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Petroleum, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Moronic Bureaucrats

Jon Chance | 09.03.2003 13:51

Although Interpol still claims to be "apolitical", it's recently been posting more and more political propaganda, perhaps due to the influence of such wannabe Americans like "NWO" bureaucrat Ronald Kenneth Noble, who worked for the money-laundering "U.S. Treasury" and the Federal Reserve Corporation's Internal Ripoff Service....

We've been advised that this web site regarding Fletcher Prouty, who was correct about MANY but not ALL things, might be a source of some disinformation, particularly his opinions regarding oil and his lack of information on Zionism.

Updated investigations regarding JFK, the Mossad, the Federal Reserve Corporation and 9-11 are shedding new light on previous assumptions about the so-called secret "cabal" or global "elite", most of whom have now been exposed as bankrupt shysters.

According to Buckminster Fuller in CRITICAL PATH, "Scientifically faithful, synergetically integrated, time-energy elecrochemical process accounting shows that it costs energetic Universe more than a million dollars [1980 FRDs] to produce each gallon of petroleum when the amount of energy as heat and pressure used for the length of time necessary to produce that gallon of petroleum is charged for the New York Con Edison's retail kilowatt-hour rates for that much electricity."

No wonder why Fuller's brilliant books - like many others - were no longer published or distributed after the media-money monopoly hijacked America during the "roaring" 1980s.

Old crooks at the Criminal Ignorance Agency say such absurdities as, "International terrorism, both on its own and in conjunction with narcotics traffickers, international criminals and those seeking weapons of mass destruction. You need go no further than Usama Bin Ladin...." - DCI George J. Tenet, Oscar Iden Lecture, Georgetown University, October 18, 1999

Tenet can't even speak in sentences. Like Bush, he's probably drugged by the Mossad.

I'm not sure you need go further than the Rothschild Group and their Mossad agents to find your primary source of terrorism, narcotics trafficking and weapons of mass destruction: (not to be confused with INSA)

I've not yet checked Prouty's sources regarding the origins of oil, but to call it "renewable" energy is an abuse of the word, like the big lie that nuclear power is "clean".

As I ask nuclear power advocates, including the Lyndon LaRuse group, "If you're willing to pay for the insurance, and you don't mind the radioactive waste, why don't you put nuclear reactors and the waste in your own basement?"

Besides Prouty, other sources of information that used to be rather reliable are also being degraded, such as .

Although Interpol still claims to be "apolitical", it's recently been posting more and more political propaganda, perhaps due to the influence of such wannabe Americans like "NWO" bureaucrat Ronald Kenneth Noble, who worked for the money-laundering "U.S. Treasury" and the Federal Reserve Corporation's Internal Ripoff Service.

What do you expect from a little ass-kissing lawyer-liar raised in New Jersey?

One look at Ron's "credentials" of working for transnational white-collar terrorists who steal your tax money (and much more) sheds enough light on the pathetic situation for one to shed more tears for the fate of our nation and the world:

"Nominated by the Interpol Executive Committee in July 1999, and confirmed by the 69th General Assembly on November 2nd 2000, Interpol's new Secretary General Ronald K. Noble has extensive international law enforcement expertise.

"Currently Professor of Law at the New York University School of Law, his law enforcement career includes service in both the US Department of Justice and Treasury.

[I graduated from NYU. Like most so-called "universities", it's less than worthless. Presently I'm seeking a refund for their silly degree and compensation for my valuable time they squandered trying to "educate" me.]

"In addition to service as an Assistant US Attorney and Deputy Assistant Attorney General he more recently was Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the US Treasury Department from 1989 to 1996. In this position he had command overseeing several of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States: The Secret Service [helped murder JFK - very impressive], the Customs Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms [murdered innocent people at Waco and many other places], the federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the Office of Foreign Assets Control, and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service.

[Unless Ron is a secret double-agent working for American citizens rather than transnational corporations, sounds like he could use a few decades in a concentration camp meditating on the meaning of life and citizenship.]

"A former member of Interpol's Executive Committee, Ronald K Noble has also been President of the 26-national Financial Action Task Force, the anti-money laundering organisation established by the G7 in 1989.

[That's an obvious conflict of "interest".]

"Raised in New Jersey, US, and Germany, Mr Noble holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of New Hampshire and a J.D. from Stanford University Law School."

Well, Ron, care for a televised debate about your so-called "law-enforcement" and "economic" expertise? Or will you hide from the public like the rest of "our" cowardly, bribed and blackmailed government bureaucrats, trying to run the entire world like it's another counter-productive business dependent on corporate welfare and the Fed's counterfeit money?

Anyway, since I'm running for President in 2004 as a radical republican, I'd rather debate deranged puppet-politicians like Dubya, John Forbes "Skull & Bones" Kerry, Joseph "Mossad" Lieberman, Hillary "BCCI" Clinton, or any of the other pathetic thieves in the Democratic Party.

Better yet, how about a fair-and-square person-to-person fist-fight? What will Ari Flyshit and gang have to say about that?

Let me check the FEC's rules and regulations on hand-to-hand "elections" and get back to you fellas.

Meanwhile, as the global casino "economy" collapses, perhaps citizens will find this alternative to political-financial fraud rather refreshing:

Jon Chance
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Dear jon

09.03.2003 15:04

If I wasn't a limey, I'd vote for you, if only for exposing me to the B.Fuller notion of the real 'cost' of petroleum!
I believe that should this prove to be a reasonable [scientifically valid] point, then it ranks as one of the most fundamentally damning lines of evidence against the petrodollar dictatorship. I shall persue the info-line given for my own examination.
Many thanks, always entertaining and imformative to read your stuff.

mail e-mail:

Buckminster Fuller...

09.03.2003 16:00

Wasn't he an archetict, who designed a geomerticial dome building in the 1920s, which in the late 80s gave rise to 'buckminsterfullerine', a new form of carbon with a moulecular sturcutre of a similar shape to Fuller's designs?

Thomas J

whole scam is unsustainable...

09.03.2003 17:39

sure agree entirely .
Same goes for Petro chemical by products plastics and chemical products. The waste from these industries is handled by experts known, not only in Italy, as the "Eco Mafia".
Everything at the dirty end of the capitalist system is handled by organized crime. The proceeds are quickly and efficently laundered and flow back into the system, where they effectively oil the wheels of capitalism.
Same goes for the arms industry, the mafia delivers the arms of mass destruction to there proud new owner who ever where ever, just a question of how much ..



10.03.2003 03:13

That site is administered by Len Osanic from While there may be things in error, I doubt any of it is done with intent to misinform. Len is a nice guy, with his heart in the right place. You can get a good idea for who he is from all the radio programs he's produced. He can be a little spacey sometimes (huge body of info makes it hard to always been 100% lucid), but he demonstrates absolutely no signs of being government plant or somesuch. And as to Prouty's view about oil, he actually did, at times, express agreement with the theory that there's a large pool of oil deeper in the Earth's crust, and that this oil can sometimes refill some oil fields. It's not that it's a renewable resource, but this theory contends that there's more of the stuff than we know about, deeper down. This is definitely a minority opinion to say the least, but there are a very small handful of scientists that consider it possible.

You have been "advised" about the site (the primary domain, not the one you noted above). What does that really mean? ;-)

Your message kind of seems like it's making an extra effort to cast Prouty in a negative light, and you've always come off as a near worshiper of Buckminster Fuller. John, chill out. Don't worship anyone. ;-) Not Fuller, not Prouty, not your mom -- no one.
