So the Zionazis DONT control the media?
Nick Griffin | 13.03.2003 17:04
Who controls broadcasting?
There can be little doubt that television is the most powerful force for the presentation of the news and the formation of attitudes. Go into any workplace, pub, school, shop, or other institution and the chances are that the conversation will get around to the previous night's 'soap' or something of particular note on the evening's news. And what was shown - and not shown - on the TV screen will in all probability have affected the way in which the viewers see the world.
By using such techniques, the controllers of the TV stations have enormous power to shape popular opinion. And a glance through any TV guide will reveal that, by providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash, the masters of the TV stations are not shy of using that power. So just who are these people? Just who is responsible for the poison peddled by 'our' television networks?
The most powerful man at the 'British' Broadcasting Corporation is Alan Yentob, Director of BBC programmes. According to Broadcast magazine (14.6.96) this "gives him control over all non-news BBC programmes including those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service." Yentob is a close personal friend of the immensely powerful independent TV bosses Michael Grade and Michael Green. The three have shared holidays in the Caribbean and, together with Charles Saatchi, are referred to by coy insiders as the "St. John's Wood Mafia." The Saatchi and Yentob families have been closely connected since before they moved to Britain from Iraq.
Behind the scenes, Jews are well represented among the Governors of the BBC, who include former President of the S. G. Warburg merchant bank Sir David Scholey, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield and Janet Cohen. Holders of important BBC managerial posts include Sarah Frank, Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide Americas; Controller of Publicity and Public Relations, Keith Samuel, and David Aaronovitch, who is Managing Editor of the BBC's weekly programmes. Anne Sloman is Deputy Head of BBC News Programmes; Ruth Caleb is the Head of Drama, and Louis Marks has been Producer of Drama since 1976. Another key figure in terms of the BBC's relationship with the rest of the world, Commercial Director at BBC Worldwide TV Tony Kay, is responsible for deals with American networks such as NBC. International Director of US cable operator TCI, Adam Singer - son of former BBC Director-General Aubrey Singer - has also been responsible for a number of big deals between the BBC and TCI's British subsidiary Flextech.
Head of BBC Comedy Entertainment is Jon Plowman. He is responsible for 'alternative comedian' Ben Elton's Thin Blue Line. Presumably Elton got the same helping hand onto the show-business ladder as Barry Cryer, Lloyd Grossman, Ester Ranzen, Dennis Norden and Felicity Kendall.
Jews in prominent positions in BBC regional TV include Rod Natkiel, Head of Network TV at BBC Midlands and East, and Roy Saatchi, Head of Local Programmes at BBC North.
The host of lower level functionaries who implement the wishes of the media masters in such stations also includes a vastly disproportionate number of Jews, such as Geoffrey Goodman, who broadcasts on BBC Current Affairs and LBC/IRN, and BBC TV's legal correspondent Joshua Rosenberg. Naomi Goldman is not only a Producer on Newsnight but is also a member of the Jewish Socialist Group. Another militant Zionist in the BBC is writer and broadcaster Lisa Jardine. With people like these determining the direction, content amd tone of BBC output, it can be seen that its consistently anti-British and pro-minority stance is no accident.
Channel 4
The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is Michael Grade, who succeeded its creator Jeremy Isaacs. Grade previously controlled LWT and BBCl and 2. He has been a director of First Leisure Entertainment since 1991. This massive company was formerly headed by Grade's uncle, the late Lord Bernard Delfont and includes 300 cinemas, eight theatres, hotels, restaurants and record divisions. Grade's father, Lew Grade (real name Winogradsky) was, before he died, and an enormously influential TV mogul and Director of Euro-Disney.
The endless diet of filth and perversion which Channel 4 feeds to the public has earned Michael Grade the sobriquet Britain's "pornographer-in-chief." In March 1996 he was also widely criticised after his brainchild The Girlie Show ran an episode which clearly encouraged shoplifting. "Why do we allow this millionaire to incite theft?" asked veteran columnist Paul Johnson.
Managing Director of Channel Four International Ltd and Director of Acquisitions at C4 is Colin Leventhal. This busy man's acquisitions for the channel have included such American propaganda shows as Roseanne and The Cosby Show which are produced by Caryn Mandabach's Carsey Werner company. Leventhal has also developed a close relationship with Nickelodeon, the subsidiary of Viacom Inc. owned by Sumner Redstone.
The next time you have the misfortune to see one of the disgusting pieces of decadence and perversion which so often pass as 'plays' on Channel 4, you should direct your complaint to the channel's Head of Drama, David Aukin, or to the Senior Commissioning Editor for Drama, Peter Ansorge. The latter spoke out strongly in favour of the sympathetic depiction of incest on the soap Brookside at peak family viewing time. Ansorge said that he expected to be attacked for the storyline and condemned the 'right-wing lobbies' which express widespread public disquiet about the way in which all the British soaps have been turned into promotional vehicles for sexual deviancy.
If, on the other hand, you are offended by the decidedly 'ethnic' and extreme 'liberal' tone and content of Channel Four News, reflect on the fact that the News Editor since March 1996 has been Sara Nathan, supported by Elinar Goodman. While Jon Snow, the extremist liberal Channel Four newscaster is not Jewish, he has made his sympathies clear by joining Jewish journalists in addressing a Jewish Chronicle sponsored meeting on ethics in journalism.
Channel 4's youth programme production company, Planet 24, has, according to the Jewish Chronicle "an uncanny knack of fronting its popular Channel 4 programmes with blondish Jewish women." These include Dani Behr, who has used her leading role on The Word and Surf Potatoes to try to popularise inter-racial dating, and Gabi Roslin of the Big Breakfast and the Gabi Roslin Show. Planet 24 also produced BBC2's homosexual magazine series Gaytime TV.
