Join Labour and stop the war
Infiltrators Against State Terrorism | 09.03.2003 14:16
It might sound an odd idea to those campaigning for peace, but if the peace campaign infiltrates and takes over the Labour Party, Blair's capitalist, imperialist aggression will be defeated.
In the past few months, socialists have left Labour in their thousands due to Blair's imperialist stance. This has strengthened the war camp within Labour and helped make it easier for Blair to wage war. Although it might repulse us, joining Labour and giving the anti-war anti-capitalist element a base within the membership will strengthen those who wish to bring down Blair. It's a position advanced by Labour Against the War ( and should be taken up now, ahead of a potential challenge to Blair's leadership in September/October.
So join Labour and beat the bastards.

So join Labour and beat the bastards.
Infiltrators Against State Terrorism