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The British and the war in Iraq

Khane | 11.03.2003 09:34

How many oppose ?

According the latest polls what percentage of British citizens oppose the British government's decision on the War in Iraq issue ? Links to polls maybe ?



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How about this one?

11.03.2003 11:20

BBC Website:

Who do you agree with on Iraq?

*US and UK
*France and Russia

More than 71% say "France and Russia"


Which country really poses the greatest danger to world
peace in 2003?

*North Korea
*The United States

88% say "The United States"

ICM Poll for the BBC:

"Fewer than one out of every 10 Britons believe it would be right for the country to take part in a war against Iraq without the UN passing a new resolution in favour of it, the survey suggests.

And 45% of people polled said the UK should play no part in a war on Iraq - whatever the UN decides."

BBC poll
"Should UN inspectors be given more time"

Over 66% say "Yes"


Depends which polls you use as always

11.03.2003 11:32

All polls show that the majority (anywhere between 60 and 90%) would oppose a war without UN support

About 45%, according to a BBC poll around February 17, opposed war even with a UN resolution

The News of the World (a Murdoch organization) claimed last weekend about 60% support for war with UN support -- but the sample size was 700 or so, when poll samples normally are above 1000, suggesting to some that some of the polling results were quietly eliminated to tilt the polls in a direction which favours Murdoch's Bush/Likud/andi-European foreign policy agenda


bbc couldn't find pro war voice for interview

11.03.2003 13:12

I was recently phone interviewed by james braithwaite of the bbc, looking for someone to speak on a drivetime radio show about the war. He asked me my views, then said "oh, thats a problem, we have plenty of anti-war voices allready, everyone we phone is anti-war. You don't know anyone who is pro-war do you?" so I was like, "if everyone you ask is anti war, why not reflect that in the panel on this show?" to which he responded that they'd "get blasted" if they didn't include some pro-war voices...
well, they have to maintain their "unbiased" reporting stance, accurately reflecting "both" sides of the argument....


Re: BBC Coul not find a pro- war voice

19.07.2004 15:08

When the BBC said they could not find a pro - war voice, they probably meant that they could not find a pro- war voice among their usual gang of Cronys - e.g the Guardian, Tariq Ali, Tony Benn, Polly Toynbee. They are generally biased in that they only have left- wingers on.

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