought Bush was
"out of control" in an Internet chat room. Some innocents are
going to be persecuted. But that is no excuse for handing the
bastards your head on a silver platter. Don't give them even the
slightest excuse. Stay absolutely and perfectly legal in every
way. And stay active. There's no excuse for any other course."
But note well that while I acknowledged the great danger of the
takeover of the American government by fanatical anti-White Jews,
and I acknowledged the great danger in giving up our traditional
rights through such illegal travesties as the misnamed "Patriot
Act" (which ought to be called the "Imprison Patriots Act"), and
I acknowledged that innocents would be persecuted, I urged
everyone to remain scrupulously legal because to do otherwise is
to make it much easier for the new secret police to harm you,
your family, and your fellow patriots. I reiterate that advice
Yes, we have now reached the stage where Michael Chertoff and the
U.S. Justice Department are acting with almost the same abandon
as the Soviet KGB or NKVD. Under the hypocritically false flag of
"American Security" and a "War on Terror," foreigners who put the
interests of their people and their terrorist racial state Israel
above the interests of Americans have gotten their greasy hands
on the levers of power in Washington. That's a horrible
situation, and just this week we've seen another example of the
Jewish establishment in action.
Last Friday, a SWAT team of some 70 federal agents, armed to the
teeth, including members of the so-called Joint Terrorism Task
Force, descended on the idyllic mountaintop home of Chester
Doles, Jr. and his family in the mountains near Dahlonega,
Georgia, and arrested him on completely bogus firearms charges.
His arraignment hearing is taking place as I speak.
Chester Doles, Jr. is a family man, a father of 11 children, a
professional carpenter, a university student of political
science, and a long-time supporter of the right of White
self-determination. I've spoken about his courageous -- and
completely legal -- protests against illegal immigration and
against the fraudulent "Martin Luther King" holiday on this
program before.
Ten years ago Mr. Doles went to jail in Maryland over an assault.
It was a misdemeanor offense -- not a felony. But because Mr.
Doles sentence was for over 24 months, the Chertoff gang in the
Justice Department is claiming that an obscure provision in the
law which prevents felons from owning firearms also prevents
anyone sentenced -- even for a misdemeanor -- to 24 months or
more from owning any gun.
It doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice
Department" that the guns didn't belong to Chester Doles. It
doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice
Department" that not only did Mr. Doles, his wife and their
eleven children live in the home, but that numbers of extended
family members were often present, all of whom were perfectly
within their rights to own and carry firearms there. It doesn't
matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush "Justice Department" that
every single one of the seven weapons they claimed they found
were the same kind of weapons -- handguns, shotguns, and rifles
-- that can be found in almost every household in the north
Georgia mountains and in the homes of most sportsmen across the
nation. It doesn't matter to Michael Chertoff and the Bush
"Justice Department" that Mrs. Doles and the other family members
there have a right to defend themselves and their property just
as anyone else does.
It also apparently doesn't matter that, according to witnesses,
Mr. Doles was specifically informed by the state of Maryland when
his jail term was up that his right to own firearms had been
The FBI claimed publicly through their spokesman Joe Parris that
this wasn't a political arrest: "He's a felon in possession of a
firearm who happens to have an affiliation. The FBI is not going
to draw any conclusions from that."
Here are some questions that I'd like to ask Mr. Parris: Is it
customary to have the "Joint Terrorism Task Force" and some 70
KGB-style agents storm a peaceful couple's home for a simple case
of possession of ordinary guns? Is it normal for the FBI to pay
an informant to befriend the Doles family and visit their home
regularly for two years in a case based on a tiny technicality in
the law like this? Is it normal to have a team of highly-paid
agents follow the family around literally for years, obtaining
records of every place they travel and everything they buy in a
case like this? Even the first words out of Parris's mouth --
"he's a felon in possession of a firearm" -- are lies, since
Chester Doles has never been convicted of a felony. Clearly, this
is a case of following a political dissident around until they
found some pretext for silencing him.
