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Markets rally with rumours of a surrender...

David B. | 14.03.2003 10:21

Surrender or war very likely within days..

Markets rally with rumours of a surrender..,3604,913768,00.html
"Encouraged by overnight reports of secret surrender talks between America and top Iraqi army commanders, buyers piled in from the start of trading, more than erasing Wednesday's heavy losses."
Meanwhile US ships leave the Turkish coast for Suez and the Red Sea.
Here they can fire Tomahawks over Saudi Arabia for early targets. And a new front from Saudi Arabia is opening with US planes landing in Saudi airfields.

David B.


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Not a war.. an attack

14.03.2003 10:30

Not a war.. an attack

David B.

let's be truthful

14.03.2003 10:49

"A Massacre" - Terry Jones on TV last night


Don't believe the hype

14.03.2003 11:30

We are going to be peppered with "rumours". And the stock market is excellent soil for such weeds. Don't believe the hype. There is everything still to play for.

If the UN route is blocked, Blair may yet stand down.
If Blair stands down, this may either, highly unlikely but possible, cause the Americans to pause, or more likely, force them to be a little less gratuitously murderous in their assault. If they go it alone, against international law and international opinion, they know the eyes of hte world will be scrutinizing their every move with a hostility and scrupulousness.

Ghost Buster

where now for hope?

14.03.2003 13:30

So with the last chance of peace looking ever more faint, where do we put our hope now?

The prior post illustrated this clearly.

Is it time to welcome the New World Order?

Whilst it is inspirational to see so many marchers, and disobedience, what will it take effect change?

Good to see that so many people are waking up, but it is clear that none of the tactics now available to section 44 'terrorists' can have any useful effect (apart from waking more people up to the domination endemic in our world).

Now that we are terrorist, they will have no hestitation is using their powers to remove any budding dissident.

What is useful about paying taxes directly or in kind?

We are all funders of this war machine, this NWO.

yogurt weaver

"Surrender"- Most likely is US "psychops"

14.03.2003 22:50

Goo place to start this type of lie is the stock brokers rumour mill.

David B.