Managing Director and Presenter of Rapido TV is Peter Stuart, who also finds time to oversee the production of such cultural gems as Eurotrash and The Girlie Show.
Among the many lesser players involved in the relentless outpouring of filth from Channel 4 are Michael and Martin Myers, the distributors who run the First Independent company; Stephanie Calman, who was the scriptwriter for the sitcom Dressing for Breakfast; the viciously anti-British comedian Mark Thomas, and Alexi Sayle, who says that since he is Jewish, so are all his characters.
A number of Channel 4 programmes are produced by Philip Clarke's Diverse Production company. These include Diverse Reports, The Hello Girls and Dual Balls, a 'comedy' by Dan Zeff.
The Independent Television Commission is the regulatory body which oversees the whole of the ITV network. Its Director is Jude Goffee and its senior sponsorship and advertising officer is Eve Salomon. The Network Director of ITV is Marcus Plantin, who was instrumental in appointing Claudia Rosencrantz as ITV's Controller of Entertainment.
Media group MAI owns two ITV franchises (Anglia and Meridian); a 5 per cent stake in ITN and a 29 per cent stake in Channel Five. A driving force in the newly formed MAI/United News and Media giant is Lord Hollick, a Labour peer with close links with Hambros Bank, of which he is a long-standing Director. Hollick has orchestrated MAI's rapid growth in media interests since 1990. He is a great admirer of Michael Eisner's Disney empire and wants to be one of the new breed of 'lifestyle suppliers' - an all-encompassing media brand which gives you your TV, radio, newspapers, house, books, music, holidays, theme park thrills and films (and, as a consequence, shapes your political opinions).
To this end, MAI has established close links with the second largest 'American' megamedia corporation, Time Warner Inc., whose Chairman is Gerald Levin, and its subsidiary HBO, whose Vice President is Charles Schreger. One of the first deals on the agenda is a plan to build a movie theme park on the outskirts of London. A senior director of MAI's Anglia TV subsidiary is film executive David Puttnam, best known for his Chariots of Fire, which dwelt at length on the 'anti-Semitism' encountered by a Cambridge athlete early this century. Such problems certainly do not seem to have held back Mr. Puttnam, whose many interests include being a director of the Australian feature producer Village Roadshow Pictures, which is partly owned by MAI. Anglia's Director of Programmes is Graham Creelman. MAI's United News section is headed by Chief Executive Stephen Grabiner.
The pivotal position in ITN's influential news coverage is held by Robert Elias, Programme Editor of News at Ten, while the power to decide what gets airtime at LBC rests with its Controller of Programmes, Charles Golding.
Carlton Communications
Carlton is a major force in the ITN network with assets including Carlton TV and Central TV; a 20 per cent stake in ITN; Meridian TV and GMTV, and a 50 per cent stake in London News Network. It has a £1.6 billion turnover, recording pre-tax profits of almost £250 million in 1995, and has significant assets in the Asian sub-continent.
Carlton's Chairman is Michael Green, who is also Director of Independent Television News, Central Independent Television and GMTV. It was Green who, with the Saatchi brothers, masterminded the fierce lobbying campaign which persuaded the Government to sacrifice the independence of ITV's fourteen regional stations in 1993. Green, who is related by marriage to Lords Wolfson and Young, was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle of 17.11.95 as declaring that: "I am very aware of being Jewish."
Although his current affairs programmes enjoy prying into the lives of others, Green himself is very publicity-shy; when a girlfriend left him, his reported warning was: "If you ever write a word about me, I'll break every bone in your body." During Green's negotiations to buy Technicolor (UK), he was helped by Jarvis Astaire, who lives with Green's ex-mother-in-law, Lady Wolfson. Astaire himself is a former associate of Ladbroke pools magnate Cyril Stein.
Carlton's head of sponsorship is David Prosser, who is the co-ordinator of the ITV lobby pressing for the abolition of laws which effectively outlaw sponsors which are closely related to the editorial content of programmes. Richard Simons is the company's Head of Features, while the Managing Director of Carlton Select, the former Selec cable TV channel recently bought up by Carlton, is Janet Goldsmith. The political agenda of Carlton was summed up by the company's decision to send its documentary on one of Oskar Schindler's 'survivors' to 1,000 London secondary schools. The extremely liberal content of children's and youth programmes at Carlton is the responsibility of this sector's Controller Michael Forte.
The latest acquisition in Carlton's drive for ever-greater influence is Westcountry Television, one of the last privately owned ITV franchises. Another strong bidder for the company was David Asper's CanWest broadcasting group, so it seems the vendors, which included South West Water and Brittany Ferries, had a choice of 'any new owner you like, as long as he's one of us.'
Granada Group
Carlton's power in 'independent' television is rivalled only by the Granada Group, which is worth around £6.2 billion and owns two ITV franchises: Granada TV and London Weekend Television. It also has a 20 per cent stake in ITN and Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV (with Lazards merchant bank); a half-share in London News Network, and an 11 per cent stake in BSkyB, in partnership with which it has set up Granada Sky Broadcasting (GSkyB), a joint cable and satellite venture which launched seven new channels on 1st October 1996. BSkyB in turn has stakes in the 'adults-only' Playboy Channel. Among Granada's satellite channels is Granada Talk TV, which includes an afternoon teen show, F2F, which is presented by Sacha Baron Cohen.
Granada was founded by Sidney and Cecil Bernstein. Alexander Bernstein was the long-standing Chairman until he went into semi-retirement in March 1996 while retaining his interest and influence. The newly created Granada Media Group (GMG) is controlled by three men. The Chairman, Granada's Chief Executive, Charles Allen, is not thought to be a Jew, but his two colleagues at the top most definitely are.