So one may legitimately ask the FBI: Why are all these resources
being devoted to a highly questionable and extremely minor case
like this? Why is the Bureau taking the chance of embarrassment
for claiming that a non-felon is a felon? Why take such risks
just because a north Georgia family has the kinds of guns that
most north Georgia families have? Again, clearly this is a case
of targeting a man because of his political beliefs, following
him, and sending paid spies to entrap and/or falsely testify
against him. It calls out to high heaven for free speech
advocates like the ACLU and others, if they really are sincere,
to hit hard at this blatant Stalinist attack on freedom of speech
and freedom of conscience. I suggest that every listener contact
the ACLU and other free speech groups and spokesmen and let them
know about this travesty of justice.
Jewish Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, the man
behind an ever-increasing number of KGB-style political arrests
like this one, and the person behind the so-called Joint
Terrorism Task Force which engages in open terrorism itself, has
a very strange definition of "possession" of a firearm. The
Chertoff definition of "possession" is not the ordinary
definition of that word. It's an Alice-in-Wonderland definition
in which you can "possess" a firearm without owning it -- in
fact, without even touching it or seeing it. Apparently you can
"possess" a firearm by just talking about it. You can, it seems,
"possess" a firearm by just being on the same property where it
is located. Does this mean that I "possess" an arsenal of
firearms when I walk into the local police station because large
numbers of firearms are there? Does this mean that I "possess"
one million dollars when I walk into the lobby of the Bank of
America or that I "possess" Faith Hill if I go to one of her
concerts? Absurd. If fifty people go to a home where a gun is
under the mattress in the bedroom, do all fifty of them "possess"
the gun?
This utterly bogus case against Chester Doles cries out to high
heaven for the involvement of the NRA and other Second Amendment
groups, because the precedents that the gun-grabbers could
establish here are ominous indeed. Every listener who is a member
or supporter of gun rights groups should contact his organization
and get them onto this case immediately.
The arrest of Chester Doles is a political arrest, pure and
simple. Through the malice of Jewish supremacists masquerading as
'liberals' and through the stupidity of 'conservatives' who gave
the government and our rights away to those same Jewish
supremacists in the name of "national security," we are now at
the same stage as the Soviet Union was in the early days of the
NKVD, the largely-Jewish secret police later known as the KGB. We
are enmeshed in a tangle of laws -- on firearms, finance, and
many other things -- a tangle of laws so thick that anyone who is
watched long enough can be caught or framed for violating one of
them. This is exactly the situation that tyrants love: laws so
complex and so many that no one understands or even knows them
all, laws so all-encompassing that anyone whom the tyrant deems
an "enemy" can be charged with something. It is a situation where
almost everyone is intimidated because everyone fears the
midnight knock on the door from the secret police. Just do what
"they" want and maybe you'll be safe. That's where inaction and
inactivity brought you. That's where hiding brought you. That's
where insufficient support for patriots brought you.
The arrest of Mr. Doles is educational in another way, too. When
Mr. Doles had scheduled one of his protests against illegal
immigration a few months ago, some activists posted the
information on his event to the and
Web sites, alternative news sites on the Internet. A few radical
leftists denounced the march as "racist" and made the usual
claims that the "racists" were just shills for the "racist
establishment" which they, the noble leftists, were fighting in
the name of freedom for all people. With the false arrest and
persecution of Mr. Doles, any claims that he was part of the
establishment are disproved beyond any doubt. Yes, my friends on
the left -- and I know that thousands of you listen to this
broadcast -- there is a "racist" establishment. But it is not a
"White racist" establishment. It is a Jewish supremacist
establishment, the same establishment which is pushing for the
war that both you and I oppose. It is a Jewish supremacist
establishment which denies the Palestinian people the right of
self-determination, which denies the Palestinian people the right
to a Palestinian state and a Palestinian government. What you
need to understand that the same Jewish supremacist establishment
which denies Palestinians the right to have a truly Palestinian
state also denies Frenchman the right to have a truly French
state, denies Germans the right to have a truly German state, and
denies Americans the right to have a truly American state. The
Jewish supremacists, of course, vociferously demand the right to
their own ethnic/racial state, the same right they deny to the
rest of us. Why should the Left and the Right kill each other
over relatively trivial matters like economics? -- Why should
nationalists of different races kill each other over debatable
boundary lines? -- We all are being denied our right of
self-determination, our very right to exist as a people, by the
single greatest oppressor in the world today: the Jewish
supremacist establishment.
