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Kerry Bowden | 12.03.2003 07:19

Hand of Peace Exchange
Hands of Peace Exhibition

Launched today in Far North Queensland Australia


Hand of Peace Exchange

is a call for people around the world, to take a hand prints of children from one child to whole classes, using poster paint and printing one hand print on simple newsprint. Under the print, write the name, age and where the child is from.
Send this to
HOPE, One Mind One Voice
Post Office
Queensland Australia 4870

Send a stamped self addressed envelope so that when we start receiving handprints from around the world, we can exchange the print you have sent, with another print.
So a six year old child's print from Afghanistan's may be exchanged for a 14 year old's print in England, and a print of a ten year old child from Spain may be exchanged for the six year old's print from Afghanistan.

This is to remind us all that we must start to protect all the children of the world not just our own.
No Child's handprint is more valuable, or more precious then the next. These prints have no faith, no race, no hate, just hands of children who are make up our Family of Humanity.

I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Kerry Bowden
Global Children's Alliance
A Family of Humanity
One Mind One Voice

Kerry Bowden
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