Duncan Lewis is the Chief Executive of the Granada Media Group, Chief Executive of Granada TV and Chief Executive of London Weekend Television. Lewis was formerly marketing director at BT, where he initiated the nauseating Jewish grandmother adverts starring actress Maureen Lipman who is a sponsor of the Marxist front organisation, the Anti-Nazi League. Until April 1996 Lewis was head of Mercury Communications and, according to the Evening Standard of 22.5.96, he headed a group of finance houses seeking to take over Mercury. He is backed by Warburg Pincus, the 'American' firm which is already a key investor in the British cable and television industry (including Channel Five). City sources say that Granada's keenness to link up with Mercury is based on the conviction that the communications and entertainment businesses are set for further convergence.
The third key figure at Granada is Steve Morrison. He is the chief Operating Officer of GMG, Deputy Chief Executive of Granada TV, Managing Director of LWT and head of Granada's sales operation Laser. On his way to the top, according to the Jewish Chronicle of 1.9.95, Morrison was Director of Programmes and Managing Director of Granada TV. His replacements in these last two jobs are Peter Salmon and Andrea Wonfor respectively. Commercial Director at LWT and GMTV is Kate Stross, and Controller of regional programmes at LWT is Simon Shaps.
In October 1995 Granada launched British Independent Television Enterprises (BRITE), which involved the merger of the sales arms of Granada TV, LWT and Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV. The Managing Director of this sales giant is Nadine Nohr.
One of Granada's leading functionaries is the scriptwriter and producer Kay Mellor, a self-confessed feminist responsible for the 'acclaimed' ITV series Band of Gold which dealt with race-mixing and prostitution and was accused of encouraging kerb-crawling and, ultimately, major race riots in Bradford. Another Granada regular is Paul Marcus, owner of Marlow Films and producer of Granada's Prime Suspect.
Controller of Arts at LWT is Melvyn Bragg. Although he describes himself as a "Christian," Bragg is extremely pro-Jewish and told the Jewish Chronicle of 5.4.96 that he views Israel as his "spiritual home." Since this interview came after extensive coverage of the brutal Israeli suppression of the Palestinian intifada, with soldiers dynamiting Arab homes if one member of the family is caught throwing stones, shooting dead unarmed schoolchildren and burying teenagers alive with bulldozers, this comment tells us a great deal about the mentality of this sickening liberal and the chattering classes who regard him as their arbiter of artistic good taste.
Pearson TV
Pearson TV is another significant part of the ITV network, owning as it does Thames Television. Pearson TV Chairman Greg Dyke is a Gentile, but he is another TV mogul who looks to Disney Chairman Michael Eisner as a role model. Pearson TV is partly-owned by Lazards Bank and has a long-term production relationship with the third largest 'American' megamedia group, Sumner Redstone's Viacom Inc.
In any case, the day-to-day running of Pearson Broadcasting is more the preserve of its Managing Director, Tony Cohen, who has been tipped as a future successor to Dyke as Chairman. His fellow directors include Sir Paul Fox, a past controller of BBC1 and Chairman of ITN from 1986 to 1988, who is also a director of Satellite Information Services. With Scimitar Films Ltd.'s Chairman, Michael Winner, and Jeremy Isaacs, Fox was part of the 1988 Committee which was formed to fight proposals included in the Obscene Publications Bill in response to public concern over the ever-declining standards on display in the mass media. Other directors at Thames include Harold Mourgue and Sir Claus Moser, who is also a former Vice Chairman of N. M. Rothschild merchant bank.
Pearson TV has a quarter-share in Channel Five and a 15 per cent stake in UK Gold, whose Chief Executive is Bruce Steinberg. The global reach of the Pearson operation extends as far as TV India, in which the company has a joint share in partnership with its superficial rivals Carlton Communications and the investment bank Schroders.
It is only fair to point out that the parent Pearson conglomerate is owned mainly by the aristocratic Cowdray family. Chairman Lord Blakenham is seen in the City as having a board dominated by Old Etonians, although Reuben Mark is not a member of that particular minority group. Since their interest in broadcasting is in the money rather than the message, Pearson has recently sold off stakes in BSkyB and Yorkshire Tyne Tees. Financial journalists are speculating that the company may sell off its TV division altogether, in which case it wouldn't require a crystal ball to predict the kind of people who would be favourites to take it over!
Channel Five
The winning syndicate for the licence for this new channel includes several of the supposed 'rivals' whose Jewish links have already been noted. These include MAI, Pearson and the US-based Warburg Pincus. Their successful application promised "presenters whose faces, voices, ages and regional and ethnic backgrounds reflect the diversity of Britain in 1996." We won't be able to say we weren't warned! Former BBC1 Scheduler David Berg is now Controller of Planning and Organisation at C5, while the Controller of news, current affairs and documentaries is Tim Gardam.
The real power at Channel 5 is its Chief Executive, David Elstein. According to the Jewish Chronicle of January 3, 1997, Elstein has a "vast executive and programme-making background with most of Britain's major networks."
Discussing the kind of programmes which the new channel would carry, Elstein told the Jewish Chronicle that:
"There are a lot of very vocal Jewish thinkers and writers around, not necessarily representing Jewish religious belief.
"You don't expect an awful lot of Yom Kippur services to turn up in the work of people like Howard Jacobson and Harold Pinter. But you are aware that they are coming from a background which is influenced by Jewish life."
Cable and Satellite Channels
In addition to the Jewish presence in the rapidly expanding fields of cable and satellite TV already noted, James Ackerman works as the Director of multichannel covertures. As well as his already noted position as head of Britain's second biggest satellite channel UK Gold, former MTV high-flier Bruce Steinberg is also Chief Executive of the women's channel UK Living, with an audience fast approaching three million every week.
Julian Aston is Managing Director of Channel One, which at present supplies cable TV to around 300,000 homes in London. He is assisted by his friend Michael Rosenblum, who has been described by the Jewish Chronicle as "the American video journalism guru."
