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Condolence register PM Djindjic

Serbia Today | 15.03.2003 09:51

Condolence register is opened for those who wish to sign it.

Condolence register is opened for those who wish to sign it.

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Condoleeza fro Djingo

15.03.2003 12:50

Unashamed opportunist, stooge to certain quarters of the West, wrecker of constitution, taker of bribes, friend of organised crime kicks the bucket.

Background info on Zoran Djindjic, murdered Serbian PM
How Djindjic & Kostunica Marketed the Extradition of Milosevic...
"Washington's Aid Promises are a Traitorous Lie!"
Statement of the Socialist Party of Serbia
Written for the SPS by Jared Israel
[Re-posted 14 March 2003]

From the text, written before Milosevic kidnapping:
"Washington has laid down the law to these Belgrade authorities. It has told them: you are taking too much time. Give us Milosevic. Give us the patriots of the Yugoslav Army. Give us those who fought us in Bosnia and Croatia. Give them to us NOW. And give us everything of value in Yugoslavia. Because if you do not we will take you in their place."

The Treason of Vojislav Kostunica
Kostunica feigned innocence when Djindjic kidnapped Milosevic, but...
by Jared Israel
[Re-posted 14 March 2003]

Wilmer's Complaint: Djindjic Warns Washington
Djindjic gave a strange interview to Der Spiegel soon after the kidnapping. Gangster logic.
by Jared Israel
[Re-posted 14 March 2003]

These Djindjic People are Brownshirts
Interview with a Victim of a 'Democratic' Coup.
[Re-posted 14 march 2003]


Better management then Slobo

15.03.2003 13:36

I do think his management was better then Slobo's. At least he got Serbia out of where it was, while under Slobo it would perish.

I do regard sources like TENC a bit amateuristic since it's not objective but very subjective. I still didn't see any hard evidence this man was bad.

The guy who gave the order though is!

The Proletarian

Evidence is there indeed

15.03.2003 13:52

Just read where those big praises for "our man" in the Balkans are coming from!!!

..and what exactly has "management" got to do with anything?

Are we talking about "corporate" society here?

Our Man in the Balkans Inc

Proletarian you are the amateur and ignorant!

15.03.2003 13:52

Zoran deserve everything he got for siding with the US against Serbia during the 1999 war where thousands died and he stated' I believe in nothing except the almighty dollar'.
Plus you dare tell me that he run the country better than Milosevic when he sold the country dry to the west by joining the IMF and putting many people out of work which is very much what has happened to Argentina. Proletarian get your facts right or else ignorant one! Long live Serbia and death to all pro-imperialist scum and Bin Laden backed KLA or UCK. Zoran is a modern day Bolchevick so good ridance to a traitor and nazi collabrator!


Balkan Karzai

15.03.2003 15:02

Djingo Dog was the Hamid Karzai of the Balkans.

Slave to Western masters (who lavished praises for the bow wow).

Both the Afghan Hound and Djingo had to beg for the money when it is time to deliver on promised aid.

both are forgotten when they have delivered.

Both are "flashy" dressers.

One is dead.

If history is of any use, the other may become the future Saddam Hussein, Noriega, Suharto, Pinochet, Marcos, etc.

Pedigree Chum

Balkan Karzai

15.03.2003 15:05

Djingo Dog was the Hamid Karzai of the Balkans.

Slave to Western masters (who lavished praises for the bow wow).

Both the Afghan Hound and Djingo had to beg for the money when it is time to deliver on promised aid.

both are forgotten when they have delivered.

Both are "flashy" dressers.

One is dead.

If history is of any use, the other may become the future Saddam Hussein, Noriega, Suharto, Pinochet, Marcos, etc.

Pedigree Chum

but he was still better than Milosevic

15.03.2003 18:44

He may (or may not, I haven't read up on what Djindjic did to Serbia) have sold the country out to the west, but the people slagging him off here seem to be ignorant to what Milosevic did in Bosnia and Kosovo. Millions died under his regime, and he is rightfully in the Haugue for his crimes, so how can anyone defend him??

Thomas J

Shades of no-standard

15.03.2003 19:32

He may (or may not, I haven't read up on what Djindjic did to Serbia) have sold the country out to the west, but the people slagging him off here seem to be ignorant to what Milosevic did in Bosnia and Kosovo. Millions died under his regime, and he is rightfully in the Haugue for his crimes, so how can anyone defend him??

Thomas, If you "haven't read up.." aren't you "ignorant"?

"Millions died under his regime..." What "millions"? A voice in your head gave you that figure or NATO?

"..rightfully in the Hague..." - According to who?

Do you mean that kangaroo court in the Hague which has hitherto unable to prosecute Slobo even with their cooked-up evidence?

