A lot of actions ,demos, blokades and more are planned to disturb the G8 meeting (1-3 june) in the area of the Geneva lake.
The G8 summit will take place in Evian from 1st to 3rd June 2003. The G8 gathers the governments of the eight richest industrialized countries in the world and imposes a world order which benefits an enormously rich minority to the detriment of a huge majority of enslaved and oppressed individuals. We believe that between human beings, there should exist relationships other than that of the market, of domination, alienation and exploitation. Pollution, the waste of natural resources and differences in wealth are ever more catastrophic. Globalization translates into a degradation of living and work conditions and an increase in social control. The bosses, with the connivance of the States, are on the offensive with the destruction of public services, attacks on labour rights, job precariousness, flexibility, layoffs and the dismantlement of social rights (welfare, pensions etc.).
This capitalist system cannot be reformed as it inevitably leads to these effects. The break with capitalism is, in our opinion, the only possible way to prevent a human and ecological economic catastrophe.
War is a permanent state of society. Almost all aspects of social life are subject to the logic of militarization. The military and industrial lobbies use the pretext of terrorism to intensify the world war on the poor, the exploited and against every form of resistance to the capitalist order. They are the main motors of the system. If we want to stop this war machine, we must seek out, block and attack those responsible together with their ligic and structures. The army, in the service of the States and the capitalists, repress the social struggles and impose a world order which oppresses the people (see Argentina, Algeria, China, Chechnya, Iraq, etc.).
The militarization and "marketization" of society and individuals leads to inter-personal relationships which are marked by inequality, by the limitation of fundamental liberties and by patriarchal oppression. In particular, the capitalist logic provokes a globalization and repression of women's situations all ocer the world, with massive job insecurity, the treatment of their bodies as marketable goods and the loss of autonomy.
Movement around the world is striclty reserved for those people who can afford it. Of course, for the people of the Couth, the Northern fortresses such as Europe or the USA have bariers that need to be climbed, but at huge human costs - loss of life, racism, discrimination etc. Those who do succeed in getting over the borders which divide the exploited and which are the expression of nationalism, will become the labour to be exploited for the benefit of the bosses and the mafias (above all where prostitution is concerned). But in the countries of the North, mobility is restricted to those who can pay for it.
It is ever more urgent that our voices be heard because we, unlike many, place in question not only the effects but also the causes of globalization - capitalism, as well as state control and parliaments which restrict populations in a manner which impedes self-determination, which controls through exploitation, through police and through the judiciary, and which encourages all forms of alienation, be it religious, sexist, racist, homophobic, or whatever.
Recent years have seen unheard of levels of new experiences in self-organization and direct action, in an ever more lucid and conscious refusal of the delegation of power and the statist or institutional methods of effecting social change.
We believe that these movements can converge in three fundamental elements:
the refusal of the delegation of power, in particular the statist methods of bringing about social change
self-organization and autonomy of social movements, on an anti-authoritarian basis
revolutionary direct action and social disobedience
In effect, the class war is not dead! Only collective struggle, in our workplaces and in our homes, can allow us to build a real opposition to the capitalist offensive.
Convergence of anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist struggles
The signatories to this declaration will dedicate themslves to participating in the anti-G8 campaign, in collectives and local and regional initiatives, in the alternative anti-capitalist and anti-war village (VAAAG) as well as in the red and black sectors of mass demonstrations, in the "feu au lac" initiative and in an initiative for the opening of borders, in full adherence to the spirit of the above text.
The G8 summit will take place in Evian from 1st to 3rd June 2003. The G8 gathers the governments of the eight richest industrialized countries in the world and imposes a world order which benefits an enormously rich minority to the detriment of a huge majority of enslaved and oppressed individuals. We believe that between human beings, there should exist relationships other than that of the market, of domination, alienation and exploitation. Pollution, the waste of natural resources and differences in wealth are ever more catastrophic. Globalization translates into a degradation of living and work conditions and an increase in social control. The bosses, with the connivance of the States, are on the offensive with the destruction of public services, attacks on labour rights, job precariousness, flexibility, layoffs and the dismantlement of social rights (welfare, pensions etc.).
This capitalist system cannot be reformed as it inevitably leads to these effects. The break with capitalism is, in our opinion, the only possible way to prevent a human and ecological economic catastrophe.
War is a permanent state of society. Almost all aspects of social life are subject to the logic of militarization. The military and industrial lobbies use the pretext of terrorism to intensify the world war on the poor, the exploited and against every form of resistance to the capitalist order. They are the main motors of the system. If we want to stop this war machine, we must seek out, block and attack those responsible together with their ligic and structures. The army, in the service of the States and the capitalists, repress the social struggles and impose a world order which oppresses the people (see Argentina, Algeria, China, Chechnya, Iraq, etc.).
The militarization and "marketization" of society and individuals leads to inter-personal relationships which are marked by inequality, by the limitation of fundamental liberties and by patriarchal oppression. In particular, the capitalist logic provokes a globalization and repression of women's situations all ocer the world, with massive job insecurity, the treatment of their bodies as marketable goods and the loss of autonomy.
Movement around the world is striclty reserved for those people who can afford it. Of course, for the people of the Couth, the Northern fortresses such as Europe or the USA have bariers that need to be climbed, but at huge human costs - loss of life, racism, discrimination etc. Those who do succeed in getting over the borders which divide the exploited and which are the expression of nationalism, will become the labour to be exploited for the benefit of the bosses and the mafias (above all where prostitution is concerned). But in the countries of the North, mobility is restricted to those who can pay for it.
It is ever more urgent that our voices be heard because we, unlike many, place in question not only the effects but also the causes of globalization - capitalism, as well as state control and parliaments which restrict populations in a manner which impedes self-determination, which controls through exploitation, through police and through the judiciary, and which encourages all forms of alienation, be it religious, sexist, racist, homophobic, or whatever.
Recent years have seen unheard of levels of new experiences in self-organization and direct action, in an ever more lucid and conscious refusal of the delegation of power and the statist or institutional methods of effecting social change.
We believe that these movements can converge in three fundamental elements:
the refusal of the delegation of power, in particular the statist methods of bringing about social change
self-organization and autonomy of social movements, on an anti-authoritarian basis
revolutionary direct action and social disobedience
In effect, the class war is not dead! Only collective struggle, in our workplaces and in our homes, can allow us to build a real opposition to the capitalist offensive.
Convergence of anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist struggles
The signatories to this declaration will dedicate themslves to participating in the anti-G8 campaign, in collectives and local and regional initiatives, in the alternative anti-capitalist and anti-war village (VAAAG) as well as in the red and black sectors of mass demonstrations, in the "feu au lac" initiative and in an initiative for the opening of borders, in full adherence to the spirit of the above text.