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What Saddam must do to avoid war

Harlequin | 13.03.2003 10:11

Saddam has been given tasks to show that it is complying with UN resolution 1441 by America and Britain to avoid war. The fact that it has been given these tasks proves that Iraq does have weapons of mass destruction as America and Britain would never issue such an ultimatum without cast iron proof from intellegence serives.

These tasks are:

1) For Saddam to admit on TV that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The broadcast must also include a promise to disarm and co-operate.

2) To agree to destroy all missiles prescibed by the UN.

3) To agree to surrender all mobile biological weapons production laboratories for destruction.

4) To surrender all stocks of anthrax and explain why they were kept.

5) To allow Iraqi scientists to be interviewed outside Iraq.

6) To account for all unmanned aircraft and remotely piloted planes(drones) and agree to surrender them for destruction.