One of the few writers who have dared to name those who oppressed
the Russian people under Communism is Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Solzhenitsyn writes in his book Gulag Archipelago about the 1930s
version of the Bush Justice Department's Michael Chertoff --
Genrikh Yagoda, Jewish head of the NKVD or Communist secret
police. He says that during 1934 and 1935, Yagoda's men went out
every night in St. Petersburg, arresting anyone that Yagoda and
his thugs declared to be a "class enemy." I suppose they'd use
the words 'racist" or "terrorist" now instead of "class enemy" to
justify their terrorism. It's estimated that a quarter of the
population of that city was taken by Yagoda's "authorities," and
most were never heard from again. Solzhenitsyn laments the fact
that the ordinary, non-Jewish Russians, who were still the
majority, didn't stand together and stop these raids.
Solzhenitsyn says that, armed only with knives and pickaxes and
hammers -- or even just spikes for the tires of the vans -- the
Russians could have stopped the Jewish-led murderers and
torturers. And he's right. But the Russians didn't do that, so it
took many millions of dead and almost sixty more years for the
rotten system to collapse of its own weight and internal
I'm not asking you to do what Solzhenitsyn wanted the Russians to
do. Too many Americans are somnolent TV-watchers for that
strategy to be a success now anyway. But I am asking each of you
to be brave enough to give your all for the liberation of our
people. Most of you can join the National Alliance, and give it
your unqualified and open support, give it your names and
reputations, and give a tithe to its efforts. Some of you will
want to join under a nom de guerre, which is perfectly
permissible, because your position in society is too valuable to
our race to sacrifice, and we fully understand that. Some of you
have legal problems hanging over your heads, and you should not
join us because the Jewish establishment is running very scared
these days, and will use any pretext to remove the perceived
"threat" of Jew-savvy patriots. Clean up your problems, and be
strictly and absolutely legal. If you cannot join us or must
leave us for everyone's good, you can still support us. Anyone
can buy books from us and even opponents of our ideas subscribe
to our magazine, National Vanguard, so there's no reason you
can't do those things as well. Sending of cash or money orders
anonymously is perfectly legal and easy to do. We need an
in-depth community of intelligent and committed people, and
that's just the kind of community we're building.
Support those of us who are on the real front lines, and make
your voice heard in your circles. Use the Internet. Go to local
community events and meetings. Speak out. We're going to keep
expanding National Vanguard magazine and,
we're going to keep holding conferences and European Cultural
Festivals like Euro-Fest 2003, we're going to keep putting out
new books and videos and radio programs, and we're going to
distribute another half million pieces of National Alliance
literature as we did in 2002. I'll do what I can, and each of you
do the same. Let's be there for each other. Let's help each
other. And let's win with flags flying.
Speaking of being there for each other, Chester Doles, Jr. needs
our help right now. His legal defense is going to be expensive.
He's facing a possible ten years or more in prison. He is an
innocent victim of government terror. The next victim may be the
peace activist next door. The next victim may be the man who
defends his family from a killer with a firearm. The next victim
may be you. Support Chester Doles by sending as much as you can
spare to:
Doles Defense Fund, P.O. Box 1532, Dahlonega, GA 30533
Make all money orders out to David Trainor, Mr. Doles' attorney.
You may also send cash.
Please help Mr. Doles in his hour of need. His wife needs him.
His eleven children, the youngest only four months old, need him.
And his community needs him. Write and help today.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
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