Have a Propergander at this...
Barrie V | 12.03.2003 05:18
again... just some stuff I found...
Make your own minds up...
The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11
"After October 9, bin Laden's alleged paymaster could now be linked to a U.S. "ally" who spent
the days before 9/11 in deep consultation at the
Pentagon. The US authorities immediately went
into damage control mode by insisting on the
quiet retirement of the "outed" ISI chief. Thus
removed from the public eye, the ISI Chief's role
in all this could be effectively ignored, and an
American media black-out could be safely
So it looks like they're all going in.
Even though there is clearly no case for war.
They're going to bomb Iraq.
And kill innocent people.
And devastate yet another already
impoverished nation.
Ok Saddam Hussein night be a monster and
the people of Iraq would be better of without him.
(and the implementation of sanctions by the U.S and Britain, see
http://community.channel4.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=162603557&f=503603557&m=95260351 )
But the monster of worlwide Fascism creeping up
on us, thinly veiled behind an all too apparent
Big brother is also pretty frightening.
Everything has to have the stamp of
Uncle Sam's jackboot on it.
We've been here before..
The U.S. administration is the New Roman Empire, We are subjects.
But.. North Korea won't stand for it. Nor China. What then?
It would suit the U.S. Corporations and Military
to have this war. And it would suit them fine for
the world to be held to ransom and in a perpetual
state of war from this point on.
That's where all the money's going.
Economics, control of wealth, same as it's always been.
This whole thing has been patently concocted from the word GO.
And GO this time was 9-11. OK?
(and well before that actually,
but for our purposes, it'll do)
But see here also for 'their' grand plan, drafted and signed by Cheney, Rumsfeldt and co.
and here for the scheme for the Middle East, and therefore control of Eurasia - because that's what the game is all about right now.
and here for the corporate greedheads plan for Iraq
Very tidy.
Very convenient.
Just as J F Kennedy was not convenient.
Or his brother. Or countless others.
You and me.
What's that? Don't believe 'they' could do something as outrageous as this?
see here:
The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11
"After October 9, bin Laden's alleged paymaster could now be linked to a U.S. "ally" who spent the days before 9/11 in deep consultation at the Pentagon. The US authorities immediately went into damage control mode by insisting on the quiet retirement of the "outed" ISI chief. Thus removed from the public eye, the ISI Chief's role in all this could be effectively ignored, and an American media black-out could be safely assumed."
and here:
"On September 24, President George W. Bush appeared at a press conference in the White House Rose Garden to announce a crackdown on the financial networks of terrorists and those who support them. U.S. banks that have assets of these groups or individuals must freeze their accounts, Bush declared. And U.S. citizens or businesses are prohibited from doing business with them.
But the president, who is now enjoying an astounding 92 percent approval rating, hasn’t always practiced what he is now preaching: Bush’s own businesses were once tied to financial figures in Saudi Arabia who currently support bin Laden."
and here:
"Throughout the eighties, when the United States assisted the Saudis in a
giant military buildup of airfields, ports, and bases throughout the kingdom,
many of the contracts were awarded to the largest construction company in Saudi
Arabia, the Saudi Binladen Group, founded by Osama bin Laden’s father"
and here:
"Now you would think that being a business partner of the brother in law and alleged financier of "Enemy No. 1" would be considered a bona fide "conflict of interest", particularly when your mandate --as part of the 9/11 Commission's work-- is to investigate "Enemy No. 1". "
"Plutocracy is that form of government in which, instead of the people being represented by their elected officials, those with wealth "buy" the officials. Those officials then create laws and policies which produce obscene profits for the wealthy owners of corporations."
Time to open ones mind regarding the depths to which they will stoop.
The evidence available which shows all the
connections, the money, the network,
the corruption, is alarmingly strong,
and terribly frightening in it's implications.
And the reasons?
Well it's all such a tidy bundle for 'them', isn't it?
Yeah, war on terrorism, That'll do..
(Yeah, like the war on drugs)
What happened to the war on poverty?
And what of our poor brothers and sisters
in America?
Wanna know what kind of police state they now
find themselves living in?
(Texas is about to pass a bill that will classify
anyone supporting animal rights or environmental
groups as a terrorist.)
Ha! Unbelievable I know. But comparitively
trivial, and only the tip of Bilderberg dear chaps.
see here:
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war . . . and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
"According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1988 and last winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of business contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services to Iraq through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged petroleum-production infrastructure. The combined value of these contracts exceeded those of any other U.S. company doing business with Baghdad."
Still can't believe how bad things have gotten?
As long as they've got a war and eventually manage to dumb us all down to accepting that this
is the way things have to be and nothing we do
will stop them everything's dandy.
This might be too terrible for some to even
contemplate that it could happen. Sadly,
And it doesn't stop there.
Look at the new toys the military boys have:
In PLANET EARTH: THE LATEST WEAPON OF WAR, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, director of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, in Toronto, winner of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Global 500 Award and several honorary doctorates from leading universities, leader of the Bhopal and Chernobyl Medical Commissions--has undertaken collaborative research with numerous non-profit organizations to tell us of the mind-boggling present dangers.
At the Peoples’ Health Assembly in December 2000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr. Bertell revealed to a shocked and incredulous audience that ‘the latest weapons in the arsenal of the US military is Planet Earth itself ... and weather will be one of the worst destructive weapons by the year 2025’.
And guess what's happening people?
Yeah we're being ignored. Utterly.
People don't count, not even in their millions it seems.
We can always not vote for them next time eh?
If we actually get the chance...
It might be too late by then.
It mightn't matter whether we vote or not, or how anymore...
See here for how an unelected nincompoop and his
warmonger chums got into power
and here for more on the voting scam
One would feel that it all seems pretty hopeless right now.
What to do? Search me I'm only the messenger boy.
But do something!
And keep doing things.
Communicate. Disseminate. Inform. Be informed.
One brave newspaper,TV programme or other media organ that would actually ask the right questions and confront these emergent dictators would be splendid.
No-one has thus far.
Will anyone get the chance? Before it's too late.
Persistence alone is omnipotent.
I keep telling myself this.
That's why I'm typing here at 5.22 a.m. on Wednesday morning.
I reckon we need a pretty good contingency plan just now, imperative, this would seem to be an emergency of epic proportions!
A World strike? Total withdrawal of labour?
I found this:
(Stick together at least. United we stand. etc etc..)
Before we all fold up and capitulate.
And what we like to refer to as freedom
is finally lost to us all.
And none of us remember, or dare to remember
why we're on this planet and what we're
supposed to be doing.
It's possible I may disappear after sending this.
The meninblackandmkultraandthecia might come
for me and that's my lot.
Maybe it would be better if Saddam Hussein
simply scarpered. No need to blow the shit
out of Iraq then. One way or the other the
fatcontrollers want the oil, Iraq, control of the
middle East and Israel to help out.
And that's what they'll have, for a short while.
For so is it written.
Watch the skies.
Barrie V
Humour, Ha! We laugh in the face of adversity - we fart in your general direction..
needed a titter right now, but let's not let up people!
What the Military did next. (already)
Some of this might be way beyond the realms of what most people could imagine as being possible. But worth a look.
Best to get a perspective on the worst case sceanario.
And for an 'alternative' view try;
http://www.medialens.org or
Barrie V
Make your own minds up...
The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11
"After October 9, bin Laden's alleged paymaster could now be linked to a U.S. "ally" who spent
the days before 9/11 in deep consultation at the
Pentagon. The US authorities immediately went
into damage control mode by insisting on the
quiet retirement of the "outed" ISI chief. Thus
removed from the public eye, the ISI Chief's role
in all this could be effectively ignored, and an
American media black-out could be safely

