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paranoid android | 10.03.2003 15:16

USAF Fairford was broken into again by over twenty people (at least) on March the 9th. Our trespass delayed military aircraft take off for half an hour... A small step in the grand scheme of things but proof we can have an effect on the American war effort

USAF Fairford has the longest run way in Europe and is the closest military airfield to Iraq capable of housing B-52 bombers, except for Diego Garcia. It is from these two airfields that the attempt will be made to level Baghdad in the coming weeks. These bombers are there now and are still arriving.
A group of committed young activists decided the situation was urgent and required immediate direct action despite the fact that the next mass action called for USAF Fairford is not until the 22nd of March. These activists avoided the main protest and instead made their way straight to the runway and planes. The fences were breached in at least ten places according to police radio and despite the police dogs and cop vans many people had a good run around, four of whom sat down to blockade the runway. A number of other activists breached an arms dump while munitions were being transferred to the bombers.
At least twenty people were arrested. The police seemed much more eager to charge than previous protests and nearly all those arrested were charged with aggravated trespass and bailed on condition that they avoid all military establishments and the entire surrounding area of Fairford.
However we will not give in! But we need larger numbers of people who are not afraid to stand up to the American warmongers and their British servants. If a small number of people, mainly students can achieve this level of disruption despite the large police presence then imagine what a few hundred more can accomplish on the 22nd of March.
Also continuous pressure must be applied, with smaller scale autonomous protests carried out with the element of surprise. We’ve got them running scared which is why they’ve tried to restrain us from coming back. Small affinity groups can achieve can cause a great deal of disruption when the authorities aren’t ready for you. We will ignore their repressive measures and continue to struggle against the use of our land to wage war.

paranoid android


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Chop the wheels off!!

10.03.2003 20:32

Would doing small but critical amounts of damage to the undercarriage of these bombers prevent them from moving AT ALL until they are fixed....?

hammering nails into the tyres? cutting hydrolic lines? maybe something more serious but simple to do could throw a major spanner into the Yankee UK-based military machine...


Fairford - get real

11.03.2003 21:37

It's about you lot grew up and stopped taking for granted that the fact that you are able to spout off in such a manner is actually due to the fact that........wait for live in a DEMOCRACY.....has that turned on any light-bulbs???

Do you honestly think that camping behind the Axe and Compass by night and fucking about by day is going to achieve anything???

Baghdad is NOT going to be levelled and civilians are not going to be targeted - they never have been - civilians HAVE been targeted in Iraq eg Halabja being the best but not the only known site - where were you then - if you feel that strongly go to Iraq now - or does it clash with your signing-on dates ?

During the early 1940s people fought and died so that you could live in a country where you do not have to look over your shoulder every 5 minutes in case - should you disagree - there might be a knock at the door and you, your family and relatives several generations removed.........will be removed -

If you really DO feel that strongly i urge you to emigrate and go there and make your feelings known to Sadaam ( a curse on his moustache ) -

Bi for now..........Loz.

rolling thunder - the irony will be lost