The General Manager of Flextech TV's The Children's Channel (TCC) cable/satellite operation is Franklin Getchell. TCC's Chief Executive is Richard Wolfe and its Senior Series Producer is leading US teenshow producer Mitchell Kriegman, whose work includes heavily multi-racial tots' programme Sesame Street. Flextech owns the satellite channel Bravo, whose General Manager Yonni Cohen moved to Polygram last year, with Broadcast magazine suggesting that his temporarily vacant post would be filled by Getchell. The Head of Programming at Bravo is Mark Deitch, formerly BBC1's Editor of Acquired Output. Flextech TV also owns the Family Channel and manages TLC and the Discovery Channel.
Of all the new channels aimed at children and young people, the most subversive and offensive has to be MTV Europe. This is a subsidiary of Sumner Redstone's Viacom UK, as are VH-1, the Paramount Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the Blockbuster video chain and, as we have already seen, Nickleodeon TV. Paramount Pictures UK is headed by Danton Rissner, while the Managing Director of the Sci-Fi Channel is David Woodman. The President and Business Director of MTV Europe is Peter Einstein, backed up by Senior Vice Presidents Gil Aronow and Boris Katz. Through his MTV empire, Redstone and his Chief Operating Officer Mark Rosenthal offer Beavis and Butthead as teenage role models and pump race-mixing propaganda and anti-white rap music into 210 million homes in 71 countries. MTV has been accurately described as the dominant cultural (sic) influence on teenagers around the world.
In September 1995 MTV Europe was fined a total of £60,000 for two programmes dealing with under-age sex which even the ITC described as "smutty." Einstein protested that he had not seen any difference in the levels of taste and decency in the eight years that the channel had been on the air. Indeed!
Another satellite and cable channel aimed at youngsters is The Box-Music TV, whose Programme Director is Liz Laskowski. The UK satellite Warner Channel is the work of Jeffrey Schlesinger, President of Warner Bros. International Television. Raymond Jaffe is the Director of Publicity and Promotion at Sky TV.
The satellite news services are also firmly in the usual hands. Reuters TV Executive Editor is David Feingold and its Managing Director is David Kogan (who also oversees London Radio), while head of its news-gathering operation at Sky News is Malcolm Switzer. Meanwhile David Feingold is chief of the London bureau of Cable News International (CNN) - now part of Gerald Levin's Time Warner Corporation - and as such is answerable only to the Managing Director of CNN International, Randy Freedman.
UKTV was one of the companies which submitted unsuccessful bids for Channel 5. In spite of this rebuff its owner, Canadian Jewish media mogul David Asper is still very keen to increase his control within the British media. His stated aim is to see the UK move towards Canada and the US in terms of an increase in commercial TV stations and cable TV penetration. UKTV is at present just a small part of the Asper family's Can West Global Communications, which also has interests in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Chile. While his father sits on the governing board of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, Asper describes himself as a "cultural rather than religious Jew."
Another big company seeking to extend its grip to this side of the Atlantic is Polygram Filmed Entertainment. Yoni Cohen was appointed Vice President of Television and Broadcasting at PFI in July 1996 to oversee the launch of Polygram's new international TV network.
The single most powerful man in British radio is acting Manager of BBC Network Radio, Michael (John) Green. His permanent replacement is tipped to be Jenny Abramsky, the former Editor of The World at One and Today, who is at present Controller not only of Radio Five Live, but also 24-hour UK news, BBC World, Ceefax, and Multimedia Services. Head of Drama at BBC Network Radio is Caroline Raphael. While she was Editor of Drama, Features and Youth Programmes on Radio 5, several of her programmes were awarded prizes by the Commission for Racial Equality. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Miss Raphael admits to having a strong Jewish identity.
The millions of listeners who are now resigned to hearing ludicrous outbursts of 'political correctness' every time they tune in to a BBC radio station should listen carefully to the names of producers and similar high-level functionaries listed at the end of such offerings. It cannot be denied that a disproportionate number are Jews. These include senior BBC producers Daniel Snowman and Suzanne Levy, who was, for example, responsible for Radio 4's hysterical 'Holocaust' propaganda piece 20/20 - A View of the Century.
Forty-six per cent of Talk Radio UK is controlled by Peter Clark, owner of Media Ventures International. Clark, who has strong links with the Labour Party, was until recently acting Head of Talk Radio, whose other shareholders are Hambros Bank, Luxembourg-based media group CLT and Can West boss David Asper, who owns 24.5 per cent of the company. Many of this cheap, tacky and sleazy station's presenters are Jewish, including Nancy Roberts, Garry Jacobs, Jonny Gould, Janet Gershlick and Vanessa Feltz. Clark's other interests include a 10 per cent stake in Teletext, ownership of Circle Communications and a 40 per cent stake in Brian Eastman's drama production operation Carnival Films.
The strongly pro-Jewish Associated Newspapers group owns large chunks of the 'independent' radio group GWR and Classic FM, where it has installed John Spearman as Chief Executive. Noteworthy in independent radio are such luminaries as the Chief Executive of EMAO Radio Tim Schoonmaker, who controls commercial radio in the North-east, and Roberta Aarons, who is Head of Production at SSVC, which provides TV and radio services for the MOD.
Lynne Franks is the founder of Radio Viva, the UK's first 'wimmin's' radio station. She told the Jewish Chronicle: "I enjoy being Jewish in a cultural sense and love being with other Jewish women." (The reader might pause to consider what would happen if a native British woman and radio executive remarked publicly that 'I enjoy being British in a cultural sense and love being with other white women.'!)
As is the case with TV and films, Jews are in prominent and powerful positions in the regulatory institutions of independent radio. Tony Stoller is Chief Executive of the Radio Authority, while Yvonne Kintoff is Managing Director of the Radio Advertising Clearing Centre.