If Djindjic is your hero - how come he cannot come up with a court in his own country that can put Slobo on trial? The Chileans can do that for Pinochet.

Aren't you aware that Djindjic went against his country's own constitution?

He is the same (if not worse) substandard little tyrant as Slobo if you would get off your ass and "read up".

Don't forget to take your medication if you keep hearing "facts" in your head!!!

What a "haven't read up" tart and ignorant dickhead!!!!!!

George Robertson

Manager retrenched

15.03.2003 19:53

Serbia's Richard III

This column has never held much respect for Zoran Djindjic. The man was a Marxist philosopher who wrote a Ph.D. on utilizing crisis situations to seize power. He was a technocratic statist of the worst stripe, a man who put "manager" – his nickname, no less – in "managerial state." Under his rule, Serbia went from a damaged but surviving post-war, post-sanctions economy into a sharp tailspin. His ministers have engineered tax and privatization policies that have pilfered the people of what little wealth they still had, while pushing Serbia into a mountain of debt. And, almost as a side note, they've managed to rip up the Constitution, cheat the democratic process (however flawed and bogus it was to begin with), and dismantle the country they've taken over.

Indeed, Zoran Djindjic was the champion of the worst kind of social engineering, trying to remake Serbia into an obedient Imperial vassal mired in cultural Marxism and political correctness, all in the name of 'democracy' and 'human rights' which he cared not a whit about. There is no reason to renounce any of these judgments now. Serbia is better off without him.

That said, his murder was brutal, foul and worthy only of condemnation. It is a deeply uncivilized act, for a deeply uncivilized society which Serbia has become over the past decade. Yes, it was a society Djindjic helped shape during his time in power, and there is certainly an irony that he died at the hands of someone even more unscrupulous. But no one deserves to be murdered.

Djindjic can do more good in death then he did in life; if his assassin is caught and given a fair trial, it will mark Serbia's return to civilization. Serbia's new leaders, whoever they end up being, should bear in mind the last lines of Shakespeare's Richard III:

Inter their bodies as becomes their births.
Proclaim a pardon to the soldiers fled
That in submission will return to us;
And then, as we have ta'en the sacrament,
We will unite the white rose and the red.
Smile heaven upon this fair conjunction,
That long have frowned upon their enmity!
What traitor hears me, and says not amen?
England hath long been mad and scarred herself;
The brother blindly shed the brother's blood;
The father rashly slaughtered his own son;
The son, compelled, been butcher to the sire:
All this divided York and Lancaster,
Divided in their dire division,
O, now let Richmond and Elizabeth,
The true succeeders of each royal house,
By God's fair ordinance conjoin together!
And let their heirs (God, if thy will be so)
Enrich the time to come with smooth-faced peace,
With smiling plenty, and fair prosperous days!
Abate the edge of traitors, gracious Lord,
That would reduce these bloody days again
And make poor England weep in streams of blood!
Let them not live to taste this land's increase
That would with treason wound this fair land's peace!
Now civil wounds are stopped, peace lives again:
That she may long live here, God say Amen!

– Nebojsa Malic

Serbian Sopranos

Two words for u: Ethnic cleansing.

16.03.2003 14:57

Well, at least Dijinic didn't attempt to wipe out an indingous population on more than one occaision. Slobbo was responsible for the genocide of ethinc Albanians in Kosovo, and the massacre of thousands of Bosnian Croats and Muslims during the Bosnian War. Milosevic is a tyrant, and there is no place for tyrants in this world. He is no different to Pinochet or Suharto, but those two were backed by America, so it's ok to denounce them, but anyone who denounces a tryant who is an eneny of America is a sell out! And you talk about double standards...

Thomas J

That twirp again!!!!!

17.03.2003 01:05

Where are your evidence (previously "millions") of people Slobo murdered?

The Hague kangaroo court cannot even supply a vastly smaller figure than that.

I warned you about hearing figures in your head, and not stopping your medication!!!!!

And no-one is only against stooges of the US (even though the US stabbed him in the back by not coming up with promised aid which made him a stooge-reject).

Don't be so paranoid if it appears that only the US is attacked!!!!!

Between him and Slobo, at least Slobo is not the bow-wow to anybody. Then again, Dingo Dog is a better dresser than Slobo (See!!! I can say something nice about running dog!!!)

Go and read up more and keep taking the medication!!!!!

Crufts Dog Show


17.03.2003 08:41

Here, proof that Slobo wasn't a very nice guy. Now stop saying that I'm in the pay of NATO or whatever unoriginal insult you can throw at me, and stop being an apologist for one of the most brutal dictators of the past hundered years.

BTW YOU are probably more in need of medication then I am.

Thomas J