24 arrests as soldiers' families join peace protest in gulf war garrison town
Colchester Peace Campaign | 10.03.2003 19:00
On Saturday 8th March the streets of the garrison town of Colchester were brought to a standstill by anti-war campaigners.
Over 500 local residents joined the protest against the deployment of the Colchester based 16th Air assault Brigade to the Gulf. The march included many soldiers families demanding that the troops be brought back home now.
The protesters then marched to the gates of the Brigade HQ, the Goojerat Barracks, where they held a 'peoples parliament' and a sit down protest.
In the face of a massive police presence, a campaign of civil disobedience was launched, with 27 people being arrested. The townsfolk made it clear that they would take more direct action against the war, which they regard as being mass murder in the interets of oil and profit.
Colchester Peace Campaign
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