- Nick Griffin
There can be little doubt that television is the most powerful force for the presentation of the news and the formation of attitudes. Go into any workplace, pub, school, shop, or other institution and the chances are that the conversation will get around to the previous night's 'soap' or something of particular note on the evening's news. And what was shown - and not shown - on the TV screen will in all probability have affected the way in which the viewers see the world.
By using such techniques, the controllers of the TV stations have enormous power to shape popular opinion. And a glance through any TV guide will reveal that, by providing us with an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash, the masters of the TV stations are not shy of using that power. So just who are these people? Just who is responsible for the poison peddled by 'our' television networks?
The most powerful man at the 'British' Broadcasting Corporation is Alan Yentob, Director of BBC programmes. According to Broadcast magazine (14.6.96) this "gives him control over all non-news BBC programmes including those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service." Yentob is a close personal friend of the immensely powerful independent TV bosses Michael Grade and Michael Green. The three have shared holidays in the Caribbean and, together with Charles Saatchi, are referred to by coy insiders as the "St. John's Wood Mafia." The Saatchi and Yentob families have been closely connected since before they moved to Britain from Iraq.
Behind the scenes, Jews are well represented among the Governors of the BBC, who include former President of the S. G. Warburg merchant bank Sir David Scholey, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield and Janet Cohen. Holders of important BBC managerial posts include Sarah Frank, Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide Americas; Controller of Publicity and Public Relations, Keith Samuel, and David Aaronovitch, who is Managing Editor of the BBC's weekly programmes. Anne Sloman is Deputy Head of BBC News Programmes; Ruth Caleb is the Head of Drama, and Louis Marks has been Producer of Drama since 1976. Another key figure in terms of the BBC's relationship with the rest of the world, Commercial Director at BBC Worldwide TV Tony Kay, is responsible for deals with American networks such as NBC. International Director of US cable operator TCI, Adam Singer - son of former BBC Director-General Aubrey Singer - has also been responsible for a number of big deals between the BBC and TCI's British subsidiary Flextech.
Head of BBC Comedy Entertainment is Jon Plowman. He is responsible for 'alternative comedian' Ben Elton's Thin Blue Line. Presumably Elton got the same helping hand onto the show-business ladder as Barry Cryer, Lloyd Grossman, Ester Ranzen, Dennis Norden and Felicity Kendall.
Jews in prominent positions in BBC regional TV include Rod Natkiel, Head of Network TV at BBC Midlands and East, and Roy Saatchi, Head of Local Programmes at BBC North.
The host of lower level functionaries who implement the wishes of the media masters in such stations also includes a vastly disproportionate number of Jews, such as Geoffrey Goodman, who broadcasts on BBC Current Affairs and LBC/IRN, and BBC TV's legal correspondent Joshua Rosenberg. Naomi Goldman is not only a Producer on Newsnight but is also a member of the Jewish Socialist Group. Another militant Zionist in the BBC is writer and broadcaster Lisa Jardine. With people like these determining the direction, content amd tone of BBC output, it can be seen that its consistently anti-British and pro-minority stance is no accident.
Channel 4
The Chief Executive of Channel 4 is Michael Grade, who succeeded its creator Jeremy Isaacs. Grade previously controlled LWT and BBCl and 2. He has been a director of First Leisure Entertainment since 1991. This massive company was formerly headed by Grade's uncle, the late Lord Bernard Delfont and includes 300 cinemas, eight theatres, hotels, restaurants and record divisions. Grade's father, Lew Grade (real name Winogradsky) was, before he died, and an enormously influential TV mogul and Director of Euro-Disney.
The endless diet of filth and perversion which Channel 4 feeds to the public has earned Michael Grade the sobriquet Britain's "pornographer-in-chief." In March 1996 he was also widely criticised after his brainchild The Girlie Show ran an episode which clearly encouraged shoplifting. "Why do we allow this millionaire to incite theft?" asked veteran columnist Paul Johnson.
Managing Director of Channel Four International Ltd and Director of Acquisitions at C4 is Colin Leventhal. This busy man's acquisitions for the channel have included such American propaganda shows as Roseanne and The Cosby Show which are produced by Caryn Mandabach's Carsey Werner company. Leventhal has also developed a close relationship with Nickelodeon, the subsidiary of Viacom Inc. owned by Sumner Redstone.
The next time you have the misfortune to see one of the disgusting pieces of decadence and perversion which so often pass as 'plays' on Channel 4, you should direct your complaint to the channel's Head of Drama, David Aukin, or to the Senior Commissioning Editor for Drama, Peter Ansorge. The latter spoke out strongly in favour of the sympathetic depiction of incest on the soap Brookside at peak family viewing time. Ansorge said that he expected to be attacked for the storyline and condemned the 'right-wing lobbies' which express widespread public disquiet about the way in which all the British soaps have been turned into promotional vehicles for sexual deviancy.
If, on the other hand, you are offended by the decidedly 'ethnic' and extreme 'liberal' tone and content of Channel Four News, reflect on the fact that the News Editor since March 1996 has been Sara Nathan, supported by Elinar Goodman. While Jon Snow, the extremist liberal Channel Four newscaster is not Jewish, he has made his sympathies clear by joining Jewish journalists in addressing a Jewish Chronicle sponsored meeting on ethics in journalism.
Channel 4's youth programme production company, Planet 24, has, according to the Jewish Chronicle "an uncanny knack of fronting its popular Channel 4 programmes with blondish Jewish women." These include Dani Behr, who has used her leading role on The Word and Surf Potatoes to try to popularise inter-racial dating, and Gabi Roslin of the Big Breakfast and the Gabi Roslin Show. Planet 24 also produced BBC2's homosexual magazine series Gaytime TV.
Managing Director and Presenter of Rapido TV is Peter Stuart, who also finds time to oversee the production of such cultural gems as Eurotrash and The Girlie Show.
