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Sheffield anti-war Picture

Rob | 08.03.2003 14:40 | Anti-militarism | Sheffield

Anti War Protesters take to the streets of Sheffield today (8/3/03) in one of the anti war protests happening around the country
Protesters pass the winter gardens in Sheffield

Sheffield anti-war Picture
Sheffield anti-war Picture




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Sheffield Anti-War

08.03.2003 18:25

Today, I spent 20 minutes face-to-face with David Blunkett, my MP & also Home Secretary in the British Government. I told him straight. Having made sure I was well-informed (ie actually acquainted with the facts of the matter), I spoke from my heart. I tried to speak on behalf of those who are about to die in Iraq.

I hope the echo of my voice will nag his conscience.

I'll write more about what I said to him & his feeble (let's be honest) replies, as soon as I get time.

Meanwhile, here's the e-mail I sent him as follow-up to our meeting:Dear Mr Blunkett,

Thank-you for meeting me.

I trust you will read the documents I gave you. Also, please seek out 'Project for a New American Century' & 'A Clean Break, A New Strategy for the Realm', which should be essential reading for every member of Cabinet (especially Jack Straw & Mr Blair). These are what inform the Foreign Policy of the present American Administration.

Also, think hard about what I said concerning the petro-dollar. And explain to me why Britain isn't supporting the petro-Euro.

Above all, re-examine your conscience hard.

- This war IS illegal (vide Nuremberg Tribunal, UN Charter).

- The UN resolution about protecting children from war (passed in 2000) stands & is subject of an EDM in Parliament.

- UN Resolution 687 named Israel as well as Iraq as countries that must dispose of WMDs.

The new Bush doctrine of pre-emptive strike (& political assassination) is disruptive of International order & can equally be applied against the USA & UK.

The sine qua non of any morality is the categorical imperative or Golden Rule (do unto others as you would be done by). So if Britain invades another country, it's OK for another country to invade us. That's the logic!

Within weeks British soldiers will be walking into Depleted Uranium dust-storms.... (from the last Gulf War), while 'Coalition' planes are dropping more D.U.

800 Cruise Missiles will be launched in the first 48 hours. Daisy-cutter & M.O.A.B. bombs will be used. By the UNs own estimate, the number of casualties (deaths) will be massive. There will be a humanitarian disaster on a scale not even Saddam has managed.

If, as a member of HM Government, you support this, you are as culpable of War Crimes as Mr Blair.

As Home Secretary, you will be faced with the consequences of increased Terrorism & great civil unrest.

You will not be representing the will of the people of Sheffield by supporting this war.

Use the influence you have to oppose this war. Resign now. Failing that you will fall with Blair. I write this to you with a very heavy heart, having been a lifelong Labour supporter. (I told you I canvassed for Jack Straw in Islington 70/71).

The worldwide opposition to this war is solid, hard & determined.

Bush is splitting the UN, Europe, & the Labour Party.

Please use the intelligence I'm sure you have AND the heart I know you have to make History & take a stand against this obscene oil war.

You will be rewarded with the sincere THANKS (& votes) of millions.

We all want to live in peace, so don't start a war! Daily I receive e-mails from Iraq telling me that ordinary Iraqi people don't want to have bombs dropped on them. Bush is the last person qualified to talk about democracy. Democracy is not dropped on people from 30,000 feet in the form of high-explosives.

I could outline to you at least TEN alternative scenarios to war that would actually get rid of Saddam Hussein (who will DIE soon, anyway) & help the Iraqi people without destabilising the region.

But, probably, my MP isn't really interested in hearing any more from one of his little constituents.

Re-examine your conscience & also acquaint yourself with the inconvenient FACTS which go against this dangerous war. Remember: violence is never a good solution. It may solve one problem temporarily but always creates other problems. War always has unintended & unforeseen consequences. History shows that, & we all know how important History is to Mr Blair!

Yours sincerely,

Davy King

Davy King
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