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Phoney Blair is finished.

Tom Paine. | 12.03.2003 10:44

Phoney Blair's days are over.
It is now just a question of how many women and children he manages to kill before he leaves.

What turns a "clubable clown" like phoney into a mass killer?

Lack of character,that's what.

"He believes in nothing and will blow with any wind" as John Smith said.

When a flake like Phoney comes under the control of the likes of Adolf Rumsfeld and the psychopath of Sabra he will do anything. Even murder women.

He is divorced from reality.

He thinks if Goebbles Murdoch does not report it, then it did not happen.

We will get rid of Phoney in the near future (hopefully he kills anyone else) but the 17th. street gang who run The US are a more difficult problem.

It feels like the horrible days of Nixon are back.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Kissinger bombed Cambodia and killed a million just to show the world how strong The US were. What good did it do? Pol Pot.

Who are these people who run The US?

Why are they all psychopaths?

Are they under the control of the Chief Psychopath of Sabra?

Who knows?

Incidentally, I heard the following at an anti-wat demo last week;

Perle's a swinger
He swings bombs to the lost and the lonely
His job is annihilating folks
Swinging bombs
And selling coke
In the nightclubs.

Perle's a swinger ect..ect..

Tom Paine.
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