Among the many lesser players involved in the relentless outpouring of filth from Channel 4 are Michael and Martin Myers, the distributors who run the First Independent company; Stephanie Calman, who was the scriptwriter for the sitcom Dressing for Breakfast; the viciously anti-British comedian Mark Thomas, and Alexi Sayle, who says that since he is Jewish, so are all his characters.
A number of Channel 4 programmes are produced by Philip Clarke's Diverse Production company. These include Diverse Reports, The Hello Girls and Dual Balls, a 'comedy' by Dan Zeff.
The Independent Television Commission is the regulatory body which oversees the whole of the ITV network. Its Director is Jude Goffee and its senior sponsorship and advertising officer is Eve Salomon. The Network Director of ITV is Marcus Plantin, who was instrumental in appointing Claudia Rosencrantz as ITV's Controller of Entertainment.
Media group MAI owns two ITV franchises (Anglia and Meridian); a 5 per cent stake in ITN and a 29 per cent stake in Channel Five. A driving force in the newly formed MAI/United News and Media giant is Lord Hollick, a Labour peer with close links with Hambros Bank, of which he is a long-standing Director. Hollick has orchestrated MAI's rapid growth in media interests since 1990. He is a great admirer of Michael Eisner's Disney empire and wants to be one of the new breed of 'lifestyle suppliers' - an all-encompassing media brand which gives you your TV, radio, newspapers, house, books, music, holidays, theme park thrills and films (and, as a consequence, shapes your political opinions).
To this end, MAI has established close links with the second largest 'American' megamedia corporation, Time Warner Inc., whose Chairman is Gerald Levin, and its subsidiary HBO, whose Vice President is Charles Schreger. One of the first deals on the agenda is a plan to build a movie theme park on the outskirts of London. A senior director of MAI's Anglia TV subsidiary is film executive David Puttnam, best known for his Chariots of Fire, which dwelt at length on the 'anti-Semitism' encountered by a Cambridge athlete early this century. Such problems certainly do not seem to have held back Mr. Puttnam, whose many interests include being a director of the Australian feature producer Village Roadshow Pictures, which is partly owned by MAI. Anglia's Director of Programmes is Graham Creelman. MAI's United News section is headed by Chief Executive Stephen Grabiner.
The pivotal position in ITN's influential news coverage is held by Robert Elias, Programme Editor of News at Ten, while the power to decide what gets airtime at LBC rests with its Controller of Programmes, Charles Golding.
Carlton Communications
Carlton is a major force in the ITN network with assets including Carlton TV and Central TV; a 20 per cent stake in ITN; Meridian TV and GMTV, and a 50 per cent stake in London News Network. It has a £1.6 billion turnover, recording pre-tax profits of almost £250 million in 1995, and has significant assets in the Asian sub-continent.
Carlton's Chairman is Michael Green, who is also Director of Independent Television News, Central Independent Television and GMTV. It was Green who, with the Saatchi brothers, masterminded the fierce lobbying campaign which persuaded the Government to sacrifice the independence of ITV's fourteen regional stations in 1993. Green, who is related by marriage to Lords Wolfson and Young, was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle of 17.11.95 as declaring that: "I am very aware of being Jewish."
Although his current affairs programmes enjoy prying into the lives of others, Green himself is very publicity-shy; when a girlfriend left him, his reported warning was: "If you ever write a word about me, I'll break every bone in your body." During Green's negotiations to buy Technicolor (UK), he was helped by Jarvis Astaire, who lives with Green's ex-mother-in-law, Lady Wolfson. Astaire himself is a former associate of Ladbroke pools magnate Cyril Stein.
Carlton's head of sponsorship is David Prosser, who is the co-ordinator of the ITV lobby pressing for the abolition of laws which effectively outlaw sponsors which are closely related to the editorial content of programmes. Richard Simons is the company's Head of Features, while the Managing Director of Carlton Select, the former Selec cable TV channel recently bought up by Carlton, is Janet Goldsmith. The political agenda of Carlton was summed up by the company's decision to send its documentary on one of Oskar Schindler's 'survivors' to 1,000 London secondary schools. The extremely liberal content of children's and youth programmes at Carlton is the responsibility of this sector's Controller Michael Forte.
The latest acquisition in Carlton's drive for ever-greater influence is Westcountry Television, one of the last privately owned ITV franchises. Another strong bidder for the company was David Asper's CanWest broadcasting group, so it seems the vendors, which included South West Water and Brittany Ferries, had a choice of 'any new owner you like, as long as he's one of us.'
Granada Group
Carlton's power in 'independent' television is rivalled only by the Granada Group, which is worth around £6.2 billion and owns two ITV franchises: Granada TV and London Weekend Television. It also has a 20 per cent stake in ITN and Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV (with Lazards merchant bank); a half-share in London News Network, and an 11 per cent stake in BSkyB, in partnership with which it has set up Granada Sky Broadcasting (GSkyB), a joint cable and satellite venture which launched seven new channels on 1st October 1996. BSkyB in turn has stakes in the 'adults-only' Playboy Channel. Among Granada's satellite channels is Granada Talk TV, which includes an afternoon teen show, F2F, which is presented by Sacha Baron Cohen.
Granada was founded by Sidney and Cecil Bernstein. Alexander Bernstein was the long-standing Chairman until he went into semi-retirement in March 1996 while retaining his interest and influence. The newly created Granada Media Group (GMG) is controlled by three men. The Chairman, Granada's Chief Executive, Charles Allen, is not thought to be a Jew, but his two colleagues at the top most definitely are.