So it looks like they're all going in.
Even though there is clearly no case for war.

They're going to bomb Iraq.
And kill innocent people.
And devastate yet another already
impoverished nation.
Ok Saddam Hussein night be a monster and
the people of Iraq would be better of without him.
(and the implementation of sanctions by the U.S and Britain, see

But the monster of worlwide Fascism creeping up
on us, thinly veiled behind an all too apparent
Big brother is also pretty frightening.
Everything has to have the stamp of
Uncle Sam's jackboot on it.
We've been here before..
The U.S. administration is the New Roman Empire, We are subjects.
But.. North Korea won't stand for it. Nor China. What then?
It would suit the U.S. Corporations and Military
to have this war. And it would suit them fine for
the world to be held to ransom and in a perpetual
state of war from this point on.
That's where all the money's going.
Economics, control of wealth, same as it's always been.
This whole thing has been patently concocted from the word GO.
And GO this time was 9-11. OK?
(and well before that actually,
but for our purposes, it'll do)
But see here also for 'their' grand plan, drafted and signed by Cheney, Rumsfeldt and co.

and here for the scheme for the Middle East, and therefore control of Eurasia - because that's what the game is all about right now.

and here for the corporate greedheads plan for Iraq

Very tidy.
Very convenient.
Just as J F Kennedy was not convenient.
Or his brother. Or countless others.
You and me.
What's that? Don't believe 'they' could do something as outrageous as this?
see here:

The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11
"After October 9, bin Laden's alleged paymaster could now be linked to a U.S. "ally" who spent the days before 9/11 in deep consultation at the Pentagon. The US authorities immediately went into damage control mode by insisting on the quiet retirement of the "outed" ISI chief. Thus removed from the public eye, the ISI Chief's role in all this could be effectively ignored, and an American media black-out could be safely assumed."
and here:

"On September 24, President George W. Bush appeared at a press conference in the White House Rose Garden to announce a crackdown on the financial networks of terrorists and those who support them. U.S. banks that have assets of these groups or individuals must freeze their accounts, Bush declared. And U.S. citizens or businesses are prohibited from doing business with them.
But the president, who is now enjoying an astounding 92 percent approval rating, hasn’t always practiced what he is now preaching: Bush’s own businesses were once tied to financial figures in Saudi Arabia who currently support bin Laden."
and here:

"Throughout the eighties, when the United States assisted the Saudis in a
giant military buildup of airfields, ports, and bases throughout the kingdom,
many of the contracts were awarded to the largest construction company in Saudi
Arabia, the Saudi Binladen Group, founded by Osama bin Laden’s father"
and here:

"Now you would think that being a business partner of the brother in law and alleged financier of "Enemy No. 1" would be considered a bona fide "conflict of interest", particularly when your mandate --as part of the 9/11 Commission's work-- is to investigate "Enemy No. 1". "

"Plutocracy is that form of government in which, instead of the people being represented by their elected officials, those with wealth "buy" the officials. Those officials then create laws and policies which produce obscene profits for the wealthy owners of corporations."
Time to open ones mind regarding the depths to which they will stoop.
The evidence available which shows all the
connections, the money, the network,
the corruption, is alarmingly strong,
and terribly frightening in it's implications.
And the reasons?
Well it's all such a tidy bundle for 'them', isn't it?
Yeah, war on terrorism, That'll do..
(Yeah, like the war on drugs)
What happened to the war on poverty?
And what of our poor brothers and sisters
in America?
Wanna know what kind of police state they now
find themselves living in?
(Texas is about to pass a bill that will classify
anyone supporting animal rights or environmental
groups as a terrorist.)
Ha! Unbelievable I know. But comparitively
trivial, and only the tip of Bilderberg dear chaps.
see here:

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war . . . and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

"According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1988 and last winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of business contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services to Iraq through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged petroleum-production infrastructure. The combined value of these contracts exceeded those of any other U.S. company doing business with Baghdad."
Still can't believe how bad things have gotten?
As long as they've got a war and eventually manage to dumb us all down to accepting that this
is the way things have to be and nothing we do
will stop them everything's dandy.
This might be too terrible for some to even
contemplate that it could happen. Sadly,
And it doesn't stop there.
Look at the new toys the military boys have:

In PLANET EARTH: THE LATEST WEAPON OF WAR, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, director of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, in Toronto, winner of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Global 500 Award and several honorary doctorates from leading universities, leader of the Bhopal and Chernobyl Medical Commissions--has undertaken collaborative research with numerous non-profit organizations to tell us of the mind-boggling present dangers.

At the Peoples’ Health Assembly in December 2000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dr. Bertell revealed to a shocked and incredulous audience that ‘the latest weapons in the arsenal of the US military is Planet Earth itself ... and weather will be one of the worst destructive weapons by the year 2025’.
And guess what's happening people?
Yeah we're being ignored. Utterly.
People don't count, not even in their millions it seems.
We can always not vote for them next time eh?
If we actually get the chance...
It might be too late by then.
It mightn't matter whether we vote or not, or how anymore...
See here for how an unelected nincompoop and his
warmonger chums got into power

and here for more on the voting scam

One would feel that it all seems pretty hopeless right now.
What to do? Search me I'm only the messenger boy.
But do something!
And keep doing things.
Communicate. Disseminate. Inform. Be informed.
One brave newspaper,TV programme or other media organ that would actually ask the right questions and confront these emergent dictators would be splendid.
No-one has thus far.
Will anyone get the chance? Before it's too late.
Persistence alone is omnipotent.
I keep telling myself this.
That's why I'm typing here at 5.22 a.m. on Wednesday morning.
I reckon we need a pretty good contingency plan just now, imperative, this would seem to be an emergency of epic proportions!
A World strike? Total withdrawal of labour?
I found this:

(Stick together at least. United we stand. etc etc..)
Before we all fold up and capitulate.
And what we like to refer to as freedom
is finally lost to us all.
And none of us remember, or dare to remember
why we're on this planet and what we're
supposed to be doing.
It's possible I may disappear after sending this.
The meninblackandmkultraandthecia might come
for me and that's my lot.
Maybe it would be better if Saddam Hussein
simply scarpered. No need to blow the shit
out of Iraq then. One way or the other the
fatcontrollers want the oil, Iraq, control of the
middle East and Israel to help out.
And that's what they'll have, for a short while.
For so is it written.
Watch the skies.
Barrie V
Humour, Ha! We laugh in the face of adversity - we fart in your general direction..

needed a titter right now, but let's not let up people!
What the Military did next. (already)

Some of this might be way beyond the realms of what most people could imagine as being possible. But worth a look.
Best to get a perspective on the worst case sceanario.
And for an 'alternative' view try;

Barrie V
Barrie V