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Report from Manchester Peace Camp

heather | 08.03.2003 20:28

Come and join us in the Peace Gardens, Manchester City Centre. Whats a little rain and mud compared with
what the Iraqi people will suffer and the Afghanis have already suffered? This is the same war. Everyone welcome. Hope to see you there.

Despite the endless rain and heavy mud, things are good. We got the tents up early this morning, made banners and hung them from the trees (I must remember to bring WATERPROOF paint next time!!). There was lots of media interest. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the giant No to War banner up across the front of the town hall because it was as big as the building and too heavy for the ropes when wet.
Thanks to everyone who is supporting the peace camp, for the chairs, the Iraqi food, the brazier. We hope to keep going as long as we can. After Monday if we can get enough people who will stay.
So far, there has been no trouble despite this being the city centre on a Saturday, we have had loads of support from people and have made the big frame tent into an open discussion space. Tonight we will have a samba band to drive away the rain.
Please come down and join us. We need people to keep this going. It should be a permanent focal point for peace in the city.
If you can help just come down or email or to see whats going on after Monday.

Ps. The demo was good too!!

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08.03.2003 21:15

Manchester is great with all the many anti-war events.
Honor and thanks to organizers and helpers.


Rockin' in Manchester

08.03.2003 21:28

The march was a blast despite the weather. We made a banner which withstood the rain - use acryllic paint ;) See you all at the peace camp. No war!!


Manchester Demo

09.03.2003 07:16

As a steward by Urbis I missed the main demo. We need a report and a few foties of the demo and rally in Albert Square. Over 20.000 marched in pouring rain and packed the square. All best to the peace campers.