Duncan Lewis is the Chief Executive of the Granada Media Group, Chief Executive of Granada TV and Chief Executive of London Weekend Television. Lewis was formerly marketing director at BT, where he initiated the nauseating Jewish grandmother adverts starring actress Maureen Lipman who is a sponsor of the Marxist front organisation, the Anti-Nazi League. Until April 1996 Lewis was head of Mercury Communications and, according to the Evening Standard of 22.5.96, he headed a group of finance houses seeking to take over Mercury. He is backed by Warburg Pincus, the 'American' firm which is already a key investor in the British cable and television industry (including Channel Five). City sources say that Granada's keenness to link up with Mercury is based on the conviction that the communications and entertainment businesses are set for further convergence.
The third key figure at Granada is Steve Morrison. He is the chief Operating Officer of GMG, Deputy Chief Executive of Granada TV, Managing Director of LWT and head of Granada's sales operation Laser. On his way to the top, according to the Jewish Chronicle of 1.9.95, Morrison was Director of Programmes and Managing Director of Granada TV. His replacements in these last two jobs are Peter Salmon and Andrea Wonfor respectively. Commercial Director at LWT and GMTV is Kate Stross, and Controller of regional programmes at LWT is Simon Shaps.
In October 1995 Granada launched British Independent Television Enterprises (BRITE), which involved the merger of the sales arms of Granada TV, LWT and Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV. The Managing Director of this sales giant is Nadine Nohr.
One of Granada's leading functionaries is the scriptwriter and producer Kay Mellor, a self-confessed feminist responsible for the 'acclaimed' ITV series Band of Gold which dealt with race-mixing and prostitution and was accused of encouraging kerb-crawling and, ultimately, major race riots in Bradford. Another Granada regular is Paul Marcus, owner of Marlow Films and producer of Granada's Prime Suspect.
Controller of Arts at LWT is Melvyn Bragg. Although he describes himself as a "Christian," Bragg is extremely pro-Jewish and told the Jewish Chronicle of 5.4.96 that he views Israel as his "spiritual home." Since this interview came after extensive coverage of the brutal Israeli suppression of the Palestinian intifada, with soldiers dynamiting Arab homes if one member of the family is caught throwing stones, shooting dead unarmed schoolchildren and burying teenagers alive with bulldozers, this comment tells us a great deal about the mentality of this sickening liberal and the chattering classes who regard him as their arbiter of artistic good taste.
Pearson TV
Pearson TV is another significant part of the ITV network, owning as it does Thames Television. Pearson TV Chairman Greg Dyke is a Gentile, but he is another TV mogul who looks to Disney Chairman Michael Eisner as a role model. Pearson TV is partly-owned by Lazards Bank and has a long-term production relationship with the third largest 'American' megamedia group, Sumner Redstone's Viacom Inc.
In any case, the day-to-day running of Pearson Broadcasting is more the preserve of its Managing Director, Tony Cohen, who has been tipped as a future successor to Dyke as Chairman. His fellow directors include Sir Paul Fox, a past controller of BBC1 and Chairman of ITN from 1986 to 1988, who is also a director of Satellite Information Services. With Scimitar Films Ltd.'s Chairman, Michael Winner, and Jeremy Isaacs, Fox was part of the 1988 Committee which was formed to fight proposals included in the Obscene Publications Bill in response to public concern over the ever-declining standards on display in the mass media. Other directors at Thames include Harold Mourgue and Sir Claus Moser, who is also a former Vice Chairman of N. M. Rothschild merchant bank.
Pearson TV has a quarter-share in Channel Five and a 15 per cent stake in UK Gold, whose Chief Executive is Bruce Steinberg. The global reach of the Pearson operation extends as far as TV India, in which the company has a joint share in partnership with its superficial rivals Carlton Communications and the investment bank Schroders.
It is only fair to point out that the parent Pearson conglomerate is owned mainly by the aristocratic Cowdray family. Chairman Lord Blakenham is seen in the City as having a board dominated by Old Etonians, although Reuben Mark is not a member of that particular minority group. Since their interest in broadcasting is in the money rather than the message, Pearson has recently sold off stakes in BSkyB and Yorkshire Tyne Tees. Financial journalists are speculating that the company may sell off its TV division altogether, in which case it wouldn't require a crystal ball to predict the kind of people who would be favourites to take it over!
Channel Five
The winning syndicate for the licence for this new channel includes several of the supposed 'rivals' whose Jewish links have already been noted. These include MAI, Pearson and the US-based Warburg Pincus. Their successful application promised "presenters whose faces, voices, ages and regional and ethnic backgrounds reflect the diversity of Britain in 1996." We won't be able to say we weren't warned! Former BBC1 Scheduler David Berg is now Controller of Planning and Organisation at C5, while the Controller of news, current affairs and documentaries is Tim Gardam.
The real power at Channel 5 is its Chief Executive, David Elstein. According to the Jewish Chronicle of January 3, 1997, Elstein has a "vast executive and programme-making background with most of Britain's major networks."
Discussing the kind of programmes which the new channel would carry, Elstein told the Jewish Chronicle that:
"There are a lot of very vocal Jewish thinkers and writers around, not necessarily representing Jewish religious belief.
"You don't expect an awful lot of Yom Kippur services to turn up in the work of people like Howard Jacobson and Harold Pinter. But you are aware that they are coming from a background which is influenced by Jewish life."
Cable and Satellite Channels
In addition to the Jewish presence in the rapidly expanding fields of cable and satellite TV already noted, James Ackerman works as the Director of multichannel covertures. As well as his already noted position as head of Britain's second biggest satellite channel UK Gold, former MTV high-flier Bruce Steinberg is also Chief Executive of the women's channel UK Living, with an audience fast approaching three million every week.
Julian Aston is Managing Director of Channel One, which at present supplies cable TV to around 300,000 homes in London. He is assisted by his friend Michael Rosenblum, who has been described by the Jewish Chronicle as "the American video journalism guru."
