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New Yorker exposes Dr Strangelove

Lights | 11.03.2003 07:24

Seymour Hersh reveals that Richard Perle, the brains behind the war on Iraq, has a company that stands to make millions out of the war - and pressured Saudi Arabia to invest in it. Perle's comment on CNN: "Hersh is a terrorist..."

Quote: 'There is a split personality to Perle,' Bandar said. 'Here he is, on the one hand, trying to make a hundred-million-dollar deal, and, on the other hand, there were elements of the appearance of blackmail— If we get in business, he’ll back off on Saudi Arabia —as I have been informed by participants in the meeting.'

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11.03.2003 13:36

So Mr. Perle (who is guilty of a grievous hair crime, if nothing else) has a holiday home in Marseilles. Maybe Jose Bove and some of his compatriots could pay it a visit. I'm sure its dismantlement would be cheered the world over.
