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Carlo- never forgotten

Daria | 14.03.2003 03:12

Today, the 14th March, would have been Carlo Giuliani's 25th birthday.

Today is the 14th March, it would have been Carlo Giuliani's 25th birthday. Even though he will never be able to read this, I want to say Happy Birthday, Buon Compleanno Carlo. We will never forget you.




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spontaneous writing

14.03.2003 06:10

This is my spontaneous writing (05:35 14/03/03 - UK) this morning. Like millions of people in this world we are not more able to sleep ~ as usual. In this early morning, many birds are singing and tell us : STOP THIS WAR ! Why people like Bush, Blair and others have involved all us in WAR against our ~ will ? STOP WAR ( No Charlie Parker was not naive - ? ! ) STOP WAR NOW
tooo to to to toooootoooooo to to to to to tto ttttttooooo ttttttttttttttttttooooooooooooooo
pii piiiii piiii piiiiiii pi piii pii piii piiiiiiiiiiiiiiii piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
wiiiiii wiiiiiiiii wiiiiii wi wi wi wiiiiiiiiiiiiii bee be be beeeee be be beeeeeeeeee
( Sound )
Si, Carlo Vive.
...... 14th March, it would have been Carlo Giuliani's 25th birthday ........