The General Manager of Flextech TV's The Children's Channel (TCC) cable/satellite operation is Franklin Getchell. TCC's Chief Executive is Richard Wolfe and its Senior Series Producer is leading US teenshow producer Mitchell Kriegman, whose work includes heavily multi-racial tots' programme Sesame Street. Flextech owns the satellite channel Bravo, whose General Manager Yonni Cohen moved to Polygram last year, with Broadcast magazine suggesting that his temporarily vacant post would be filled by Getchell. The Head of Programming at Bravo is Mark Deitch, formerly BBC1's Editor of Acquired Output. Flextech TV also owns the Family Channel and manages TLC and the Discovery Channel.
Of all the new channels aimed at children and young people, the most subversive and offensive has to be MTV Europe. This is a subsidiary of Sumner Redstone's Viacom UK, as are VH-1, the Paramount Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the Blockbuster video chain and, as we have already seen, Nickleodeon TV. Paramount Pictures UK is headed by Danton Rissner, while the Managing Director of the Sci-Fi Channel is David Woodman. The President and Business Director of MTV Europe is Peter Einstein, backed up by Senior Vice Presidents Gil Aronow and Boris Katz. Through his MTV empire, Redstone and his Chief Operating Officer Mark Rosenthal offer Beavis and Butthead as teenage role models and pump race-mixing propaganda and anti-white rap music into 210 million homes in 71 countries. MTV has been accurately described as the dominant cultural (sic) influence on teenagers around the world.
In September 1995 MTV Europe was fined a total of £60,000 for two programmes dealing with under-age sex which even the ITC described as "smutty." Einstein protested that he had not seen any difference in the levels of taste and decency in the eight years that the channel had been on the air. Indeed!
Another satellite and cable channel aimed at youngsters is The Box-Music TV, whose Programme Director is Liz Laskowski. The UK satellite Warner Channel is the work of Jeffrey Schlesinger, President of Warner Bros. International Television. Raymond Jaffe is the Director of Publicity and Promotion at Sky TV.
The satellite news services are also firmly in the usual hands. Reuters TV Executive Editor is David Feingold and its Managing Director is David Kogan (who also oversees London Radio), while head of its news-gathering operation at Sky News is Malcolm Switzer. Meanwhile David Feingold is chief of the London bureau of Cable News International (CNN) - now part of Gerald Levin's Time Warner Corporation - and as such is answerable only to the Managing Director of CNN International, Randy Freedman.
UKTV was one of the companies which submitted unsuccessful bids for Channel 5. In spite of this rebuff its owner, Canadian Jewish media mogul David Asper is still very keen to increase his control within the British media. His stated aim is to see the UK move towards Canada and the US in terms of an increase in commercial TV stations and cable TV penetration. UKTV is at present just a small part of the Asper family's Can West Global Communications, which also has interests in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Chile. While his father sits on the governing board of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, Asper describes himself as a "cultural rather than religious Jew."
Another big company seeking to extend its grip to this side of the Atlantic is Polygram Filmed Entertainment. Yoni Cohen was appointed Vice President of Television and Broadcasting at PFI in July 1996 to oversee the launch of Polygram's new international TV network.
The single most powerful man in British radio is acting Manager of BBC Network Radio, Michael (John) Green. His permanent replacement is tipped to be Jenny Abramsky, the former Editor of The World at One and Today, who is at present Controller not only of Radio Five Live, but also 24-hour UK news, BBC World, Ceefax, and Multimedia Services. Head of Drama at BBC Network Radio is Caroline Raphael. While she was Editor of Drama, Features and Youth Programmes on Radio 5, several of her programmes were awarded prizes by the Commission for Racial Equality. According to the Jewish Chronicle, Miss Raphael admits to having a strong Jewish identity.
The millions of listeners who are now resigned to hearing ludicrous outbursts of 'political correctness' every time they tune in to a BBC radio station should listen carefully to the names of producers and similar high-level functionaries listed at the end of such offerings. It cannot be denied that a disproportionate number are Jews. These include senior BBC producers Daniel Snowman and Suzanne Levy, who was, for example, responsible for Radio 4's hysterical 'Holocaust' propaganda piece 20/20 - A View of the Century.
Forty-six per cent of Talk Radio UK is controlled by Peter Clark, owner of Media Ventures International. Clark, who has strong links with the Labour Party, was until recently acting Head of Talk Radio, whose other shareholders are Hambros Bank, Luxembourg-based media group CLT and Can West boss David Asper, who owns 24.5 per cent of the company. Many of this cheap, tacky and sleazy station's presenters are Jewish, including Nancy Roberts, Garry Jacobs, Jonny Gould, Janet Gershlick and Vanessa Feltz. Clark's other interests include a 10 per cent stake in Teletext, ownership of Circle Communications and a 40 per cent stake in Brian Eastman's drama production operation Carnival Films.
The strongly pro-Jewish Associated Newspapers group owns large chunks of the 'independent' radio group GWR and Classic FM, where it has installed John Spearman as Chief Executive. Noteworthy in independent radio are such luminaries as the Chief Executive of EMAO Radio Tim Schoonmaker, who controls commercial radio in the North-east, and Roberta Aarons, who is Head of Production at SSVC, which provides TV and radio services for the MOD.
Lynne Franks is the founder of Radio Viva, the UK's first 'wimmin's' radio station. She told the Jewish Chronicle: "I enjoy being Jewish in a cultural sense and love being with other Jewish women." (The reader might pause to consider what would happen if a native British woman and radio executive remarked publicly that 'I enjoy being British in a cultural sense and love being with other white women.'!)
As is the case with TV and films, Jews are in prominent and powerful positions in the regulatory institutions of independent radio. Tony Stoller is Chief Executive of the Radio Authority, while Yvonne Kintoff is Managing Director of the Radio Advertising Clearing Centre.
- Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin
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